C SPLIT SOURCE PV 08/09/23 21:15:07 6164 c***************************************************************************** c sous rouine utilisee dans l'ecoulement plastique de la loi c de GURSON c***************************************************************************** c c this subroutine split up the strain increment in two if a normal c evolution reaches a state where phin < phi0 c xi*de is the first strain increment that makes reaches phin=phi0 c c rho and sqrtj2 have been updated in newsta c c--- variables IMPLICIT INTEGER(I-N) IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) segment wrkgur real*8 sigbar, sy0,phi0,rho0,g,b,h real*8 epn,phin,sqrtj2,rho,sig(6) real*8 e(7),dt real*8 conv,tol1,tol2 endsegment * common/prop/sigbar,sy0,phi0,rho0,g,b,h * common/state/epn,phin,sqrtj2,rho,sig(6) c e is the strain rate: c e(1-6) is the deviatoric part c e(7) is the trace/3 c dt ist the time increment * common /delta/ e(7),dt * common /toler/ conv,tol1,tol2 c c*** set the bounds p=(1.d0-phi0)*b*(1.d0-rho0/rho) syp=1.d0+phi0*phi0-2.d0*phi0*cosh(1.5d0*p/sigbar) c if ( syp .le. 0.d0) then c xi2 is computed such that syp(xi2)=0 xi2=1.d0+(2.d0/3.d0*sigbar*log(phi0)+(1.d0-phi0)*b* & (1.d0-rho0/rho)) & /(1.d0-phi0)/b/e(7)/dt/3.d0 else xi2=1.d0 endif xi1=0.d0 c c if ( abs(f2) .le. conv) then xi=xi2 goto 200 endif if ( abs(f1) .le. conv) then xi=xi1 goto 200 endif c if ( (f2*f1) .gt. 0.d0) then write (6,*) 'f2*f1>0 in split' endif c c*** start iterative process (Ridder's method) do 100 j=1,99 c xi3=(xi1+xi2)*0.5d0 c dum=xi3+(xi3-xi1)*sign(1.d0,f1-f2)*f3/sqrt(abs(f3**2-f2*f1)) c if (fdum .lt. 0.d0) then xi2=dum f2=fdum else xi1=dum f1=fdum endif c if ( abs(fdum) .le. conv) then xi=dum goto 200 endif c 100 continue c c split did not converge!' xi=xi1 c 200 continue c c*** update new state for xi*de strain increment dphi=phi0-phin phin=phi0 p=(1.d0-phi0)*b*(1.d0-rho0/rho)+(1-xi)* & (1.d0-phi0)*b*e(7)*dt*3.d0 syn=sy0+h*epn syp=1.d0+phi0**2-2.d0*phi0*cosh(-1.5d0*p/sigbar) c if (abs(syp) .gt. tol1*tol1) then a=1.5d0*phi0*(1.d0-phi0)*sinh(-1.5d0*p/sigbar) & /sqrt(syp) c ratio=syn/(2.d0*h) dep=sqrt(ratio**2+abs(dphi/a)*sigbar/h)-ratio c epn=epn+dep sy=(syn+h*dep)*sqrt(syp) sqrtj2=sy c fac=1.d0+3.d0*g*dep/sqrtj2 c do 250 i=1,6 sig(i)=(sig(i)-(1.d0-xi)*2.d0*g*e(i)*dt)/fac 250 continue c else sqrtj2=0.d0 endif c c*** evolution under (1-xi)*de sum=0.d0 c do 400 i=1,6 e(i)=(1.d0-xi)*e(i) sig(i)=sig(i)+2*g*e(i)*dt sum=sum+sig(i)*sig(i) if (i .gt. 3) then sum=sum+sig(i)*sig(i) endif 400 continue sqrtj2=sqrt(1.5d0*sum) c syn=sy0+h*epn c c--- trial state with respect to yield surface if ( sqrtj2 .gt. syn )then endif c dphi=1.0d0 return end
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