C SOLVE SOURCE CHAT 05/01/13 03:21:55 5004 c***************************************************************************** c sous rouine utilisee dans l'ecoulement plastique de la loi c de GURSON c********************************************************************** c this subroutine solve the non linear equation which solution is c the phi increment c c--- variables IMPLICIT INTEGER(I-N) IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) segment wrkgur real*8 sigbar, sy0,phi0,rho0,g,b,h real*8 epn,phin,sqrtj2,rho,sig(6) real*8 e(7),dt real*8 conv,tol1,tol2 endsegment * common/prop/sigbar,sy0,phi0,rho0,g,b,h * common/state/epn,phin,sqrtj2,rho,sig(6) * common /toler/ conv,tol1,tol2 c c*** initial data p=(1.d0-phin)*b*(1.d0-(1.d0-phin)*rho0/((1.d0-phi0)*rho)) phimax=1.d0-rho/rho0*(1.d0-phi0) if ( phimax .lt. 0.d0) phimax=0.d0 c c*** find the first dphi for which syp>0 phik=phin+dphik c if ( phik .lt. phi0) then return endif c c--- initialize the search iter=1 c if ( abs(fk) .le. conv) return c if ( fk .gt. 0.d0) then return endif c c*******perform iterations until find fk>0 if ( phimax .gt. 0.d0) then c c--- compute the constant used to determine dphi c=sqrt(abs(phimax-phin)/phimax/h/b)*2.d0*sigbar/3.d0* & (h*(1-phimax)+3.*g) c=c/sy0/2.d0 c--- iterates until converges do 100 i=1,50 c c check for convergence if (abs(fk).le. conv) return c c check if fk>0 and then exit loop if (fk .gt. 0.d0) goto 200 c c check if split is needed if ( phik .lt. phi0) then return endif c c--- keep track of the previous step fj=fk dphij=dphik c iter=iter+1 c c--- find new value of dphik using the interpolation function d=fk-c*sqrt(1.d0/abs(phimax-phik)) phik=phimax+sign(1.d0,p)*(c/d)**2 dphik=phik-phin c 100 continue c c*******case when phimax is negative else c c--- initialize data for interpolation function p0=b*(1-rho0/rho/(1-phi0)) & /sinh(1.5d0*p0/sigbar)) & /1.d1 c c--- iterates til converges do 150 i=1,50 c c check for convergence if (abs(fk).le. conv) return c c check if fk>0 and then exit loop if (fk .gt. 0.d0) goto 200 c c check if split is needed if ( phik .lt. phi0) then return endif c c--- keep track of the previous step fj=fk dphij=dphik iter=iter+1 c c--- find new value of dphik using the interpolation function dphik=phik-phin c 150 continue endif c c--- the previous algorithm didn't converge return 200 continue c c*******find zero using Ridders method c see Numerical recipee in Fortran p351 do 300 i=1,200 iter=iter+1 c half=(dphik+dphij)/2 s=sqrt(abs(fm**2-fk*fj)) dum=half+(half-dphij)*(sign(1.d0,fj-fk)*fm/s) c c--- new interval if (fdum .lt. 0.d0) then dphij=dum fj=fdum else dphik=dum fk=fdum endif c if ( phin+dphij .lt. phi0) then return endif c c--- check for convergence if (abs(fdum) .lt. conv) then dphik=dum if ( (phin+dphik) .le. phi0) then return endif return endif c 300 continue return c end c*************************************************************
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