C RANFUNC SOURCE FANDEUR 13/01/29 21:16:22 7683 c Rankine function to describe the tensile part of a concrete material c sigmaeq = S1 = largest principal stress IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-B,D-H,O-Z) implicit integer (I-K,M,N) implicit logical (L) implicit character*10 (C) **** dimension rcossigmapr(i3,i3),sigmacp(3),vloc(3),vloc1(1) dimension parahot3(idimpara3),P1(3,3),pi1(3) ***** * MESSAGES D'ERREUR ( SUPPRESSION DES AUTOMATIC OBJECTS) IF(I3.GT.3) PRINT *, ' RANFUNC - ERREUR I3 = ', I3, ' > 1 ' ***** c ============= c algorithm to find the eigen values and eigen vectors of symmetric matrix sigma Ranfunc = s1 RETURN END
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