C RPERM SOURCE CHAT 05/01/13 03:07:15 5004 IMPLICIT INTEGER(I-N) IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) C*********************************************************************** C NOM : RPERM C DESCRIPTION : Permutation des lignes d'une matrice Morse. C C C LANGAGE : FORTRAN 77 C ADAPTATION : Stéphane GOUNAND (CEA/DRN/DMT/SEMT/LTMF) C mél : gounand@semt2.smts.cea.fr C AUTEUR : C Sparskit : a basic tool kit for sparse matrix computations C Version 2 (Youcef Saad) C -> URL : http://www.cs.umn.edu/Research/arpa/SPARSKIT/sparskit.html C C*********************************************************************** INTEGER NROW,JA(*),IA(NROW+1),JAO(*),IAO(NROW+1),PERM(NROW),JOB REAL*8 A(*),AO(*) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c this subroutine permutes the rows of a matrix in CSR format. c rperm computes B = P A where P is a permutation matrix. c the permutation P is defined through the array perm: for each j, c perm(j) represents the destination row number of row number j. c Youcef Saad -- recoded Jan 28, 1991. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c on entry: c---------- c n = dimension of the matrix c a, ja, ia = input matrix in csr format c perm = integer array of length nrow containing the permutation arrays c for the rows: perm(i) is the destination of row i in the c permuted matrix. c ---> a(i,j) in the original matrix becomes a(perm(i),j) c in the output matrix. c c job = integer indicating the work to be done: c job = 1 permute a, ja, ia into ao, jao, iao c (including the copying of real values ao and c the array iao). c job .ne. 1 : ignore real values. c (in which case arrays a and ao are not needed nor c used). c c------------ c on return: c------------ c ao, jao, iao = input matrix in a, ja, ia format c note : c if (job.ne.1) then the arrays a and ao are not used. c----------------------------------------------------------------------c c Y. Saad, May 2, 1990 c c----------------------------------------------------------------------c C Local variables INTEGER I,II,J,K,KO LOGICAL VALUES VALUES = (JOB .EQ. 1) c c determine pointers for output matix. c DO 50 J=1,NROW I = PERM(J) IAO(I+1) = IA(J+1) - IA(J) 50 CONTINUE c c get pointers from lengths c IAO(1) = 1 DO 51 J=1,NROW IAO(J+1)=IAO(J+1)+IAO(J) 51 CONTINUE c c copying c DO 100 II=1,NROW c c old row = ii -- new row = iperm(ii) -- ko = new pointer c KO = IAO(PERM(II)) DO 60 K=IA(II), IA(II+1)-1 JAO(KO) = JA(K) IF (VALUES) AO(KO) = A(K) KO = KO+1 60 CONTINUE 100 CONTINUE c RETURN c---------end-of-rperm ------------------------------------------------- c----------------------------------------------------------------------- END
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