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  1. C PRITH1 SOURCE BECC 09/12/07 21:15:57 6579
  2. subroutine prith1(nordpo, acv, Tmaxcv, T, ether, cvtot)
  3. C
  4. C This subroutine creates ether and cvtot (T and acv given.
  5. C
  6. C INPUT
  7. C *****
  8. C
  9. C nordpo = order of polynomial for cp and cv (see also
  10. C Tmaxcv)
  11. C
  12. C acv = vector such that
  13. C cv = \sum_{i=1,nordpo+1} acv(i) T^{i-1}
  14. C ether = \sum_{i=1,nordpo+1} acv(i) T^{i} / (i)
  15. C
  16. C Tmaxcv = maximum temperature for cv polynomial expansion
  17. C cv(T) = cv(Tmaxcv) if T > Tmaxcv
  18. C
  19. C T = temperature
  20. C
  21. C OUTPUT
  22. C ******
  23. C
  24. C cvtot = cv
  25. C
  26. C ether = sensible energy (0 at 0K)
  27. C
  28. C************************************************************************
  29. C
  31. C
  32. c 07/12/2009 Created.
  33. C
  34. C************************************************************************
  35. C
  36. C implicit none
  37. integer nordpo
  38. real*8 acv(1:(nordpo + 1)), Tmaxcv, T, ether, cvtot
  39. & , t2, funt, funcv
  40. C t2 = min (t, tmaxcv)
  41. t2 = 0.5d0 * ((t + tmaxcv) - abs (t - tmaxcv))
  42. cvtot = acv(1)
  43. ether = t2 * cvtot
  44. funt = 1.0d0
  45. do i1 = 2, nordpo + 1, 1
  46. funt = funt * t2
  47. funcv = acv(i1) * funt
  48. cvtot = cvtot + funcv
  49. ether = ether + (funcv * t2/ i1)
  50. enddo
  51. c t2 = max ((t - tmaxcv),0)
  52. t2 = 0.5d0 * ((t - tmaxcv) + abs (t - tmaxcv))
  53. ether = ether + (cvtot * t2)
  54. return
  55. end
  56. C

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