C ELQUOI SOURCE OF166741 24/11/18 21:15:02 12081 C======================================================================= C= Sous-programme ELQUOI = C= --------------------- = C= = C= Ce sous programme fournit les caracteristiques des elements finis. = C= = C= Entrees : = C= --------- = C= NELE : numero de l'element fini = C= NBPOIN : nombre de points d'integration contraintes = C= multicouches ( COQ6 - COQ8 ) = C= INTTYP : type d'integration utilisee par l'operateur = C= Si l'on desire un segment d'integration pour un champ aux : = C= 1 = NOEUDS ( appel a RENOEU ) = C= 2 = points de GAUSS pour centre de GRAVITE et CHAMP CONSTANT = C= 3 = points de GAUSS pour la RIGIDITE = C= 4 = points de GAUSS pour la MASSE = C= 5 = points de GAUSS pour les CONTRAINTES = C= 6 = on ne calcule pas de segment d'integration = C= 7 = FACE = C= 8 = CENTREP1 = C= 9 = MSOMMET = C -10= en mecanique on veut calculer les 5 premiers et on les met = C dans infmod(3 ...) = C= Dans un autre cas, infell(11) renverra un pointeur sur un segment = C= d'integration de type RIGIDITE. = C= IMODEL : pointeur sur une zone elementaire d'un modele = C= SEGMENT ACTIF en entree et en sortie = C= Sorties : = C= --------- = C= retourne IPTR pointeur sur un segment INFO ACTIF contenant : = C= La dimension de infell est fixee par NINFOS = C= infell( 1) numero de l'element fini = C= infell( 2) nombre de points d'integration en contraintes = C= multicouche = C= infell( 3) nombre de points d'integration pour la masse = C= infell( 4) nombre de points d'integration pour SIGMA = C= BSIGMA et KSIGMA = C= infell( 5) nombre de caracteristiques = C= infell( 6) nombre de points d'integration pour la RIGIDITE = C= infell( 7) longueur d'un tableau de travail pour l'element = C= infell( 8) nombre de fonctions de forme = C= infell( 9) nbre de d.d.l. dans la matrice de RIGIDITE = C= infell(10) taille de la matrice de Hooke = C= infell(11) pointeur sur le segment d'integration = C= infell(12) pointeur sur le 2nd segment d'integration des = C= elements homogeneises ou fluides (COQ6 ou COQ8) = C= infell(13) numero de la formulation de l'element fini = C= = 1 MASSIF = C= voir aussi = 3 COQUE = C= NUMMFR.eso = 5 COQUE EPAISSE ( COQ6 , COQ8 ) = C= = 7 POUTRE = C= = 9 COQUE AVEC CISAILLEMENT TRANSVERSE = C= = 11 LIQUIDE = C= = 13 TUYAU = C= = 15 LINESPRING = C= = 17 TUYAU FISSURE = C= = 19 RACCORD MASSIF = C= = 21 RACCORD COQUE = C= = 23 SURFACE LIBRE = C= = 25 MEMBRANE = C= = 26 point support MODAL = C= = 27 UNIAXIALE = C= = 28 point support STATIQUE = C= = 29 THERMIQUE = C= = 31 INCOMPRESSIBLES = C= = 33 POREUX = C= = 35 JOINT = C= = 37 HOMOGENEISE = C= = 39 TUYO = C= = 41 TUYAU ACOUSTIQUE PURE = C= = 43 RACCORD TUYAU FLUIDE = C= = 45 HYBRIDE = C= = 47 FIBRE = C= = 49 BARRE 3D EXCENTREE = C= = 51 LIASON A 2 NOEUDS = C= = 53 JOINT CISAILLEMENT (2D) = C= = 55 JOINT GENERALISE = C= = 57 POREUX TYPE Q = C= = 59 POREUX TYPE R = C= = 61 MACRO ELEMENT = C= = 63 XFEM meca rupt (2D/3D) = C= = 65 THERMOHYDRIQUE = C= = 69 MAGNETODYNAMIQUE = C= = 71 ELECTROSTATIQUE = C= = 73 DIFFUSION = C= = 75 JOINT UNIDIMENSIONNEL = C= = 77 ZONE COHESIVE = C= = 79 TUYAU 1D pour advection C= = 78 COAXIAL C= = 89 Elements HHO [HHO_MFR_ELEMENT CCHHOPA.INC]= C======================================================================= C= infell(14) numero de l'element geometrique associe (NUMGEO) = C= infell(15) nombre maximal de d.d.l. par noeud = C= infell(16) nombre de composantes de contraintes ou de deform. = C======================================================================= IMPLICIT INTEGER(I-N) IMPLICIT REAL*8(A-H,O-Z) -INC PPARAM -INC CCOPTIO -INC CCGEOME -INC CCHAMP C= DEB === Formulation HHO ===== Include specifique ==================== -INC CCHHOPA C= FIN === Formulation HHO ============================================= -INC SMMODEL -INC SMELEME -INC SMLMOTS -INC SMINTE C Segment (type LISTENTI) contenant les informations sur un element SEGMENT INFO INTEGER