C FUNDT SOURCE BECC 09/12/07 21:15:30 6579 & acv_b, Rgas_b, q, T_ag, & P_r, T_r, u_r, & T_b, P_b, rho_b, u_b, d, k0sdt, & T_a, P_a, rho_a, u_a, & logan) C C INPUT C C nordpo = order of polynomial for cp and cv (see also C Tmaxcv) C C Tmaxcv = maximum temperature for cv polynomial expansion C cv(T) = cv(Tmaxcv) if T > Tmaxcv C C acv_r = to compute cv and ether for r (and rs); C vector such that C cv = \sum_{i=1,nordpo+1} acv(i) T^{i-1} C ether = \sum_{i=1,nordpo+1} acv(i) T^{i} / (i) C C Rgas_r = gas constant for r and (rs) C C acv_b = to compute cv and ether for rss; C vector such that C cv = \sum_{i=1,nordpo+1} acv(i) T^{i-1} C ether = \sum_{i=1,nordpo+1} acv(i) T^{i} / (i) C C Rgas_b = gas constant for rss C C q = released chemical energy C C T_ag = guess temperature for a (= rs, state ahead the C reactive shock and behind the non-reactive one C in the ZND model) C C T_b = temperature for rss C C C OUTPUT C C p_b, u_b, rho_b = pressure, temperature, velocity and density for C rss (burnt state behind the SDT) C C d = detonation speed C C k0sdt = fundamental speed of a WDF going from a to b C C p_a, T_a, u_a, C rho_a = pressure, temperature, velocity and density for C rs (unburnt state ahead the SDT) C c implicit none integer nordpo real*8 eps parameter (eps = 1.0D-12) real*8 Tmaxcv, acv_r(1:(nordpo+1)), Rgas_r & , acv_b(1:(nordpo+1)), Rgas_b, q, T_ag & , rho_r, P_r, T_r, u_r & , T_b, P_b, rho_b, u_b, d & , T_a, P_a, rho_a, u_a real*8 e_r, cv_r, h_r, cv_b, e_b, h_b, b, c, csi, c_b, b2, m, ksdt & , cv_ag, e_ag, gam_ag, k0sdt, qref logical logan, logdeb parameter (logdeb = .false.) C h_r = e_r + (Rgas_r * T_r) h_b = e_b + (Rgas_b * T_b) rho_r = P_r / (Rgas_r * T_r) C qref = Rgas_r * T_r if ((q .lt. (eps * qref)) .and. & (abs(T_b - T_r) .lt. (eps * T_r)) .and. & (abs(Rgas_r - Rgas_b) .lt. (eps * Rgas_r))) then C C******* Constant state C rho_b = rho_r T_b = T_r P_b = P_r u_b = u_r k0sdt = (Rgas_r + cv_r) / cv_r k0sdt = k0sdt * Rgas_r * T_r k0sdt = sqrt(k0sdt) d = k0sdt + u_r C T_a = T_r P_a = P_R rho_a = rho_r u_a = u_r else b = h_b - (h_r + q) b = b + (0.5D0 * ((Rgas_r * T_r) - (Rgas_b * T_b))) c = Rgas_r * T_r c_b = Rgas_b * T_b b2 = b * b csi = b2 + (c * c_b) if (csi .lt. 0.0D0) then write(*,*) 'fundt.f' write(*,*) 'delta = ', csi write(*,*) 'We take delta = 0' csi = 0.0D0 endif csi = sqrt(csi) + b if (csi .lt. 0.0D0) then write(*,*) 'fundt.f' write(*,*) 'negative density' logan = .true. goto 9999 endif csi = csi / c_b rho_b = rho_r * csi P_b = Rgas_b * rho_b * T_b C m = (P_b - P_r) m = m / ((1.0D0 / rho_r) - (1.0D0 / rho_b)) if (m .lt. 0.0D0) then write(*,*) 'm < 0', m m = 0.0D0 endif m = sqrt( m ) ksdt = m / rho_r d = u_r + ksdt u_b = d - (m / rho_b) C C State a (ahead the reactive shock and behind the non-reactive C shock in the ZND model) C c = 2.0D0 * (h_r - (e_ag - (cv_ag * T_ag))) c = c / (ksdt * ksdt) c = c + 1.0D0 gam_ag = (cv_ag + Rgas_r) / cv_ag c = ((gam_ag - 1.0D0) / (gam_ag + 1.0D0)) * c b = Rgas_r * T_r / (ksdt * ksdt) b = b + 1.0D0 b = (b * gam_ag) / (gam_ag + 1.0D0) C csi = b * b - c if (csi .lt. 0.0D0) then if (logdeb) then write(*,*) 'fundt.f' write(*,*) 'delta < 0 . ', csi write(*,*) 'Anomaly detected' endif csi = 0.0D0 C logan = .true. C goto 9999 endif csi = sqrt (csi) csi = b - csi if (csi .le. 0.0D0) then write(*,*) 'fundt.f' write(*,*) 'Anomaly detected' write(*,*) 'csi = ', csi logan = .true. goto 9999 endif rho_a = rho_r / csi P_a = P_r + ((m * m) * ((1.0D0 / rho_r) - (1.0D0 / rho_a))) T_a = P_a / (Rgas_r * rho_a) u_a = d - m / rho_a k0sdt = d - u_a C write(*,*) 'ksdt, k0sdt ', ksdt, k0sdt endif C 9999 continue return end
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