C FBECRE SOURCE BECC 09/12/07 21:15:16 6579 & reacoe, aprop, Runiv, & Tmaxcv, & cnna, ctna, ct1na, & wvec_l, & wvec_r, & wwork, y, acv_l, acv_r, acv_b, acv_w , & flu, f_lag, cellt, & logan) C c************************************************************************ c c project : c c name : fbecre C reaction shock in WDF, CJDF, CJDT, SDT c c description : Reactive Euler equations for a mixture of reactive C thermally perfect gases. c c Shock-shock fds + entropy fix, implemented in a C "Discrete Equation Method" fashion. c c Voir: c 1) Beccantini, report ??? C 2) Metayer, Massoni, Saurel, "Modelling C evaporations fronts with reactive Riemann C solvers.", JCP 205, 2005 c c language : fortran 77 c c author : a. beccantini den/dm2s/sfme/ltmf c c************************************************************************ c c called sub : prithe, racre2, flufun C C called by : comres c c************************************************************************ c c**** input C C ndim = dimension of the domain c c nesp = species involved in the Euler equations C C nLHS = species involved in the LHS of the global C reaction c c nordp0 = polynomial order of the cv c c reacoe = coefficient involved in the global reaction c (positive in the LHS, negative in the RHS... c the first one should be positive) c c aprop = gas properties (cv, molar mass, formation C energy) c C Runiv = universal gas constant c C Tmaxcv = Tmax for cv expansion C C cnna, ctna, ct1na = scalar products C (\vec{n},\vec{n}_{\rm alpha}) C (\vec{t},\vec{n}_{\rm alpha}) C (\vec{t1},\vec{n}_{\rm alpha}) C HP. We suppose that \vec{n}_{\rm alpha} is C always from the burnt to the unburnt state C c wvec_l = left primitive variables c c wvec_r = right primitive variables C C NB Primitive variables = C C w(1) = rho C w(2) = ux C w(3) = uy C w(4) = uz C w(2+ndim) = p C w(3+ndim) = csi C w(3+ndim+1) = yf(1) C ... C w(3+ndim+nLHS) = yf(nLHS) C w(3+ndim+nLHS+1) = yi(nLHS+1) C ... C w(3+ndim+nesp-1) = yi(nesp-1) C w(3+ndim+nesp) = dy1t = yi(1) - yf(1) C w(4+ndim+nesp) = k0 C C For ndim = 1, the total number of variables C is 4 + 1 + nesp = 5 + nesp. c c wwork, y, acv_l, C acv_r, acv_b, C acv_w = temporary work vectors C wwork(4+ndim+nesp), y(1:nesp), C acv_l(0:nordpo), C acv_r(0:nordpo), C acv_b(0:nordpo), C acv_w (0:nordpo) C c**** output c c flu = Eulerian interfacial flux in (n,t1,t2), i.e. c rho*un mass C rho*un*un + p momentum along n C rho*un*ut1 momentum along t1 * rho*un*ut2 momentum along t2 C rho*un*ht energy c 0.0 alpha C rho*un*y_{1,f} mass * y_{1,f} C ... C rho*un*y_{nLHS+1,i} mass * y_{nLHS+1,i} c ... C rho*un*dy_{1,t} mass * dy_{1,t} C rho*un*k0 mass * k0 C C NB. flu(1:(4+ndim+nesp)) c C f_lag = Lagrangian interfacial flux on the reactive C discontinuty in (n,t1,t2), i.e. c rho*(un - D_resh) mass C rho*un*un + p - (D_resh rho un) momentum along n C rho*(un - D_resh)*ut1 momentum along t1 C rho*(un - D_resh)*ut2 momentum along t2 C rho*un*ht - (D_resh rho et) energy c - D_resh alpha c rho*(un - D_resh)*y_{1,f} mass * y_{1,f} C ... C C NB. f_lag(1:(4+ndim+nesp)) C c c cellt = stability condition, i.e. c c dt/dx < cellt (dimension 1/velocity) c c logan = si true, anomaly detected c c************************************************************************ c C 07/12/2009 created C c************************************************************************ c c n.b.: all variables are declared c c implicit none integer ndim, nesp, nLHS, nordpo, iter integer icomp real*8 rind_l real*8 reacoe(nesp), aprop(0:(nordpo+2),nesp), Runiv, Tmaxcv & , wvec_l(4+ndim+nesp), wvec_r(4+ndim+nesp) & , flu(4+ndim+nesp) & , f_lag(4+ndim+nesp), cellt real*8 wwork(4+ndim+nesp) & , acv_l(0:nordpo), acv_r(0:nordpo), acv_b(0:nordpo) & , acv_w(0:nordpo) $ , y(1:nesp) real*8 csi0, csi1, k0 real*8 scnna, cnna, ctna, ct1na real*8 gam_b, Rgas_b, cv_b, hf_b, rho_b, u_b(1:3), un_b, p_b, T_b & , et_b, csi_b & , gam_l, Rgas_l, cv_l, hf_l, rho_l, u_l(1:3), p_l, T_l & , et_l, csi_l & , gam_r, Rgas_r, cv_r, hf_r, rho_r, u_r(1:3), p_r, T_r & , et_r, csi_r & , un_r, un_l, q real*8 u_l1, u_r1 real*8 d_l, d_r real*8 rho_d, p_d, un_d, T_d, d_d & , rho_c, p_c, un_c, T_c, d_c & , d_b & , rho_a, p_a, un_a, T_a, d_a real*8 xst, flurho, fluru, fluret, coefy, omcoey & , trekin, D_resh, k0new real*8 coefd, d_o & , k0m & , d_lm, d_rm & , rho_dm, p_dm, un_dm, T_dm, d_dm & , rho_cm, p_cm, un_cm, T_cm, d_cm & , rho_bm, p_bm, un_bm, T_bm, d_bm & , rho_am, p_am, un_am, T_am, d_am & , k0n & , d_ln, d_rn & , rho_dn, p_dn, un_dn, T_dn, d_dn & , rho_cn, p_cn, un_cn, T_cn, d_cn & , rho_bn, p_bn, un_bn, T_bn, d_bn & , rho_an, p_an, un_an, T_an, d_an & , k0o & , d_lo, d_ro & , rho_do, p_do, un_do, T_do, d_do & , rho_co, p_co, un_co, T_co, d_co & , rho_bo, p_bo, un_bo, T_bo, d_bo & , rho_ao, p_ao, un_ao, T_ao, d_ao C logical logan logical lognc logical logdeb, logk0n C logdeb = debugging ? C logk0n = .true. : instead of k0, we take k0 * abs(cnna) C .false. : instead of k0, we take k0 * abs(cnna) parameter (logdeb = .false., logk0n = .true.) C C HP $\vec{n}_{\rm \alpha}$ is always from the burnt to the unburnt C region C scnna = sign(1.0D0, cnna) C C In the reactive case, we have to distingish between 6 different C states C C l = burnt state (csi = csimax) C | Left GNL wave C ls = connected to l by a GNL wave (csi = csimax) C = d C | Contact discontinuty C rsss = connected to rss by a rarefaction wave (true C in CJDF and CJDT regime, = rss in WDF and SDT) C (csi = csimax) C = c C | Rarefaction wave C rss = connected to rs by a reactive wave (csi = csimax) C = b C | Reactive shock (WDF, CJDF, CJDT, SDT) C rs = connected to r by a GNL wave (csi = csimin) C in SDT, state behind the non-reactive shock travelling C at the same speed than the reactive shock C = a C | Right GNL wave C r = unburnt state (csi = csimin) C C C In the non-reactive case, we have to distingish between 4 different C states: C C l = burnt/unburnt state C | Left GNL wave C ls = connected to l by a GNL wave C = b C | Contact discontinuty C rs = connected to r by a GNL wave C = a C | Right GNL wave C r = burnt/unburnt state C csi0 = wvec_l(ndim+3) csi1 = wvec_r(ndim+3) C C csi0 = 0 or 1 C csi1 = 0 or 1 C if (abs(csi0 - csi1) .lt. 1.0D-1)then C if (.false.) then C C************************************************************************ C******* NON REACTIVE CASE ********************************************** C************************************************************************ C $ Tmaxcv,wvec_l,gam_l, Rgas_l, cv_l, acv_l, hf_l, rho_l, $ u_l, p_l, T_l,y, et_l, csi_l, logan) if (logan) then write(*,'(/A8)') 'fbecre.f' write(*,*) 'ANOMALY DETECTED 01' goto 9999 endif C $ Tmaxcv,wvec_r,gam_r, Rgas_r, cv_r, acv_r, hf_r, rho_r, $ u_r, p_r, T_r,y, et_r, csi_r, logan) if (logan) then write(*,'(/A8)') 'fcolre.f' write(*,*) 'ANOMALY DETECTED 02' goto 9999 endif C un_l = u_l(1) un_r = u_r(1) C & Rgas_l, acv_l, Rgas_r, acv_r, & rho_l, p_l, un_l, T_l, gam_l, & rho_r, p_r, un_r, T_r, gam_r, & d_l, d_r, & rho_b, p_b, un_b, T_b, d_b, & rho_a, p_a, un_a, T_a, d_a, & logan, lognc) C cellt = max (abs(d_l), abs(d_r)) C C******* States C C l C *** C |* r C | * b ********* C | ******* *| C | | * a * | C | | ************* | C | | | | | C | | | | | C d_l d_b un_b=un_a d_a d_r C C xst = 0.0D0 & Tmaxcv, Rgas_r, acv_r, & Rgas_l, acv_l, acv_w, & xst, & d_l, d_b, d_a, d_r, & rho_l, T_l, un_l, hf_l, & rho_b, T_b, un_b, & rho_a, T_a, un_a, & rho_r, T_r, un_r, hf_r, & flurho, fluru, fluret) C flu(1) = flurho flu(2) = fluru flu(2+ndim) = fluret flu(3+ndim) = 0.0d0 C The Larrouturou theorem does hold C Namely un_a (= un_b) has the same sign as flurho C write (*,*) un_d, un_c, flurho C un_ls > 0 => coefy = 1 coefy = 0.5d0 * (1.0d0 + sign(1.0d0, flurho)) omcoey = 1.0d0 - coefy C Tangential speeds (ndim .ge. 2) do icomp = 3, (ndim + 1), 1 flu(icomp) = flurho * ((coefy * wvec_l(icomp)) + & (omcoey * wvec_r(icomp))) enddo do icomp = (ndim + 4), (ndim + nesp + 4), 1 flu(icomp) = flurho * ((coefy * wvec_l(icomp)) + & (omcoey * wvec_r(icomp))) enddo C Kinetic energy flux trekin = 0.0D0 do icomp = 2, ndim, 1 trekin = trekin + (((coefy * wvec_l(icomp + 1)) + & (omcoey * wvec_r(icomp + 1))) ** 2) enddo trekin = 0.5D0 * trekin flu(2+ndim) = flu(2+ndim) + (flurho * trekin) C C******* f_lag is here not defined !!! C else C C************************************************************************ C******* REACTIVE CASE ************************************************** C************************************************************************ C C We define the left state such that csi_l > csi_r C if (csi0 .gt. csi1) then k0 = wvec_r(4+ndim+nesp) rind_l = 1.0D0 C C The rss (b) state is the burnt state relatively to the C right and right star (a) state. It has the same value of csi as C the left state. C Note that this state has not necessary the same mass C fractions as the left state. C We compute the physical properties of the rss (b) state C namely C gam_b, Rgas_b, cv_b, acv_b, hf_b. C The other physical values are of course meaningless! C do icomp = 1, (nesp + 4 + ndim), 1 wwork(icomp) = wvec_r(icomp) enddo