INFELL(JG) ENDSEGMENT C======================================================================= C= INTEGR : SAVE local des pointeurs sur les segments d'integration = C= CAS GENERAL = C= NELFI : Nombre de types d'element FINI (= LNOMTP de bdata.eso) = C= NBMODE : Nombre de MODEs de calcul (= nb valeurs possibles IFOMOD) = C= TYINTE : Type de l'INTEGRATION utilise par le calcul = C= (correspond a la valeur de INTTYP=infell(11) en entree) = C= NTYNTE : Nombre de TYPEs de segment D'INTEGRATION possibles = C= (voir la description de INTTYP ci-dessus) = C= NINFOS : Dimension (JG) du tableau infell (segment INFO) = 16 = C= On sauvegarde dans INTEGR(I,J) le pointeur sur un segment d'inte- = C= gration correspondant a l'element fini de type I et une integration = C= de type J. = C======================================================================= C Valeurs de IFOMOD : -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 C PLAN AXIS FOUR TRID UNID UNID UNID FREQ C PLAN AXIS SPHE PARAMETER ( NELFI = 300 , NTYNTE = 9 , NBMODE = 8 ) PARAMETER ( NINTEG = NELFI * NTYNTE * NBMODE , NINFOS = 16 ) INTEGER INTEGR(NELFI,NTYNTE,NBMODE),TYINTE logical dcmate,dcmat2 SAVE INTEGR DATA INTEGR / NINTEG*0 / IPTR = 0 C Tests de verification : IF (NELFI.LT.LNOMTP) THEN WRITE(IOIMP,*) WRITE(IOIMP,*) 'ELQUOI : valeur de NELFI incorrecte !' WRITE(IOIMP,*) ' NELFI = ',NELFI,LNOMTP RETURN ENDIF C On se place sur la bonne "tranche" du tableau INTEGR : IBMODE = IFOMOD + 2 IF (NBMODE.LT.IBMODE) THEN WRITE(IOIMP,*) WRITE(IOIMP,*) 'ELQUOI : valeur de NBMODE incorrecte !' WRITE(IOIMP,*) ' IBMODE = ',IBMODE,NBMODE,IFOMOD RETURN ENDIF C Quel(s) type(s) de segment est(sont) a traiter ? TYINTE = INTTYP IF (INTTYP.EQ.-10) TYINTE = 0 IMODEL = IPMODL c* write(ioimp,*) 'Entree dans ELQUOI : IMODEL=',imodel,formod(1) IF (imodel.INFMOD(/1).LT.1) THEN WRITE(IOIMP,*) WRITE(IOIMP,*) 'ELQUOI : INFMOD(/1) incorrect',INFMOD(/1),' < 1' ENDIF C Recuperation des donnees de infell en entree MELE = NELE NBGS = NBPOIN C==== Formulation HHO ===== Appel specifique a HHOELQ ================== IF (MELE .EQ. HHO_NUM_ELEMENT) THEN C idem IF (MFR .EQ. HHO_MFR_ELEMENT) THEN CALL HHOELQ(IPMODL,INTTYP, IPTR) RETURN END IF C==== Formulation HHO ================================================== dcmate = .false. dcmat2 = .false. do im = 1, imodel.matmod(/2) if (imodel.matmod(im).eq.'IMPEDANCE') then dcmate = .true. meleme = imodel.imamod ityp1 = meleme.itypel if (ityp1.eq.1) mele = 45 endif enddo C Nombre de points d'integration dans l'epaisseur (stocke dans IMODEL) NPINT = imodel.INFMOD(1) c IF(MELE.EQ.263) NPINT=0 C Initialisation IPT2 = 0 JG = NINFOS SEGINI,INFO C=---------------------------------------------------------------------= C= REMPLISSAGE DU TABLEAU infell C=---------------------------------------------------------------------= C Remplissage de infell(1) : numero de l'element fini C -------------------------- INFELL(1) = NELE C Remplissage de infell(8) : C -------------------------- C Sauf cas particuliers, le nombre de fonctions de forme de l'element C fini est egal au nombre de noeuds de l'element geometrique support. INFELL(8) = NBNNE(IELE) C Massifs : TRIx-QUAx 4 a 11, CUxx a PRxx 14 a 17, TExx-PYxx 23 a 26 IF (MELE.GE.4.AND.MELE.LE.11) THEN INFELL(8) = 3 ELSE IF (MELE.GE.14.AND.MELE.LE.17) THEN infell(8) = 3 ELSE IF (MELE.GE.23.AND.MELE.LE.26) THEN infell(8) = 3 C Polygones : POxx 111 a 122 ELSE IF (MELE.GE.111.AND.MELE.LE.122) THEN IF (MELE.EQ.111) infell(8) = 3 IF (MELE.EQ.112) infell(8) = 4 IF (MELE.EQ.113) infell(8) = 5 IF (MELE.EQ.114) infell(8) = 6 IF (MELE.EQ.115) infell(8) = 7 IF (MELE.EQ.116) infell(8) = 8 IF (MELE.EQ.117) infell(8) = 9 IF (MELE.EQ.118) infell(8) = 10 IF (MELE.EQ.119) infell(8) = 11 IF (MELE.EQ.120) infell(8) = 12 IF (MELE.EQ.121) infell(8) = 13 IF (MELE.EQ.122) infell(8) = 14 C Elements QxRI 183 a 184 ELSE IF (MELE.EQ.183.OR.MELE.EQ.184) THEN infell(8) = 3 C Elements C20R ET P15R 279 A 280 ELSE IF (MELE.EQ.279.OR.MELE.EQ.280) THEN infell(8) = 3 CTY Element XQ4R (xfem meca rupture en 2D) ELSEIF(MELE.eq.263) THEN infell(8)=40 CTY Element XC8R (xfem meca rupture en 3D) ELSE IF(MELE.eq.264) THEN infell(8)=80 ENDIF C Elements Navier Stokes : cas P1CENTRE IF(TYINTE.EQ.8) THEN C cas MACRO 2D QUAF 2D --> TRI3 IF(MELE.EQ.217.OR.MELE.EQ.224.OR.MELE.EQ.231 & .OR.MELE.EQ.238.OR.MELE.EQ.245.OR.MELE.EQ.252) & infell(8) = 3 C cas MACRO 2D QUAF 2D --> QUA4 IF(MELE.EQ.218.OR.MELE.EQ.225.OR.MELE.EQ.232 & .OR.MELE.EQ.239.OR.MELE.EQ.246.OR.MELE.EQ.253) & infell(8) = 3 C cas MACRO 3D QUAF 3D C IF((MELE.GE.226.AND.MELE.LE.229).OR. C & (MELE.GE.247.AND.MELE.LE.250)) infell(8) = 4 ENDIF C Elements Navier Stokes : cas MSOMMET IF(TYINTE.EQ.9) THEN C cas MACRO QUAF 1D --> SEG2 IF(MELE.EQ.216.OR.MELE.EQ.223.OR.MELE.EQ.230 & .OR.MELE.EQ.237.OR.MELE.EQ.244.OR.MELE.EQ.251) IELE = 2 C cas MACRO QUAF 2D --> TRI3 IF(MELE.EQ.217.OR.MELE.EQ.224.OR.MELE.EQ.231 & .OR.MELE.EQ.238.OR.MELE.EQ.245.OR.MELE.EQ.252) IELE = 4 C cas MACRO QUAF 2D --> QUA4 IF(MELE.EQ.218.OR.MELE.EQ.225.OR.MELE.EQ.232 & .OR.MELE.EQ.239.OR.MELE.EQ.246.OR.MELE.EQ.253) IELE = 8 C cas MACRO QUAF 3D --> CUB8 IF(MELE.EQ.233.OR.MELE.EQ.254) IELE = 14 C cas MACRO QUAF 3D --> PRI6 IF(MELE.EQ.234.OR.MELE.EQ.255) IELE = 16 C cas MACRO QUAF 3D --> TET4 IF(MELE.EQ.235.OR.MELE.EQ.256) IELE = 23 C cas MACRO QUAF 3D --> PYR5 IF(MELE.EQ.236.OR.MELE.EQ.257) IELE = 25 infell(8) = NBNNE(IELE) infell(14)= IELE ENDIF C Pour les elements xxxP (79 a 83), TUYO (96), JOPx (108 a 110), xxxQ C (173 a 177), xxxR (178 a 182), JORx (185 a 187) et JOQx(188 a 190), C infell(8) est affecte lors du remplissage complet de infell. C Remplissage de infell(13) et infell(14) : C ----------------------------------------- C infell(13) : numero de la FORMULATION - MFR=NUMMFR(NELE) infell(13) = MFR if (formod(1).eq.'LIAISON'.and.MFR.eq.27) infell(13) = 24 do im = 1,matmod(/2) if (MFR.eq.27.and.matmod(im).eq.'MODAL') infell(13) = 26 if (MFR.eq.27.and.matmod(im).eq.'STATIQUE') infell(13) = 28 enddo IF (FORMOD(1).EQ.'CHARGEMENT') THEN IF (MFR.EQ.1) INFELL(13) = 72 IF (MFR.EQ.3.OR.MFR.EQ.5.OR.MFR.EQ.7.OR.MFR.EQ.9.OR. & MFR.EQ.13) INFELL(13) = 74 ENDIF MFR = infell(13) C mfr2 non nul en cas de formulation massive non mecanique mfr2 = 0 if (MFR.EQ.26.OR.MFR.EQ.28) mfr3 = mfr C Cas particuliers : elements HYxx (99 a 103) C MFR = NUMMFR(mele) = 45 mais infell(13)=1 (MASSIF) IF (MELE.GE.99.AND.MELE.LE.103) infell(13)=1 C ELECTROSTATIQUE : MFR=71=infell(13) et NUMMFR(mele)=1 (MASSIF) IF (FORMOD(1).EQ.'ELECTROSTATIQUE') mfr2=71 C DIFFUSION : MFR=73=infell(13) et NUMMFR(mele)=1 (MASSIF) IF (FORMOD(1).EQ.'DIFFUSION') THEN IF (MFR .EQ. 1) THEN infell(13)=73 ELSE infell(13)=MFR ENDIF ENDIF IF (mfr2.NE.0) infell(13) = mfr2 C C infell(14) : numero de l'element GEOMETRIQUE - IELE=NUMGEO(NELE) infell(14) = IELE C Remplissage de infell(10), infell(15) et infell(16) : C ----------------------------------------------------- C infell(10) : dimension de la matrice de Hooke C infell(15) : nombre maximal de ddl par noeud C infell(16) : nombre de composantes de contraintes et deformations C MASSIFs (2D) : TRIx-QUAx 4 a 11 + POLYgones : POLY 111 a 122 + C Elements QxRI 183 a 184 IF ((MELE.GE.4.AND.MELE.LE.11).OR.(MELE.GE.111.AND.MELE.LE.122) . .OR.MELE.EQ.183.OR.MELE.EQ.184) THEN IF (IFOUR.EQ.1) THEN infell(10)=6 infell(15)=3 infell(16)=6 ELSE infell(10)=4 infell(15)=2 infell(16)=4 ENDIF C MASSIFs (3D) : CUxx-PRxx 14 a 17, TExx-PYxx 23 a 26, C20R et P15R 279 a 280 ELSE IF ((MELE.GE.14.AND.MELE.LE.17).OR. . (MELE.GE.23.AND.MELE.LE.26).OR. . MELE.EQ.279.OR.MELE.EQ.280) THEN infell(10)=6 infell(15)=3 infell(16)=6 C Elements LIQUIDE : Lxxx 35 a 40 ELSE IF (MELE.GE.35.AND.MELE.LE.40) THEN infell(10)=5 infell(15)=2 infell(16)=0 C Elements de RACCORD FLUIDE-STRUCTURE : C RAC2 12, LIAx 18 a 19, RACO 47, LICO 55, LIC4 94 ELSE IF (MELE.EQ.12.OR.MELE.EQ.18.OR.MELE.EQ.19.OR.MELE.EQ.47.OR. . MELE.EQ.55.OR.MELE.EQ.94) THEN infell(10)=6 C Elements de SURFACE LIBRE : LSU2 48, LSU3 53, LSU4 54 ELSE IF (MELE.EQ.48.OR.MELE.EQ.53.OR.MELE.EQ.54) THEN infell(10)=6 infell(15)=3 C Elements THERMIQUEs : CVxx 57 a 62, THxx 63 a 68 ELSE IF (MELE.GE.57.AND.MELE.LE.68) THEN IF (MELE.LE.60) THEN infell(10)=2 infell(15)=1 infell(16)=2 ELSE IF (MELE.GE.61) THEN infell(10)=3 infell(15)=1 infell(16)=3 ENDIF C Elements MASSIFs IMCOMPRESSIBLES : ICxx 69 a 78 et 273(ICY5) et 274(IC13) ELSE IF ((MELE.GE.69.AND.MELE.LE.78).OR.MELE.EQ.273.OR. & MELE.EQ.274) THEN IF (MELE.LE.72) THEN infell(10)=4 C** IF (IFOUR.EQ.1.OR.IFOUR.EQ.