C FLUFU1 SOURCE BECC 09/12/07 21:15:21 6579 & Tmaxcv, Rgas_r, acv_r, Rgas_b, acv_b, & Rgas_l, acv_l, acv_z, & z, & d_l, d_d, d_c, d_b, d_a, d_r, & rho_l, T_l, u_l, hf_l, & rho_d, T_d, u_d, & rho_c, T_c, u_c, & rho_b, T_b, u_b, hf_b, & rho_a, T_a, u_a, & rho_r, T_r, u_r, hf_r, & flurho, fluru, fluret) C c************************************************************************ c c project : c c name : flufu1 c c description : Reactive Euler equations for a mixture of reactive C thermally perfect gases. c c Given z = x/t, we compute the flux C F(x/t) - ((x/t) * U) C We compute density, temperature and velocity by C averaging the intermediate states using the C weve speeds. C We compute the other variables using these C quantities and the EOS c c language : fortran 77 c c author : a. beccantini den/dm2s/sfme/ltmf c c************************************************************************ c C called by : fbecre C c c************************************************************************ c c**** input c c nordpo = polynomial order of the cv c C Tmaxcv = Tmax for cv expansion C C z = x / t C C Tmaxcv, Rgas_r, acv_r, Rgas_b, acv_b, C Rgas_l, acv_l = quantities to compute cv and cp C C acv_z = work vector C C d_l, d_d, un_d, un_c, d_c, d_b, d_a, d_r = C = wave speeds C C rho_, u_, T_, hf_ C = density, velocity, temperature, C formation enthalpy C**** output C c flurho, flurhou, fluret = fluxes for rho, rho u, rho e_t C c c************************************************************************ c C 07/12/2009 created C c************************************************************************ c c n.b.: all variables are declared c c implicit none integer nordpo, iord real*8 Tmaxcv, Rgas_r, acv_r(0:nordpo) & , Rgas_b, acv_b(0:nordpo) & , Rgas_l, acv_l(0:nordpo) & , z, acv_z(0:nordpo) & , d_l, d_d, d_c, d_b, d_a, d_r & , rho_l, u_l, T_l, hf_l & , rho_d, T_d, u_d & , rho_c, T_c, u_c & , rho_b, T_b, u_b, hf_b & , rho_a, T_a, u_a & , rho_r, T_r, u_r, hf_r & , flurho, fluru, fluret real*8 u_cd, fp_l, fp_d, fp_c, fp_b, fp_a, fp_r & , Rgas_z, rho_z, T_z, u_z, p_z, e_z, cv_z, hf_z & , ecin_z logical logdeb parameter(logdeb = .false.) CC CC Test CC C z = 1.13D0 C d_l = -1.0D0 C d_d = 0.10D0 C u_c = 0.2D0 C u_d = 0.2D0 C d_c = 1.09D0 C d_b = 1.10D0 C d_a = 1.11D0 C d_r = 1.12D0 C C Speed of the contact discontinuty u_cd = u_c = u_d C u_cd = 0.5D0 * (u_c + u_d) C C**** Weight functions C fp_l = 0.0d0 fp_d = 0.0D0 fp_c = 0.0d0 fp_b = 0.0d0 fp_a = 0.0d0 fp_r = 0.0d0 C C This can be simplified from a computational point of view C if (z .lt. d_l) then fp_l = 1.0d0 elseif(z .lt. d_d) then C Rarefaction if d_l < d_d fp_l = (d_d - z) / (d_d - d_l) fp_d = 1.0d0 - fp_l elseif(z .lt. u_cd)then C Contact discontinuty, left fp_d = 1.0d0 elseif(z .lt. d_c)then C Contact discontinuty, right fp_c = 1.0d0 elseif(z .lt. d_b)then C Rarefaction if d_b < d_c fp_c = (d_b - z) / (d_b - d_c) fp_b = 1.0d0 - fp_c elseif(z .lt. d_a)then C RS, right fp_a = 1.0D0 elseif(z .lt. d_r)then C Rgnl rarefaction if d_r < d_a fp_a = (d_r - z) / (d_r - d_a) fp_r = 1.0d0 - fp_a else C Rgnl, right fp_r = 1.0d0 endif CC C C**** Shock-shock + (e.f) intermediate solution C Rgas_z = ((fp_l + fp_d) * Rgas_l) + & ((fp_c + fp_b) * Rgas_b) + & ((fp_a + fp_r) * Rgas_r) rho_z = (fp_l * rho_l) + (fp_d * rho_d) + & (fp_c * rho_c) + (fp_b * rho_b) + & (fp_a * rho_a) + (fp_r * rho_r) T_z = (fp_l * T_l) + (fp_d * T_d) + & (fp_c * T_c) + (fp_b * T_b) + & (fp_a * T_a) + (fp_r * T_r) p_z = Rgas_z * rho_z * T_z u_z = (fp_l * u_l) + (fp_d * u_d) + & (fp_c * u_c) + (fp_b * u_b) + & (fp_a * u_a) + (fp_r * u_r) if (logdeb) then write(*,*) 'd_l, d_d, d_c, d_b, d_a, d_r' write(*,'(6E12.4)') d_l, d_d, d_c, d_b, d_a, d_r write(*,*) 'fp_l, fp_d, fp_c, fp_b, fp_a, fp_r' write(*,'(6E12.4)') fp_l, fp_d, fp_c, fp_b, fp_a, fp_r write(*,*) 'State in x/t' write(*,*) 'Rgas_z, rho_z, T_z, p_z, u_z' write(*,*) Rgas_z, rho_z, T_z, p_z, u_z endif C C**** Computation of thermal energy C do iord = 0, nordpo , 1 acv_z(iord) = ((fp_l + fp_d) * acv_l(iord)) + & ((fp_c + fp_b) * acv_b(iord)) + & ((fp_a + fp_r) * acv_r(iord)) enddo C C hf_z = ((fp_l + fp_d) * hf_l) + ((fp_c + fp_b) * hf_b) & + ((fp_a + fp_r) * hf_r) ecin_z = 0.5d0 * u_z * u_z C C**** Interfacial flux C According to NKONGA, Comput Methods Appl. Mech Engnr 190, 2000 C \dep{U}{x} + \dep{F(U)}{x} = 0 C z = speed of the surface C f_z = F - z U C flurho = rho_z * (u_z - z) C write(*,*) 'flurho', flurho fluru = (flurho * u_z) + p_z fluret = (flurho * (e_z + hf_z + & ecin_z)) + (p_z * u_z) C write(*,*) (et_z + ef_z + C & ecin_z), flurho C write(*,*) p_z, u_z return end
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