wwork(3+ndim) = wvec_l(3+ndim) C $ Tmaxcv,wwork,gam_b, Rgas_b, cv_b, acv_b, hf_b, $ rho_b, u_b, p_b, T_b ,y, et_b, csi_b, logan) un_b = u_b(1) if (logan) then write(*,'(/A8)') 'fbecre.f' write(*,*) 'ANOMALY DETECTED 1' goto 9999 endif C C The left state is considered as the burnt state. C We compute the physical properties of the left state, namely C gam_l, Rgas_l, cv_l, acv_l, hf_l. C We also compute the physical variable on the left, namely C rho_l, u_l, p_l, T_L, et_l and also csi_r C $ Tmaxcv,wvec_l,gam_l, Rgas_l, cv_l, acv_l, hf_l, rho_l, $ u_l, p_l, T_l,y, et_l, csi_l, logan) if (logan) then write(*,'(/A8)') 'fbecre.f' write(*,*) 'ANOMALY DETECTED 2' goto 9999 endif C C We compute the normal speed in the frame C (\vec{n}_{\rm alpha}, \vec{t}_{\rm alpha}, C \vec{t1}_{\rm alpha}) C u_l1 = u_l(1) * cnna * scnna if (ndim .ge. 2) then u_l1 = u_l1 + (u_l(2) * ctna * scnna) endif if (ndim .eq. 3) then u_l1 = u_l1 + (u_l(3) * ct1na * scnna) endif C C The right state is considered as the unburnt state. C We compute the physical properties of the right state, namely C gam_r, Rgas_r, cv_r, acv_r, hf_r. C We also compute the physical variable on the left, namely C rho_r, u_r, p_r, T_r, et_r, csi_r C $ Tmaxcv,wvec_r,gam_r, Rgas_r, cv_r, acv_r, hf_r, rho_r, $ u_r, p_r, T_r,y, et_r, csi_r, logan) if (logan) then write(*,'(/A8)') 'fcolre.f' write(*,*) 'ANOMALY DETECTED 3' goto 9999 endif u_r1 = u_r(1) * cnna * scnna if (ndim .ge. 2) then u_r1 = u_r1 + (u_r(2) * ctna * scnna) endif if (ndim .eq. 3) then u_r1 = u_r1 + (u_r(3) * ct1na * scnna) endif else rind_l = -1.0D0 k0 = wvec_l(4+ndim+nesp) C do icomp = 1, (nesp + 4 + ndim), 1 wwork(icomp)=wvec_l(icomp) enddo wwork(3+ndim)=wvec_r(3+ndim) C $ Tmaxcv,wwork,gam_b, Rgas_b, cv_b, acv_b, hf_b, $ rho_b, u_b, p_b, T_b, y, et_b, csi_b, logan) un_b = u_b(1) if (logan) then write(*,'(/A8)') 'fcolre.f' write(*,*) 'ANOMALY DETECTED 4' goto 9999 endif C $ Tmaxcv,wvec_r,gam_l, Rgas_l, cv_l, acv_l, hf_l, rho_l, $ u_l, p_l, T_l,y, et_l, csi_l, logan) if (logan) then write(*,'(/A8)') 'fcolre.f' write(*,*) 'ANOMALY DETECTED 5' goto 9999 endif u_l1 = u_l(1) * cnna * scnna if (ndim .ge. 2) then u_l1 = u_l1 + (u_l(2) * ctna * scnna) endif if (ndim .eq. 3) then u_l1 = u_l1 + (u_l(3) * ct1na * scnna) endif C $ Tmaxcv,wvec_l,gam_r, Rgas_r, cv_r, acv_r, hf_r, rho_r, $ u_r, p_r, T_r,y, et_r, csi_r, logan) if (logan) then write(*,'(/A8)') 'fcolre.f' write(*,*) 'ANOMALY DETECTED 6' goto 9999 endif u_r1 = u_r(1) * cnna * scnna if (ndim .ge. 2) then u_r1 = u_r1 + (u_r(2) * ctna * scnna) endif if (ndim .eq. 3) then u_r1 = u_r1 + (u_r(3) * ct1na * scnna) endif endif un_r = rind_l * u_r(1) un_l = rind_l * u_l(1) u_r1 = rind_l * u_r1 u_l1 = rind_l * u_l1 C C**** Test C if (logdeb) then write(*,'(A23)') 'rho_r, p_r, t_r, u_r, u_r1' write(*,'(4E16.6)') rho_r, p_r, t_r, un_r, u_r1 write(*,'(A23)') 'rho_l, p_l, t_l, u_l, u_l1' write(*,'(4E16.6)') rho_l, p_l, t_l, un_l, u_l1 C stop endif C C C The reaction should be exothermic C q = hf_r - hf_b write(*,'(/A8)') 'fcolre.f' write(*,*) 'Endothermic