-3) infell(10)=4 infell(15)=2 IF (IFOUR.EQ.1.OR.IFOUR.EQ.-3) infell(15)=3 infell(16)=4 C** IF (IFOUR.EQ.1.OR.IFOUR.EQ.-3) infell(16)=4 ELSE IF (MELE.GE.73) THEN infell(10)=6 infell(15)=3 infell(16)=6 ENDIF C Elements MASSIFs POREUX : xxxP 79 a 83 ELSE IF (MELE.GE.79.AND.MELE.LE.83) THEN IF (MELE.LE.80) THEN IF (IFOUR.EQ.1.OR.IFOUR.EQ.-3) THEN infell(10)=6 infell(15)=4 infell(16)=7 ELSE infell(10)=4 infell(15)=3 infell(16)=5 ENDIF ELSE IF (MELE.GE.81) THEN infell(10)=6 infell(15)=4 infell(16)=7 ENDIF C Elements MASSIFs POREUX de type Q : xxxQ 173 a 177 ELSE IF (MELE.GE.173.AND.MELE.LE.177) THEN IF (MELE.LE.174) THEN IF (IFOUR.EQ.1) THEN infell(10)=8 infell(15)=5 infell(16)=8 ELSE infell(10)=6 infell(15)=4 infell(16)=6 ENDIF ELSE IF (MELE.GE.175) THEN infell(10)=8 infell(15)=5 infell(16)=8 ENDIF C Elements MASSIFs POREUX de type R : xxxR 178 a 182 ELSE IF(MELE.GE.178.AND.MELE.LE.182) THEN IF (MELE.LE.179) THEN IF (IFOUR.EQ.1) THEN infell(10)=9 infell(15)=6 infell(16)=9 ELSE infell(10)=7 infell(15)=5 infell(16)=7 ENDIF ELSE IF (MELE.GE.180) THEN infell(10)=9 infell(15)=6 infell(16)=9 ENDIF C Elements JOINTS : JOxx 85 a 90 ELSE IF (MELE.GE.85.AND.MELE.LE.90) THEN IF (MELE.LE.86) THEN infell(10)=2 infell(16)=2 ELSE IF (MELE.GE.87) THEN infell(10)=3 infell(16)=3 ENDIF C C MACRO ELEMENT CISAILLEMENT FLEXION C ELSE IF(MELE.EQ.191) THEN infell(5)=3 infell(7)=300 GO TO 258 C Elements JOINTs CISAILLEMENT et GENERALISES : JCxx-JGxx 168 a 172 ELSE IF (MELE.GE.168.AND.MELE.LE.172) THEN infell(7)=300 infell(9)=infell(8)*IDIM infell(15)=IDIM IF (MELE.EQ.168.OR.MELE.EQ.169) THEN infell(10)=2 infell(16)=2 ELSE IF (MELE.EQ.170) THEN infell(10)=4 infell(16)=4 ELSE infell(10)=6 infell(16)=6 ENDIF C Elements HOMOGENEISES : TRIH 92, QUAH 126, CUBH 127, TRH6 157 ELSE IF (MELE.EQ.92.OR.MELE.EQ.126.OR.MELE.EQ.127.OR. . MELE.EQ.157) THEN infell(10)=10 infell(16)=0 C Elements JOINTS POREUX : JOPx 108 a 110 ELSE IF (MELE.GE.108.AND.MELE.LE.110) THEN infell(7)=100 C Elements JOINTS POREUX de type Q : JOQx 185 a 187 ELSE IF (MELE.GE.185.AND.MELE.LE.187) THEN infell(7)=150 C Elements JOINTS POREUX de type R : JORx 188 a 190 ELSE IF (MELE.GE.188.AND.MELE.LE.190) THEN infell(7)=200 C Elements MASSIFS THERMIQUE/MECANIQUE en 1D : T1Dx-M1Dx 191 a 194 ELSE IF (MELE.GE.191.AND.MELE.LE.194) THEN infell(10)=3 infell(15)=1 infell(16)=3 ENDIF C Cas particuliers des autres formulations massives (mfr2 > 0) IF (mfr2.NE.0) THEN infell(10)=IDIM infell(15)=1 infell(16)=IDIM ENDIF C Pour les autres elements, les valeurs de infell(10,15,16) sont C eventuellement affectees (0 par defaut) lors du branchement (GOTO) C ci-dessous qui effectue le remplissage complet du tableau infell. C Remplissage complet du tableau infell suivant l'element fini C -------------------------------------------------------------- IF(MELE.GE.1.AND.MELE.LE.100) THEN C CABL SEG2 SEG3 TRI3 TRI4 TRI6 TRI7 QUA4 QUA5 QUA8 GOTO ( 300, 2, 3, 4, 300, 6, 7, 8, 300, 10 C QUA9 RAC2 RAC3 CUB8 CU20 PRI6 PR15 LIA3 LIA4 LIA6 1 , 11, 12, 300, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 300 C LIA8 MULT TET4 TE10 PYR5 PY13 COQ3 DKT POUT LISP 2 , 300, 300, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 C FAC3 FAC4 FAC6 FAC8 LTR3 LQU4 LCU8 LPR6 LTE4 LPY5 3 , 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40 C COQ8 TUYA TUFI COQ2 POI1 BARR RACO LSU2 COQ4 LISM 4 , 