C RACNRE SOURCE BECC 09/12/07 21:15:59 6579 & Rgas_l, acv_l, Rgas_r, acv_r, & r_l, p_l, u_l, T_l, gam_l, & r_r, p_r, u_r, T_r, gam_r, & d_l, d_r, & r_b, p_b, u_b, T_b, d_b, & r_a, p_a, u_a, T_a, d_a, & logan, lognc) C c************************************************************************ c c project : c c name : racnre c c description : computation of the shock-shock field-by-field c decomposition of the non-reactive Riemann problem C for thermally perfect gases. C C We have to distinguish between 4 different states C C l = left state C | C | Left GNL wave C | C b = left star state; C connected to l by a GNL wave C | C | Contact discontinuity C | C a = right star state; C connected to r by a GNL wave C | C | Right GNL wave C | C r = right state; C unburnt state c c language : fortran 77 c c author : a. beccantini den/dm2s/sfme/ltmf c c************************************************************************ c c called by : ... c c called program : ... c c************************************************************************ c c c**** input c c nordpo = polynomials degree of cv(t) c tmaxcv = threshold temperature for cv(t) c rgas_l = gas constant (J/kg/K)in l (and in ls) c acv_l = cv_l = \sum_{i=0,nordpo} (acv_l{i} T^i) c rgas_r = gas constant r (and in rs) c acv_r = cv_r = \sum_{i=0,nordpo} (acv_r{i} T^i) c C r_l = density in l C p_l = pressure in c u_l = velocity in l C T_l = temperature in l (redundant with r_l and c p_l) c gam_l = specific heat ratio in l (redundant c with r_l and p_l) c C r_r = density in r C p_r = pressure in r c u_r = velocity in r C T_r = temperature in r (redundant with r_r and c p_r) c gam_r = specific heat ratio in r (redundant c with r_r and p_r) c c**** output C C d_r, d_l = speed of states l and r c c C r_b = density in b C p_b = pressure in b c u_b = velocity in b c T_b = temperature in b c d_b = shock speed of the left shock l->b c C r_a = density in a C p_a = pressure in a c u_a = velocity in a c T_a = temperature in a c d_a = shock speed of the C right shock a->r c c logan = an anomaly is detected c lognc = the approach has some problems C c c************************************************************************ c c 07/12/2009 Created. c c implicit none integer nordpo integer nmax parameter (nmax = 20) integer iter, icon real*8 eps parameter(eps = 1.0D-6) real*8 Tmaxcv, Rgas_l, Rgas_r & , acv_l(0:nordpo), acv_r(0:nordpo) & , r_l, p_l, u_l, T_l, gam_l & , r_r, p_r, u_r, T_r, gam_r & , d_l, d_r & , r_b, p_b, u_b, T_b, d_b & , r_a, p_a, u_a, T_a, d_a C real*8 Tref, pref, Dtmin, coefder real*8 T_ag, T_bg real*8 P_ag, r_ag, u_ag, d_ag real*8 T_agp, P_agp, r_agp, u_agp, d_agp real*8 dpdua real*8 P_bg, r_bg, u_bg, d_bg real*8 T_bgp, P_bgp, r_bgp, u_bgp, d_bgp real*8 dpdub real*8 a, b real*8 erro logical lognc, logan, logdeb parameter(logdeb = .false.) CC CC**** We write the inputs CC if( logdeb ) then write(*,*) ' ' write(*,*) 'RP' write(*,*) 'Left state' write(*,*) 'R, cv' write(*,'(6E12.4)') rgas_l, (acv_l(icon), icon=0,nordpo) write(*,*) 'rho, p, u, T, gamma' write(*,'(6E12.4)') r_l, p_l, u_l, T_l, gam_l write(*,*) 'Right state' write(*,*) 'R, cv' write(*,'(6E12.4)') rgas_r, (acv_r(icon), icon=0,nordpo) write(*,*) 