reaction ??? ' write(*,*) 'q =', q logan = .true. goto 9999 endif q = 0.5d0 * (q + abs(q)) C C Computation of the speed of the wave C It can deal with vacuum C & Rgas_l, acv_l, Rgas_b, acv_b, Rgas_r, acv_r, & q, k0, & rho_l, p_l, u_l1, T_l, gam_l, & rho_r, p_r, u_r1, T_r, gam_r, & d_l, d_r, & rho_d, p_d, un_d, T_d, d_d, & rho_c, p_c, un_c, T_c, d_c, & rho_b, p_b, un_b, T_b, d_b, & rho_a, p_a, un_a, T_a, d_a, & logan, lognc) C if (ndim .eq. 1)then C C*************************** C********** 1D ************* C*************************** C cellt = max (abs(d_l), abs(d_r)) D_resh = d_b elseif (logk0n) then C C****************************** C********** K0 n \cdot n_a **** C****************************** C C C Intermediate state C It can deal with vacuum C k0new = max ((abs ((d_b - un_a) * cnna)), (k0*1.0D-3)) C k0new = k0 & Rgas_l, acv_l, Rgas_b, acv_b, Rgas_r, acv_r, & q, k0new, & rho_l, p_l, un_l, T_l, gam_l, & rho_r, p_r, un_r, T_r, gam_r, & d_l, d_r, & rho_d, p_d, un_d, T_d, d_d, & rho_c, p_c, un_c, T_c, d_c, & rho_b, p_b, un_b, T_b, d_b, & rho_a, p_a, un_a, T_a, d_a, & logan, lognc) C D_resh = d_b C if (logan) then write(*,'(/A8)') 'fbecre.f' write(*,*) 'ANOMALY DETECTED 7' goto 9999 endif C cellt = max (abs(d_l), abs(d_r)) C else C C****************************** C********** D n \cdot n_a ***** C****************************** C C C coefd = rind_l * cnna C write(*,*) 'd_b, k0 = ', d_b, k0 coefd = max( abs (cnna), 1.0D-3) d_o = d_b * coefd C C********** Linear interpolation C k0m = 1.0D-3 * k0 & Rgas_l, acv_l, Rgas_b, acv_b, Rgas_r, acv_r, & q, k0m, & rho_l, p_l, un_l, T_l, gam_l, & rho_r, p_r, un_r, T_r, gam_r, & d_lm, d_rm, & rho_dm, p_dm, un_dm, T_dm, d_dm, & rho_cm, p_cm, un_cm, T_cm, d_cm, & rho_bm, p_bm, un_bm, T_bm, d_bm, & rho_am, p_am, un_am, T_am, d_am, & logan, lognc) C if (logan) then write(*,'(/A8)') 'fbecre.f' write(*,*) 'ANOMALY DETECTED 8' goto 9999 endif k0m = abs (d_bm - un_am) C write(*,*) 'd_bm, k0m = ', d_bm, k0m C k0n = 1.0D3 * k0 & Rgas_l, acv_l, Rgas_b, acv_b, Rgas_r, acv_r, & q, k0n, & rho_l, p_l, un_l, T_l, gam_l, & rho_r, p_r, un_r, T_r, gam_r, & d_ln, d_rn, & rho_dn, p_dn, un_dn, T_dn, d_dn, & rho_cn, p_cn, un_cn, T_cn, d_cn, & rho_bn, p_bn, un_bn, T_bn, d_bn, & rho_an, p_an, un_an, T_an, d_an, & logan, lognc) C if (logan) then write(*,'(/A8)') 'fbecre.f' write(*,*) 'ANOMALY DETECTED 9' goto 9999 endif k0n = abs (d_bn - un_an) C write(*,*) 'd_bn, k0n = ', d_bn, k0n C if (d_o .le. d_bm) then d_l = d_lm d_r = d_rm C rho_d = rho_dm p_d = p_dm un_d = un_dm T_d = T_dm d_d = d_dm C rho_c = rho_cm p_c = p_cm un_c = un_cm T_c = T_cm d_c = d_cm C rho_b = rho_bm p_b = p_bm un_b = un_bm T_b = T_bm d_b = d_bm C rho_a = rho_am p_a = p_am un_a = un_am T_a = T_am d_a = d_am C C write(*,*) 'Sono piccolino come il Masakino !' C write(*,*) 'coefd , k0 =', coefd, k0m C write(*,*) 'do =', d_o C write(*,*) 'dn =', d_bn C write(*,*) 'dm =', d_bm C write(*,*) 'cnna =', cnna C C k0o = 1.0D-3 * k0 C do iter = 1, 10 C call racre2(nordpo, Tmaxcv, C & Rgas_l, acv_l, Rgas_b, acv_b, Rgas_r, acv_r, C & q, k0o, C & rho_l, p_l, un_l, T_l, gam_l, C & rho_r, p_r, un_r, T_r, gam_r, C & d_lo, d_ro, C & rho_do, p_do, un_do, T_do, d_do, C & rho_co, p_co, un_co, T_co, d_co, C & rho_bo, p_bo, un_bo, T_bo, d_bo, C & rho_ao, p_ao, un_ao, T_ao, d_ao, C & logan, lognc) C C if (logan) then C write(*,'(/A8)') 'fbecre.f' C write(*,*) 'ANOMALY DETECTED 10' C goto 9999 C endif C C k0o = d_bo - un_ao C write(*,*) k0o C C write(*,*) 'd_b0, k0o = ', d_bo, k0o C k0o = k0o + 0.1D0 * (k0n - k0m) C enddo C C stop C elseif (d_o .ge. d_bn) then d_l = d_ln d_r = d_rn C rho_d = rho_dn p_d = p_dn un_d = un_dn T_d = T_dn d_d = d_dn C rho_c = rho_cn p_c = p_cn un_c = un_cn T_c = T_cn d_c = d_cn C rho_b = rho_bn p_b = p_bn un_b = un_bn T_b = T_bn d_b = d_bn C rho_a = rho_an p_a = p_an un_a = un_an T_a = T_an d_a = d_an C C write(*,*) 'Sono piu grande del Masakino !' C write(*,*) 'coefd , k0 =', coefd, k0n C write(*,*) 'do =', d_o C write(*,*) 'dn =', d_bn C write(*,*) 'dm =', d_bm C write(*,*) 'cnna =', cnna CC C k0o = 1.0D-3 * k0 C do iter = 1, 11 C call racre2(nordpo, Tmaxcv, C & Rgas_l, acv_l, Rgas_b, acv_b, Rgas_r, acv_r, C & q, k0o, C & rho_l, p_l, un_l, T_l, gam_l, C & rho_r, p_r, un_r, T_r, gam_r, C & d_lo, d_ro, C & rho_do, p_do, un_do, T_do, d_do, C & rho_co, p_co, un_co, T_co, d_co, C & rho_bo, p_bo, un_bo, T_bo, d_bo, C & rho_ao, p_ao, un_ao, T_ao, d_ao, C & logan, lognc) C C if (logan) then C write(*,'(/A8)') 'fbecre.f' C write(*,*) 'ANOMALY DETECTED 10' C goto 9999 C endif C C k0o = d_bo - un_ao C write(*,*) k0o C C write(*,*) 'd_b0, k0o = ', d_bo, k0o C k0o = k0o + 0.1D0 * (k0n - k0m) C enddo CC C stop C else k0o = ((d_o - d_bm) * (k0n - k0m) / (d_bn - d_bm)) + k0m & Rgas_l, acv_l, Rgas_b, acv_b, Rgas_r, acv_r, & q, k0o, & rho_l, p_l, un_l, T_l, gam_l, & rho_r, p_r, un_r, T_r, gam_r, & d_lo, d_ro, & rho_do, p_do, un_do, T_do, d_do, & rho_co, p_co, un_co, T_co, d_co, & rho_bo, p_bo, un_bo, T_bo, d_bo, & rho_ao, p_ao, un_ao, T_ao, d_ao, & logan, lognc) C if (logan) then write(*,'(/A8)') 'fbecre.f' write(*,*) 'ANOMALY DETECTED 10' goto 9999 endif C k0o = abs (d_bo - un_ao) C C write(*,*) 'd_bo, k0o = ', d_bo, k0o C do iter = 1, 10 if (d_bo .le. d_o) then k0m = k0o d_bm = d_bm else k0n = k0o d_bn = d_bo endif C k0o = ((d_o - d_bm) * (k0n - k0m) / (d_bn - d_bm)) + $ k0m & Rgas_l, acv_l, Rgas_b, acv_b, Rgas_r, acv_r, & q, k0o, & rho_l, p_l, un_l, T_l, gam_l, & rho_r, p_r, un_r, T_r, gam_r, & d_lo, d_ro, & rho_do, p_do, un_do, T_do, d_do, & rho_co, p_co, un_co, T_co, d_co, & rho_bo, p_bo, un_bo, T_bo, d_bo, & rho_ao, p_ao, un_ao, T_ao, d_ao, & logan, lognc) C if (logan) then write(*,'(/A8)') 'fbecre.f' write(*,*) 'ANOMALY DETECTED 10' goto 9999 endif C k0o = d_bo - un_ao C write(*,*) k0o C C write(*,*) 'd_b0, k0o = ', d_bo, k0o C d_l = d_lo d_r = d_ro C rho_d = rho_do p_d = p_do un_d = un_do T_d = T_do d_d = d_do C rho_c = rho_co p_c = p_co un_c = un_co T_c = T_co d_c = d_co C rho_b = rho_bo p_b = p_bo un_b = un_bo T_b = T_bo d_b = d_bo C rho_a = rho_ao p_a = p_ao un_a = un_ao