C LEGEND SOURCE CHAT 05/01/13 01:14:36 5004 C ------------------------------------------------------------------ C This routine generates the Gauss-Lobatto normalized points for the C Legendre polynomials in the monodimensional interval (A,B)=(-1,+1) c and the correspondent weights C A,B: end points of the interval C X: vector of Gauss-Lobatto nodes (dimension NP) C W: vector of Gauss-Lobatto weights (dimension NP) C N: The degree of polynomial C (NP: number of points on the interval = N + 1) C ------------------------------------------------------------------ IMPLICIT INTEGER(I-N) IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) c DIMENSION X(*),W(*) c NP = N + 1 DO 2 I=1,NP W(I)=0.D0 2 X(I)=0.D0 c RETURN END
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