C MATER3TG SOURCE AM 12/02/28 00:28:36 7289 . parahot3,npttot3,lcp,NOEL,NPT) c END THG add variables C This routine is run at the end of every time step c when convergence has been obtained. c Ntot is equal to ntot1 or ntot2 depending on the finite element type C C ***************************************************************** C CALCULATION OF THE PLASTIC STRAIN FOR ALL THE MATERIAL LAWS C ***************************************************************** C IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-B,D-H,O-Z) implicit integer (I-K,M,N) implicit logical (L) implicit character*10 (C) dimension parahot3(idimpara3,npttot3) dimension Hinv3(6,6),trav3(6),esigma6v(6) dimension epssig6(6),epsipl6(6) i1 = 1 i3 = 3 i4 = 4 i5 = 5 i6 = 6 i7 = 7 i8 = 8 i9 = 9 i10=10 i11=11 i12=12 i13=13 i14=14 i15=15 i16=16 i17=17 i18=18 i19=19 i20=20 i21=21 i22=22 i23=23 i24=24 i25=25 i26=26 i27=27 i28=28 i29=29 i30=30 i31=31 i32=32 i33=33 i34=34 i35=35 i36=36 i37=37 i38=38 i39=39 r0 = 0. r1 = 1. c 3D concrete model (lcp = .false.) c and plane stress version (lcp = .true.) c Store the mechanical strain at the end of this step do iloc=i1,i6 PARAHOT3(idimpara3-31+iloc,ntot) = * PARAHOT3(idimpara3-19+iloc,ntot) end do c if (lcp) then c PARAHOT2(idimpara2-14,ntot)=parahot3(idimpara3-30,ntot) c PARAHOT2(idimpara2-13,ntot)=parahot3(idimpara3-29,ntot) c PARAHOT2(idimpara2-12,ntot)=parahot3(idimpara3-27,ntot) c endif c Store the equivalent plastic strain parahot3(idimpara3-36,ntot) = parahot3(idimpara3-34,ntot) parahot3(idimpara3-37,ntot) = parahot3(idimpara3-35,ntot) c Store the damage in compression parahot3(idimpara3-40,ntot) = parahot3(idimpara3-32,ntot) c Store the damage in tension parahot3(idimpara3-41,ntot) = parahot3(idimpara3-33,ntot) c Store the thermal strain at the end of this step parahot3(idimpara3-31,ntot) = parahot3(idimpara3,ntot) c if (lcp) then c parahot2(idimpara2-15,ntot) = parahot3(idimpara3-31,ntot) c endif c calcul des deformations plastiques. Eo=parahot3(i1,ntot) rloc=r1/Eo c calcul de la matrice D-1 pour relation sigma effectif - eps et calcul c de eps elastique en fonction de sigma effectif do iloc=i1,i6 do jloc=i1,i6 HINV3(iloc,jloc) = r0 end do end do Hinv3(i1,i1)=rloc Hinv3(i3,i3)=rloc Hinv3(i1,i3)=-rloc*poison Hinv3(i3,i1)=-rloc*poison Hinv3(i4,i4)=2.0d0*(r1+poison)*rloc Hinv3(i5,i5)=2.0d0*(r1+poison)*rloc Hinv3(i6,i6)=2.0d0*(r1+poison)*rloc c Effective stress in compression at the end of the step do iloc=i1,i6 parahot3(29+iloc,ntot) = parahot3(23+iloc,ntot) end do c Effective stress at the end of the step do iloc=i1,i6 PARAHOT3(idimpara3-48+iloc,ntot) = . PARAHOT3(idimpara3-i7+iloc,ntot) end do do iloc=i1,i6 esigma6v(iloc) = PARAHOT3(idimpara3-i7+iloc,ntot) end do c eps,el = sigma,eff / C0 and not sigma / C0 because damage c [6;6] x [6;1] = [6;1] do iloc=i1,i6 EPSSIG6(iloc) = PARAHOT3(idimpara3-19+iloc,ntot) - . PARAHOT3((17+iloc),ntot) EPSIPL6(iloc) = EPSSIG6(iloc) - TRAV3(iloc) end do c Here is pseudo incremental plasticity for variable temperatures. c ---------------------------------------------------------------- c The starting point is the plastic strain vector, C corresponding to a zero stress vector c initial strain = plastic strain do iloc=i1,i6 PARAHOT3(idimpara3-25+iloc,ntot) = EPSIPL6(iloc) end do c if (lcp) then c parahot2(idimpara2-10,ntot) = EPSIPL6(1) c parahot2(idimpara2-9,ntot) = EPSIPL6(2) c parahot2(idimpara2-8,ntot) = EPSIPL6(4) c endif return end
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