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50 C COF3 RES2 LSU3 LSU4 LICO COQ6 CVS2 CVS3 CVT3 CVT6 5 , 51, 300, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60 C CVQ4 CVQ8 THP5 TH13 THP6 TH15 THC8 TH20 ICT3 ICQ4 6 , 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70 C ICT6 ICQ8 ICC8 ICT4 ICP6 IC20 IC10 IC15 TRIP QUAP 7 , 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80 C CUBP TETP PRIP TIMO JOI2 JOI3 JOT3 JOI4 JOI6 JOI8 8 , 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90 C LISC TRIH DST LIC4 CERC TUYO LSE2 LITU HYT3 HYQ4 9 , 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 4, 8) c cccccc . ,MELE ELSEIF(MELE.GE.101.AND.MELE.LE.200) THEN C HYT4 HYP6 HYC8 TRIS QUAS POIS FOR3 JOP3 JOP6 JOP8 GOTO ( 23, 16, 14, 104, 105, 106, 300, 108, 109, 110 C POL3 POL4 POL5 POL6 POL7 POL8 POL9 PO10 PO11 PO12 1 , 111, 111, 111, 111, 111, 111, 111, 111, 111, 111 C PO13 PO14 BAR3 BAEX LIA2 QUAH CUBH ROT3 SEF2 TRF3 2 , 111, 111, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 2, 4 C QUF4 CUF8 PRF6 TEF4 PYF5 MSE3 MTR6 MQU9 MC27 MP18 3 , 8, 14, 16, 23, 25, 3, 6, 11, 275, 300 C MT10 MP14 SEF3 TRF7 QUF9 CF27 PF21 TF15 PF19 SEG6 4 , 24, 300, 3, 7, 11, 275, 276, 277, 278, 300 C TR21 QU36 C216 P126 TE56 PY91 TRH6 BSE2 BTR4 BQU5 5 , 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 157, 300, 300, 300 C BCU9 BPR7 BTE5 BPY6 FRO4 SEGS POJS JCT3 JCI4 JGI2 6 , 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170 C JGT3 JGI4 TRIQ QUAQ CUBQ TETQ PRIQ TRIR QUAR CUBR 7 , 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180 C TETR PRIR Q4RI Q8RI JOQ3 JOQ6 JOQ8 JOR3 JOR6 JOR8 8 , 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190 C T1D2 T1D3 M1D2 M1D3 LC03 LC07 LC09 LC27 LC21 LC15 9 , 191, 192, 191, 192, 195, 196, 197, 300, 300, 300) c cccccc . ,MELE-100 ELSEIF(MELE.GE.201.AND.MELE.LE.300) THEN C LC19 LS03 LS07 LS09 LS27 LS21 LS15 LS19 BS03 BS07 GOTO ( 300, 195, 196, 197, 300, 300, 300, 300, 195, 196 C BS09 BS27 BS21 BS15 BS19 MC03 MC07 MC09 MC27 MC21 1 , 197, 300, 300, 300, 300, 216, 217, 218, 300, 300 C MC15 MC19 M103 M107 M109 M127 M121 M115 M119 MS03 2 , 300, 300, 223, 224, 225, 300, 300, 300, 300, 223 C MS07 MS09 MS27 MS21 MS15 MS19 QC03 QC07 QC09 QC27 3 , 224, 225, 300, 300, 300, 300, 237, 238, 239, 300 C QC21 QC15 QC19 Q103 Q107 Q109 Q127 Q121 Q115 Q119 4 , 300, 300, 300, 237, 238, 239, 300, 300, 300, 300 C QS03 QS07 QS09 QS27 QS21 QS15 QS19 CIFL SURE SHB8 5 , 237, 238, 239, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 300, 260 C CAF2 CAF3 XQ4R XC8R JOI1 ZCO2 ZCO3 ZCO4 TUY2 TUY3 6 , 300, 300, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270 C COS2 COA2 ICY5 IC13 CU27 PR21 TE15 PY19 C20R P15R 7 , 271, 272, 25, 26, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280 C HHO .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 8 , 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999 C .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 9 , 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999) c cccccc . ,MELE-200 ENDIF C Si on arrive ici : probleme C C Remplissage de infell pour chaque element C ------------------------------------------- C Element SEG2 2 infell(2)=2 infell(4)=2 infell(6)=2 C** IF (IFOUR.EQ.0.OR.IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(6)=3 infell(7)=0 infell(9)=4 IF (IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(9)=6 infell(10)=1 infell(15)=2 IF (IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(15)=3 infell(16)=1 GOTO 300 C Element SEG3 3 infell(2)=3 IF (IFOUR.EQ.0.OR.IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(2)=4 infell(4)=3 IF (IFOUR.EQ.0.OR.IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(4)=4 infell(6)=3 IF (IFOUR.EQ.0.OR.IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(6)=4 infell(7)=0 infell(9)=6 IF (IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(9)=9 infell(10)=1 infell(15)=2 IF (IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(15)=3 infell(16)=1 if (MELE.EQ.99) goto 99 GOTO 300 C Element TRI3 4 infell(2)=1 infell(3)=4 IF (IFOUR.EQ.0.OR.IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(3)=7 infell(4)=1 infell(6)=1 C IF (IFOUR.EQ.0.OR.IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(6)=4 infell(9)=6 IF (IFOUR.EQ.1.OR.IFOUR.EQ.