T_a = T_ao d_a = d_ao C enddo C endif D_resh = d_b cellt = max (abs(d_l), abs(d_r)) C endif C C******* States C C l C *** b C |* * r C | * d ** ********* C | ******* * * *| C | | * c * * * | C | | ************ * a * | C | | | | ******* | C | | | | | | | C d_l d_d un_d=un_c d_c d_b d_a d_r C C C C******* Eulerian flux C xst = 0.0D0 & Tmaxcv, Rgas_r, acv_r, Rgas_b, acv_b, & Rgas_l, acv_l, acv_w, & xst, & d_l, d_d, d_c, d_b, d_a, d_r, & rho_l, T_l, un_l, hf_l, & rho_d, T_d, un_d, & rho_c, T_c, un_c, & rho_b, T_b, un_b, hf_b, & rho_a, T_a, un_a, & rho_r, T_r, un_r, hf_r, & flurho, fluru, fluret) C C In order to obtain the flux in the true left-right frame, I have C to multiply the speed * rind_l flurho = flurho * rind_l fluret = fluret * rind_l flu(1) = flurho flu(2) = fluru flu(2+ndim) = fluret flu(3+ndim) = 0.0d0 C Note that the Larrouturou theorem does not hold C Namely un_d (= un_c) has not the same sign as flurho C write (*,*) un_d, un_c, flurho C un_ls > 0 => coefy = 1 coefy = 0.5d0 * (1.0d0 + sign(1.0d0, (rind_l * un_d))) omcoey = 1.0d0 - coefy C Tangential speeds (ndim .ge. 2) do icomp = 3, (ndim + 1), 1 flu(icomp) = flurho * ((coefy * wvec_l(icomp)) + & (omcoey * wvec_r(icomp))) enddo do icomp = (ndim + 4), (ndim + nesp + 4), 1 flu(icomp) = flurho * ((coefy * wvec_l(icomp)) + & (omcoey * wvec_r(icomp))) enddo C Kinetic energy flux trekin = 0.0D0 do icomp = 2, ndim, 1 trekin = trekin + (((coefy * wvec_l(icomp + 1)) + & (omcoey * wvec_r(icomp + 1))) ** 2) enddo trekin = 0.5D0 * trekin flu(2+ndim) = flu(2+ndim) + (flurho * trekin) C C******* Lagrangian flux over the reactive shock C xst = D_resh & Tmaxcv, Rgas_r, acv_r, Rgas_b, acv_b, & Rgas_l, acv_l, acv_w, & xst, & d_l, d_d, d_c, d_b, d_a, d_r, & rho_l, T_l, un_l, hf_l, & rho_d, T_d, un_d, & rho_c, T_c, un_c, & rho_b, T_b, un_b, hf_b, & rho_a, T_a, un_a, & rho_r, T_r, un_r, hf_r, & flurho, fluru, fluret) C flurho = flurho * rind_l fluret = fluret * rind_l f_lag(1) = flurho f_lag(2) = fluru f_lag(2+ndim) = fluret f_lag(3+ndim) = -1.0D0 * rind_l * D_resh C C Since we suppose that left state is the burnt one, C D_resh > un_d, i.e. over (x/t) = D_resh we have the C right passive scalar ! C rind_l = 1 => burnt state in wvec_l => passive scalar in r C rind_l = -1 => burnt state in wvec_r => passive scalar in l C Note that the result does not change as q -> 0 C (virtual combustion wave). C coefy = 0.5d0 * (1.0d0 + sign(1.0d0, (1.0D0 * rind_l))) omcoey = 1.0d0 - coefy C do icomp = 3, (ndim + 1), 1 f_lag(icomp) = flurho * ((coefy * wvec_r(icomp)) + & (omcoey * wvec_l(icomp))) enddo do icomp = (ndim + 4), (ndim + nesp + 4), 1 f_lag(icomp) = flurho * ((coefy * wvec_r(icomp)) + & (omcoey * wvec_l(icomp))) enddo C Kinetic energy flux trekin = 0.0D0 do icomp = 2, ndim, 1 trekin = trekin + (((coefy * wvec_r(icomp + 1)) + & (omcoey * wvec_l(icomp + 1))) ** 2) enddo trekin = 0.5D0 * trekin C write(*,*) trekin f_lag(2+ndim) = f_lag(2+ndim) + (flurho * trekin) endif C 9999 continue return end
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