C SSCH SOURCE CB215821 20/11/25 13:40:22 10792 subroutine ssch ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c calcul des terme source si transport par espece c c Ri = ssch tabchi1 Ai SOLU dsol c c Ri terme source nesp chpoi c Ai variation sur les composantes fixees ncomp chpoi c SOLU concentrations des especes nesp chpoi c dsol c1-c2 nesp chpoi c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccc IMPLICIT INTEGER(I-N) IMPLICIT REAL*8(A-H,O-Z) -INC PPARAM -INC CCOPTIO -inc SMLENTI -inc SMLREEL -inc SMTABLE -inc SMLMOTS -inc SMCHPOI -inc SMELEME -inc SMCOORD pointeur mlaa.mlreel,mlogk.mlreel,mlff.mlreel pointeur mlidx.mlenti,mlidy.mlenti,mlnn.mlenti,mldecy.mlenti pointeur mlionz.mlenti,mlsolu.mlenti pointeur mlidp.mlenti,mlidz.mlenti pointeur mlname.mlmots,mlnesp.mlmots pointeur izt.mchpoi,izs.mchpoi,mchrij.mchpoi,izd.mchpoi pointeur ipt.mpoval,ips.mpoval,ichrij.mpoval,ipd.mpoval segment idschi real*8 gk(nydim),aa(nydim,nxdim),ff(nzdim,npdim) integer idx(nxdim),idy(nydim),idz(nzdim),idp(npdim),nn(6) integer idecy(nydim),ionz(nxdim) character*32 name(nxdim),namesp(nydim) endsegment segment sp2 real*8 gx(nxdim),xx(nxdim),gs(nzdim),ss(nzdim) real*8 tot(nxdim),totaq(nxdim),totfix(nxdim),gks(nzdim) real*8 yy(nxdim),zz(nxdim,nxdim),cc(nydim),gc(nydim) endsegment segment iptidx integer itdx(nxdim) endsegment pointeur idxtot.iptidx,idyc.iptidx segment iztra integer itab(nval),ktab(nn12) endsegment character*8 ltyp character*4 nomtot c ** lecture table issue de chi1 c * mlname,mlionz,itiden,itredo,itempe,mlnesp) if( return c ** recuperation des chpoints c ltyp = 'CHPOINT ' iretou = 0 icod = 1 if(iretou.eq.0)return izt = iret segact izt iretou = 0 icod = 1 if(iretou.eq.0)return izs = iret segact izs iretou = 0 icod = 1 if(iretou.eq.0)return izd = iret segact izd c ** echange eventuel A1 SOLU c c ** coherence des support de Ai et SOLU c nsoupo = izt.ipchp(/1) if( then moterr(1:8)= 'CHAMPOIN' segdes izt endif msoupo = izt.ipchp(1) segact msoupo meleme=igeoc indiq=1 nomtot=' ' if( then endif if( if( then endif if( c ** lecture de la table iden les segments reviennent actifs c * mmsurf,mltyp3,mmtyp3,mltyp6,mmtyp6,mlparf,mlreac,mlimmo, * mlpole,mmpole,mlsoso,mmsoso,limp3) if( return segact mlaa,mlogk,mlidx,mlidy,mlnn,mldecy,mlname,mlionz,mlnesp segact mlff,mlidz,mlidp nxdim=mlidx.lect(/1) nydim=mlidy.lect(/1) nzdim=mlidz.lect(/1) npdim=mlidp.lect(/1) segini idschi segini sp2 * mlname,mlionz,idschi,mlnesp) nn12 = mlsolu.lect(/1) n1n2 = nn(1) +nn(2) nval = nn12 - nxdim segini iztra moterr(5:8)='TOT ' moterr(5:8)='SOLU' segact izs msoupo = izs.ipchp(1) segact msoupo ips = ipoval segact ips segdes msoupo segact izd msoupo = izd.ipchp(1) segact msoupo ipd = ipoval segact ipd segdes msoupo npn = ipt.vpocha(/1) c ** creation chpoi de resultats c * WRITE(IOIMP,*)' chmcrc ' do 100 ii =1,npn c ** chargement de idschi c * mlname,mlionz,idschi,mlnesp) do j=1,nxdim ipg = idxtot.itdx(j) tot(j)=ipt.vpocha(ii,ipg ) enddo ites = 0 do j=1,nxdim if(abs(tot(j)).gt.1.d-31) then ites = ites + 1 endif enddo if( then do j=1, nn12 jpg = idyc.itdx(j) cc(j)=ips.vpocha(ii, jpg ) enddo do j =1,nxdim