* fichier : mvm_bcn.dgibi ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ******************************************************************************** * TEST : Modified Von Mises nonlocal damage model * * UNITS: * * Dimensions in mm * * Loads in N * * Modulus in N/mm2 (Mpa) * * * ******************************************************************************** *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Generation of mesh *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- p1 = 0. 0.; p2 = 1. 0.; l12 = D 1 p1 p2; * * *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Definition of the model and material parameters *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mobet = MODE ma1 MECANIQUE ELASTIQUE ISOTROPE ENDOMMAGEMENT MVM * b1 = 15000. ; b2 = 0.5 ; y0 = 1.e-4 ; ratio_ct = 10. ; ll = 2. ; nuc = 0. ; younc = 1.e4 ; loi = 1 ; * 'Y0' y0 'RATI' ratio_ct 'B1' b1 'B2' b2 'LOI' loi 'LCAR' LL ; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Boundary conditions *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * 1) Fixed boundaries * 2) Prescrite Displacements bcdisp = BLOQUE (L24) UX ; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Adjustment of the reference load *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Connectivities (for nonlocal averaging) *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Input for pasapas procedure *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- t0 = TABLE ; t0.'MODELE' = mobet ; t0.'CARACTERISTIQUES' = mabet ; t0.'CHARGEMENT' = cha1 ; * il y a un probleme pour le temps 0.1 PV t0.'BLOCAGES_MECANIQUES' = bcfix et bcdisp ; t0.'MAXITERATION' = 100 ; t0.'NACCE' = 100 ; t0.'MOVA' = 'D ' ; t0.'FACTMIN' = .001 ; t0.'MAXSTEP' = 10000 ; t0.'PRECISION' = 1.E-10 ; t0.'PRECFLEX' = 1.E-10 ; t0.'CONVERGENCE_FORCEE' = FAUX ; t0.'ACCELERATION' = 50 ; * PASAPAS t0 ; * *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Evolution of stress.vs.strain and force.vs.displacement *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sig0 = t0.CONTRAINTES ; dep0 = t0.DEPLACEMENTS ; var0 = t0.VARIABLES_INTERNES ; for0 = t0.REACTIONS ; ind0 = INDEX sig0 ; * * REPETER indj nind ; i = &indj - 1 ; * * FIN indj ; * SINON ; FINSI ; FIN;
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