-3) infell(9)=9 GOTO 300 C Element TRI6 6 IF (IFOUR.EQ.0.OR.IFOUR.EQ.1) THEN infell(2)=7 infell(4)=7 infell(6)=7 ELSE infell(2)=4 infell(4)=4 infell(6)=4 ENDIF infell(3)=7 infell(9)=12 IF (IFOUR.EQ.-3) infell(9)=15 IF (IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(9)=18 GOTO 300 C Element TRI7 7 IF (IFOUR.EQ.0.OR.IFOUR.EQ.1) THEN infell(2)=7 infell(4)=7 infell(6)=7 ELSE infell(2)=4 infell(4)=4 infell(6)=4 ENDIF infell(3)=7 infell(9)=14 IF (IFOUR.EQ.-3) infell(9)=17 IF (IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(9)=21 GOTO 300 C Element QUA4 8 infell(2)=4 infell(3)=4 IF (IFOUR.EQ.0.OR.IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(3)=9 infell(4)=4 C** infell(4)=5 CORRECTION MILL LE 8/8/90 infell(6)=4 C** IF(IFOUR.EQ.0.OR.IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(6)=9 infell(9)=8 IF (IFOUR.EQ.-3) infell(9)=11 IF (IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(9)=12 if (MELE.EQ.100) goto 100 GOTO 300 C Element QUA8 10 infell(2)=9 infell(3)=9 IF (IFOUR.EQ.0.OR.IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(3)=16 infell(4)=9 infell(6)=9 C IF(IFOUR.EQ.0.OR.IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(6)=16 infell(9)=16 IF (IFOUR.EQ.-3) infell(9)=19 IF (IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(9)=24 GOTO 300 C Element QUA9 11 infell(2)=9 infell(3)=9 IF (IFOUR.EQ.0.OR.IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(3)=16 infell(4)=9 infell(6)=9 C IF(IFOUR.EQ.0.OR.IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(6)=16 infell(9)=18 IF (IFOUR.EQ.-3) infell(9)=21 IF (IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(9)=27 GOTO 300 C Element RAC2 (raccord a 4 noeuds en 2 dimensions) 12 infell(2)=2 infell(4)=2 infell(5)=2 infell(6)=2 infell(9)=8 IF (IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(9)=10 infell(15)=3 GOTO 300 C Element CUB8 14 infell(2)=8 infell(3)=8 infell(4)=8 infell(6)=8 infell(9)=24 if (MELE.EQ.103) goto 103 GOTO 300 C Element CU20 15 infell(2)=27 infell(3)=27 infell(4)=27 infell(6)=27 infell(9)=60 GOTO 300 C Element PRI6 16 infell(2)=6 cbp infell(3)=6 infell(3)=8 infell(4)=6 infell(6)=6 infell(9)=18 if (MELE.EQ.102) goto 102 GOTO 300 C Element PR15 17 infell(2)=12 cbp infell(3)=12 infell(3)=21 infell(4)=12 infell(6)=12 infell(9)=45 GOTO 300 C Element LIA3 (raccord a 6 noeudes en 3 dimensions) 18 infell(2)=4 infell(4)=4 infell(5)=3 infell(6)=4 infell(9)=15 infell(13)=19 infell(15)=3 GOTO 300 C Element LIA4 (raccord a 8 noeuds en 3 dimensions) 19 infell(2)=4 infell(4)=4 infell(5)=3 infell(6)=4 infell(9)=20 infell(15)=3 GOTO 300 C Element TET4 23 infell(2)=1 infell(3)=4 infell(4)=1 infell(6)=1 infell(9)=12 if (MELE.EQ.101) goto 101 GOTO 300 C Element TE10 24 infell(2)=5 cbp infell(3)=5 infell(3)=15 infell(4)=5 infell(6)=5 infell(9)=30 GOTO 300 C Element PYR5 25 infell(2)=5 infell(3)=5 infell(4)=5 infell(6)=5 infell(9)=15 GOTO 300 C Element PY13 cbp 26 infell(2)=27 cbp infell(3)=27 cbp infell(4)=27 cbp infell(6)=27 26 infell(2)=10 infell(3)=17 infell(4)=10 infell(6)=10 infell(9)=39 GOTO 300 C Element COQ3 27 infell(2)=3 infell(4)=1 infell(5)=3 infell(6)=1 infell(7)=600 infell(9)=18 IF (FORMOD(1) .EQ. 'DIFFUSION') infell(9)=9 infell(10)=6 infell(15)=6 infell(16)=6 GOTO 300 C Element DKT 28 infell(2)=3 infell(3)=3 infell(5)=3 infell(7)=600 infell(9)=18 infell(15)=6 IF (NPINT.EQ.0) THEN C Element DKT COQUE GLOBALE infell(4)=3 infell(6)=3 infell(10)=6 infell(16)=6 ELSE C Element DKT COQUE INTEGREE dans l'epaisseur infell(4)=3*NPINT infell(6)=3*NPINT infell(10)=6 infell(16)=4 ENDIF GOTO 300 C Element POUTRE 29 infell(2)=2 infell(4)=2 infell(6)=2 infell(7)=200 IF (IFOUR.EQ.-3.OR.IFOUR.EQ.-2.OR.IFOUR.EQ.