C GURSON SOURCE CHAT 05/01/13 00:22:25 5004 c***************************************************************************** c sous rouine utilisee dans l'ecoulement plastique de la loi c de gurson c********************************************************************** & wrkgur) c c this subroutine is the interface between the finite element program c and the rest of the material update program c given the history variables and the starin rate it updates the c state c by arnaud de gayffier 06/13/93 in san diego california c c--- arguments c s........deviatoric stress in gpa c s(1)=sxx| c s(2)=syy| s(1)+s(2)+s(3)=0 c s(3)=szz| c s(4)=sxy c s(5)=sxz c s(6)=syz c p........pressure (if >0 compression) in gpa c gamma....cumulative plastic strain c poro.....porosity or void fraction c densit...material density in gr/cm3 c strain rate same conventions as "s" c plasti strain rate same convention c dtime....time increment c c warning!! the argument epsi might be modified c c--- variables c IMPLICIT INTEGER(I-N) IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) segment wrkgur real*8 sigbar, sy0,phi0,rho0,g,b,h real*8 epn,phin,sqrtj2,rho,sig(6) real*8 e(7),dt real*8 conv,tol1,tol2 endsegment * COMMON/PROP/SIGBAR,SY0,PHI0,RHO0,G,B,H * COMMON/STATE/EPN,PHIN,SQRTJ2,RHO,SIG(6) c e is the strain rate: c e(1-6) is the deviatoric part c e(7) is the trace/3 c dt ist the time increment * COMMON /DELTA/ E(7),DT c c--- identification DPHI=0.D0 SQRTJ2=0.D0 epn=gamma phin=poro rho=densit do 100 i=1,6 SIG(I)=S(I) 100 CONTINUE dt=dtime c c--- partition in deviatoric and hydrostatic E(7)=(E(1)+E(2)+E(3))/3.D0 E(1)=E(1)-E(7) E(2)=E(2)-E(7) E(3)=E(3)-E(7) E(4)=E(4)/2.D0 E(5)=E(5)/2.D0 E(6)=E(6)/2.D0 c 101 FORMAT (A,7(1PE12.5,1X)) 102 FORMAT (5(A,1PE12.5)) c c--- material update c c--- arguments update DPHI = PHIN-PORO c P=(1.D0-PHIN)*B*(1.D0-(1.D0-PHIN)*RHO0/((1.D0-PHI0)*RHO)) gamma=epn poro=phin densit=rho do 200 i=1,6 200 S(I)=SIG(I) c plastic strain DO 300 I=1,6 IF (SQRTJ2 .GE. 1.D-6 ) THEN DEPSP(I)=1.5D0*SIG(I)/SQRTJ2*DEPN ELSE DEPSP(I) =0.D0 ENDIF 300 CONTINUE c DEPSP(4)=2.D0*DEPSP(4) DEPSP(5)=2.D0*DEPSP(5) DEPSP(6)=2.D0*DEPSP(6) c DO 400 I=1,3 DEPSP(I)=DEPSP(I)+DPHI/(1.D0-PHIN)/3.D0 400 CONTINUE c RETURN end c------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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