idxt = idx(j) do k =1,nydim if(idy(k).eq.idxt) then xx(j) = cc(k) go to 10 endif enddo 10 continue enddo do i=1,nxdim do j=1,nxdim zz(i,j)=0.d0 do l=1,nn12 idyt = mlsolu.lect(l) do ll =1,n1n2 if(idy(ll).eq.idyt) then zz(i,j)= zz(i,j) + aa(ll,i) * aa(ll,j) * cc( l) /xx(j) go to 20 endif enddo 20 continue enddo enddo enddo iem = 0 do l = 1,nn12 gc(l) = 0.d0 idyt = mlsolu.lect(l) do ll =1,n1n2 if(idy(ll).eq.idyt) then do j =1,nxdim gc(l)=gc(l) + aa(ll,j) * cc(l) / xx(j) * tot(j) enddo go to 40 endif enddo 40 continue enddo kk = 0 do k=1,nn12 ichrij.vpocha(ii, k)= gc(k) 30 continue enddo else * do k = 1,nn12 * ichrij . vpocha(ii,k) = ipd . vpocha(ii,k) * enddo * endif * ioldf = 1 * if(ioldf.eq.156) then if( then do i = 1 ,nval rr = ipd.vpocha(ii,i) idyt = mlsolu.lect(i) do il = 1,n1n2 if(idy(il).eq.idyt)then do j=1,nxdim tot(j) = tot(j) - aa(il,j) * rr enddo go to 50 endif enddo 50 continue enddo do i = nval + 1 , nn12 idyt = mlsolu.lect(i) ik = i - nval do il = 1,n1n2 if(idy(il).eq.idyt)then do j=1,nxdim zz(j ,ik) = aa(il,j) enddo go to 60 endif enddo 60 continue enddo do k =1,nval ichrij.vpocha(ii,k) = ipd.vpocha(ii,k) enddo do k = nval+1,nn12 ik = k - nval ichrij.vpocha(ii,k) = tot ( ik) enddo else do i=1,nval itab(i)=0 enddo do i=1,nn12 ktab(i)=0 enddo do j =1,nxdim gx(j) = ips.vpocha(ii,j) gc(j) = ipd.vpocha(ii,j) enddo do j=1,nval vmi = 100.D0 do k =1,nxdim if(abs(gx(k)).lt.vmi.and.abs(gx(k)).gt.1.d-37) then vmi = gx(k) im = k endif enddo gx(im) = 100.D0 itab(j) = im idyt = mlsolu.lect(im) rr = ipd.vpocha(ii,im) do il = 1,n1n2 if(idy(il).eq.idyt)then do kj=1,nxdim tot(kj) = tot(kj) - aa(il,kj) * rr enddo go to 70 endif enddo 70 continue enddo do ik=1,nval ktab(itab(ik))=ik enddo iki = 0 do i = 1 , nn12 if(ktab(i).eq.0) then idyt = mlsolu.lect(i) iki = iki + 1 do il = 1,n1n2 if(idy(il).eq.idyt)then do j=1,nxdim zz(j,iki) = aa(il,j) enddo go to 80 endif enddo 80 continue endif enddo kk = 0 do k =1,nn12 if(ktab(k).ne.0) then ki = itab(ktab(k)) ichrij.vpocha(ii,k) = ipd.vpocha(ii,ki) else kk = kk+ 1 ichrij.vpocha(ii,k) = tot ( kk) endif enddo endif endif 100 continue c ** menage c mchpoi = mchrij msoupo = ipchp(1) mpoval = ipoval segdes mchpoi,msoupo,mpoval segsup idschi segsup sp2 segsup idxtot segsup iztra segdes mlaa,mlogk,mlidx,mlidy,mlnn,mldecy,mlname,mlionz,mlnesp segdes mlsolu segdes meleme segact izt msoupo = izt.ipchp(1) segdes msoupo segact izs msoupo = izs.ipchp(1) segdes msoupo segact izd msoupo = izd.ipchp(1) segdes msoupo segdes ipt,ips,ipd segdes izt,izs,izd if( then mlenti=mlimmo segdes mlenti endif if( then mlenti=mlreac segdes mlenti endif if( then mlenti= mlparf segdes mlenti endif if( then mlenti=mltyp6 segdes mlenti endif if( then mlenti=mltyp3 segdes mlenti endif if( then mlenti=mlsurf segdes mlenti endif if( then mlenti=mlprec segdes mlenti endif if( then mlenti=mlcomp segdes mlenti endif if( then mlmots=mmtyp6 segdes mlmots endif if( then mlmots=mmtyp3 segdes mlmots endif if( then mlmots=mmsurf segdes mlmots endif if( then mlmots=mmprec segdes mlmots endif mtab2 =itiden segdes mtab2 return end
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