-1) THEN C Element POUTRE 2D plan infell(5)=6 infell(9)=6 infell(10)=3 infell(15)=3 infell(16)=3 ELSE C Element POUTRE 3D infell(5)=12 infell(9)=12 infell(10)=6 infell(15)=6 infell(16)=6 ENDIF GOTO 300 C Element LINE SPRING LISP 30 infell(2)=3 infell(13)=15 infell(6)=3 infell(4)=3 infell(16)=6 infell(9)=24 infell(7)=100 infell(10)=6 infell(15)=6 infell(5)=5 GOTO 300 C Element FAC3 pour les PRESSIONS uniquement 31 infell(2)=1 infell(4)=1 infell(6)=1 infell(9)=9 infell(15)=3 GOTO 300 C Element FAC4 pour les PRESSIONS uniquement 32 infell(2)=4 infell(4)=4 infell(6)=4 infell(9)=12 infell(15)=3 GOTO 300 C Element FAC6 pour les PRESSIONS uniquement 33 infell(2)=4 infell(4)=4 infell(6)=4 infell(9)=18 infell(15)=3 GOTO 300 C Element FAC8 pour les PRESSIONS uniquement 34 infell(2)=9 infell(4)=9 infell(6)=9 infell(9)=24 infell(15)=3 GOTO 300 C Element LTR3 : element LIQUIDE triangle a 3 noeuds 35 infell(2)=4 infell(3)=4 IF (IFOUR.EQ.0.OR.IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(3)=7 infell(4)=4 infell(6)=4 infell(9)=6 GOTO 300 C Element LQU4 : element LIQUIDE quadrangle a 4 noeuds 36 infell(2)=4 infell(3)=4 IF (IFOUR.EQ.0.OR.IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(3)=9 infell(4)=4 infell(6)=4 infell(9)=8 GOTO 300 C Element LCU8 : Element LIQUIDE CUBE a 8 noeuds 37 infell(2)=8 infell(3)=8 infell(4)=8 infell(6)=8 infell(9)=16 GOTO 300 C Element LPR6 : Element LIQUIDE PRISME a 6 noeuds 38 infell(2)=6 infell(3)=6 infell(4)=6 infell(6)=6 infell(9)=12 GOTO 300 C Element LTE4 : Element LIQUIDE TETRAEDRE a 4 noeuds 39 infell(2)=4 infell(3)=4 infell(4)=4 infell(6)=4 infell(9)=8 GOTO 300 C Element LPY5 : Element LIQUIDE PYRAMIDE a 5 noeuds 40 infell(2)=5 infell(3)=5 infell(4)=5 infell(6)=5 infell(9)=10 GOTO 300 C Element COQ8 : Element COQUE EPAISSE a 8 noeuds 41 infell(2)=NBGS IF (NBGS.EQ.0) infell(2)=8 infell(3)=8 infell(4)=NBGS IF (NBGS.EQ.0) infell(4)=8 infell(5)=2 infell(6)=8 infell(7)=1700 infell(9)=48 IF (FORMOD(1) .EQ. 'DIFFUSION') infell(9)=24 infell(10)=5 infell(15)=6 infell(16)=5 GOTO 300 C Element TUYA : Element TUYAU 42 infell(2)=2 infell(4)=2 infell(5)=7 infell(6)=2 infell(7)=200 infell(9)=12 infell(10)=6 infell(15)=6 infell(16)=6 GOTO 300 C Element TUFI : Element TUYAU FISSURE 43 infell(2)=1 infell(3)=0 infell(4)=1 infell(5)=9 infell(6)=1 infell(7)=200 infell(9)=12 infell(10)=6 infell(15)=6 infell(16)=8 GOTO 300 C Element COQ2 44 infell(2)=3 infell(3)=3 infell(4)=3 infell(5)=3 infell(6)=3 infell(7)=368 infell(9)=8 IF (IFOUR.EQ.-2.OR.IFOUR.EQ.-1.OR.IFOUR.EQ.0) infell(9)=6 IF (IFOUR.EQ.-3) infell(9)=9 infell(10)=6 IF (IFOUR.LE.0) infell(10)=4 infell(15)=4 IF (IFOUR.EQ.-2.OR.IFOUR.EQ.-1.OR.IFOUR.EQ.0) infell(15)=3 infell(16)=6 IF (IFOUR.LE.0) infell(16)=4 GOTO 300 C Element POI1 (MODEs en DEFOrmations PLANes GENEralisees) C Valeurs a adapter pour certains MODE UNID (1D) 45 infell(2)=1 infell(3)=1 infell(4)=1 infell(5)=1 infell(6)=1 infell(7)=50 infell(15)=2 IF (IFOUR.EQ.11) THEN infell(9)=3 infell(10)=2 infell(16)=2 ELSE infell(9)=5 IF (IFOUR.GE.3.AND.IFOUR.LE.15) infell(9)=2 infell(10)=1 infell(16)=1 ENDIF if (mfr.eq.26.or.mfr.eq.28) infell(9) = 1 GOTO 300 C Element BARRE 46 infell(2)=2 infell(4)=2 infell(5)=1 infell(6)=2 infell(7)=200 infell(9)=6 IF (IFOUR.EQ.-2.OR.IFOUR.EQ.-1.OR.IFOUR.EQ.0) infell(9)=4 IF (IFOUR.EQ.-3) infell(9)=7 IF (FORMOD(1) .EQ. 'DIFFUSION') infell(9)=2 infell(10)=1 infell(15)=3 IF (FORMOD(1) .EQ. 'DIFFUSION') infell(15)=1 IF (IFOUR.EQ.-2.OR.IFOUR.EQ.-1.OR.IFOUR.EQ.0) infell(15)=2 infell(16)=1 GOTO 300 C Element RACO : Element de RACCORD LIQUIDE-COQUE a 4 noeuds en 2D 47 infell(2)=1 infell(4)=1 infell(5)=2 infell(6)=1 infell(9)=10 IF (IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(9)=12 infell(15)=4 GOTO 300 C Element LSU2 : Element de SURFACE LIBRE a 2 noeuds en 2D 48 infell(2)=2 infell(4)=2 infell(6)=2 infell(9)=6 GOTO 300 C Element COQ4 49 infell(2)=5 infell(3)=5 infell(4)=5 infell(5)=3 infell(6)=5 infell(7)=100 infell(9)=24 IF (FORMOD(1) .EQ. 