'rho, p, u, T, gamma' write(*,'(6E12.4)') r_r, p_r, u_r, T_r, gam_r endif C stop C C**** Reference scales for a compressible solver. C For a low Mach number solver, the cut off speed is better than C the sound speed C Tref = 0.5d0 * ((T_l + T_r) + abs (T_l - T_r)) Dtmin = 1.0D-3 * Tref coefder = 1.001D0 pref = 0.5d0 * ((p_l + p_r) + abs (p_l - p_r)) C C Initialisation of temperatures in a, b, c, d C T_a = T_r T_b = T_l C do iter = 1, nmax C C Guess temperatures at this iteration C T_ag = T_a T_bg = T_b C C******* Right state C & P_r, T_r, u_r, .true., & T_ag, P_ag, r_ag, u_ag, d_ag) C T_agp = max((T_ag + Dtmin), (T_ag * coefder)) & P_r, T_r, u_r, .true., & T_agp, P_agp, r_agp, u_agp, d_agp) C dpdua = (P_agp - P_ag) / (u_agp - u_ag) if (dpdua .lt. 0.0d0) then write(*,*) 'dpdua > 0 , ', dpdua logan = .true. write(*,*) 'subroutine racnre.f' write(*,*) 'an error has been detected' goto 9999 endif C C******* Left state C & P_l, T_l, u_l, .false., & T_bg, P_bg, r_bg, u_bg, d_bg) C T_bgp = max((T_bg + Dtmin), (T_bg * coefder)) & P_l, T_l, u_l, .false., & T_bgp, P_bgp, r_bgp, u_bgp, d_bgp) C dpdub = (P_bgp - P_bg) / (u_bgp - u_bg) if (dpdub .gt. 0.0d0) then write(*,*) 'dpdub > 0 , ', dpdub logan = .true. write(*,*) 'subroutine racnre.f' write(*,*) 'an error has been detected' goto 9999 endif C C******* Intersection C a = dpdua - dpdub b = ((dpdua * u_ag) - (dpdub * u_bg)) + (p_bg - p_ag) u_b = b / a p_b = p_bg + (dpdub * (u_b - u_bg)) p_a = p_ag + (dpdua * (u_b - u_ag)) if ( abs (p_a - p_b) .gt. (eps * pref)) then write(*,*) 'pa - pb too big, ', (p_a - p_b) logan = .true. write(*,*) 'subroutine racnre.f' write(*,*) 'an error has been detected' goto 9999 endif C p_a, p_b should be positive p_a = max (p_a, (eps * p_ag)) p_b = max (p_b, (eps * p_bg)) C C******* Computation of temperature T_b, T_a C T_b = T_bg + ((p_b - p_bg) * (T_bgp - T_bg) / (p_bgp - p_bg)) T_b = max (T_b, (eps * T_bg)) C T_a = T_ag + ((p_a - p_ag) * (T_agp - T_ag) / (p_agp - p_ag)) T_a = max (T_a, (eps * T_ag)) C C******* TEST C erro = abs (T_a - T_ag) + abs (T_b - T_bg) erro = erro / Tref if (logdeb) then write(*,*) 'Intersection' write(*,*) 'T_ag, T_bg = ', T_ag, T_bg write(*,*) 'dpdua, dpdub = ', dpdua, dpdub write(*,*) 'p_a, p_b = ', p_a, p_b write(*,*) 'T_a, T_b = ', T_a, T_b WRITE(*,*) 'erro =', erro endif if (erro .le. 1.0D-14) then lognc = .false. goto 9998 endif enddo if (logdeb ) then write(*,*) 'Warning. Convergence non-reached' write(*,*) 'erro = ', erro endif lognc = .true. 9998 continue & P_r, T_r, u_r, .true., & T_a, P_a, r_a, u_a, d_a) & P_l, T_l, u_l, .false., & T_b, P_b, r_b, u_b, d_b) d_l = gam_l * P_l / r_l d_l = u_l - sqrt(d_l) d_l = min(d_l, d_b) d_r = gam_r * P_r / r_r d_r = u_r + sqrt(d_r) d_r = max(d_r, d_a) C if (logdeb) then write(*,*) 'Final result' write(*,*) 'iter = ', iter write(*,*) 'r. rho, p, u, T, d' write(*,*) r_r, p_r, u_r, T_r, d_r write(*,*) 'a. rho, p, u, T, d' write(*,*) r_a, p_a, u_a, T_a, d_a write(*,*) 'b. rho, p, u, T, d' write(*,*) r_b, p_b, u_b, T_b, d_b write(*,*) 'l. rho, p, u, T, d' write(*,*) r_l, p_l, u_l, T_l, d_l C write(*,*) 'acv' C do iter = 0, nordpo, 1 C write(*,*) acv_b(iter), acv_l(iter) C enddo endif 9999 continue return end
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