'DIFFUSION') infell(9)=12 infell(10)=8 infell(15)=6 infell(16)=8 GOTO 300 C Element LINE SPRING LISM 50 infell(2)=1 infell(4)=1 infell(5)=5 infell(6)=3 infell(7)=100 infell(9)=24 infell(10)=6 infell(15)=6 infell(16)=6 GOTO 300 C Element COF3 51 infell(2)=3 infell(3)=3 infell(4)=3 infell(5)=3 infell(6)=3 infell(9)=12 infell(7)=368 infell(10)=6 infell(15)=4 infell(16)=6 GOTO 300 C Element LSU3 : Element de SURFACE LIBRE a 3 noeuds en 3D 53 infell(2)=4 infell(4)=4 infell(6)=4 infell(9)=9 GOTO 300 C Element LSU4 : Element de SURFACE LIBRE a 4 noeuds en 3D 54 infell(2)=4 infell(4)=4 infell(6)=4 infell(9)=12 GOTO 300 C Element LICO : Element de RACCORD LIQUIDE-COQUE a 6 noeuds en 3D 55 infell(2)=3 infell(4)=3 infell(5)=3 infell(6)=3 infell(9)=24 infell(15)=6 GOTO 300 C Element COQ6 : Element COQUE EPAISSE a 6 noeuds 56 infell(2)=NBGS IF(NBGS.EQ.0) infell(2)=6 infell(3)=6 infell(4)=NBGS IF (NBGS.EQ.0) infell(4)=6 infell(5)=2 infell(6)=6 infell(9)=36 IF (FORMOD(1) .EQ. 'DIFFUSION') infell(9)=18 infell(7)=1000 infell(10)=5 infell(15)=6 infell(16)=5 GOTO 300 C Element THT3 (thermique) 57 infell(2)=1 infell(6)=1 C** IF (IFOUR.EQ.0.OR.IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(6)=4 infell(9)=3 IF (IFOUR.EQ.1.OR.IFOUR.EQ.-3) infell(9)=9 GOTO 300 C Element THT6 58 infell(2)=4 infell(4)=4 infell(6)=4 IF (IFOUR.EQ.0.OR.IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(6)=7 infell(9)=6 IF (IFOUR.EQ.1.OR.IFOUR.EQ.-3) infell(9)=18 GOTO 300 C Element THQ4 59 infell(2)=4 infell(6)=4 C** IF (IFOUR.EQ.0.OR.IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(6)=9 infell(9)=4 IF (IFOUR.EQ.1.OR.IFOUR.EQ.-3) infell(9)=12 GOTO 300 C Element THQ8 60 infell(2)=9 infell(6)=9 C** IF (IFOUR.EQ.0.OR.IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(6)=16 infell(9)=8 IF (IFOUR.EQ.1.OR.IFOUR.EQ.-3) infell(9)=24 GOTO 300 C Element THT4 61 infell(2)=1 infell(6)=1 infell(9)=4 GOTO 300 C Element TH10 62 infell(2)=5 infell(6)=5 infell(9)=10 GOTO 300 C Element THP5 63 infell(2)=5 infell(6)=5 infell(9)=5 GOTO 300 C Element TH13 64 infell(2)=27 infell(6)=27 infell(9)=13 GOTO 300 C Element THP6 65 infell(2)=2 infell(6)=2 infell(9)=6 GOTO 300 C Element TH15 66 infell(2)=12 infell(6)=12 infell(9)=15 GOTO 300 C Element THC8 67 infell(2)=8 infell(6)=8 infell(9)=8 GOTO 300 C Element TH20 68 infell(2)=27 infell(6)=27 infell(9)=20 GOTO 300 C Element ICT3 69 infell(2)=1 infell(3)=4 IF (IFOUR.EQ.0.OR.IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(3)=7 infell(4)=1 infell(6)=1 C** IF (IFOUR.EQ.0.OR.IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(6)=4 infell(9)=6 IF (IFOUR.EQ.1.OR.IFOUR.EQ.-3) infell(9)=9 GOTO 300 C Element ICQ4 70 infell(2)=4 infell(3)=4 IF (IFOUR.EQ.0.OR.IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(3)=9 infell(4)=4 C** infell(4)=5 CORRECTION MILL LE 8/8/90 infell(6)=4 C** IF (IFOUR.EQ.0.OR.IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(6)=9 infell(9)=8 IF (IFOUR.EQ.-3) infell(9)=11 IF (IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(9)=12 GOTO 300 C Element ICT6 71 IF (IFOUR.EQ.0.OR.IFOUR.EQ.1) THEN infell(2)=7 infell(4)=7 infell(6)=7 ELSE infell(2)=4 infell(4)=4 infell(6)=4 ENDIF infell(3)=7 infell(9)=12 IF (IFOUR.EQ.-3) infell(9)=15 IF (IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(9)=18 GOTO 300 C Element ICQ8 72 infell(2)=9 infell(3)=9 IF (IFOUR.EQ.0.OR.IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(3)=16 infell(4)=9 infell(6)=9 C** IF (IFOUR.EQ.0.OR.IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(6)=16 infell(9)=16 IF (IFOUR.EQ.-3) infell(9)=19 IF (IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(9)=24 GOTO 300 C Element ICC8 73 infell(2)=8 infell(3)=8 infell(4)=8 infell(6)=8 infell(9)=24 GOTO 300 C Element ICT4 74 infell(2)=1 infell(3)=4 infell(4)=1 infell(6)=1 infell(9)=12 GOTO 300 C Element ICP6 75 infell(2)=6 infell(3)=8 infell(4)=6 infell(6)=6 infell(9)=18 GOTO 300 C Element IC20 76 infell(2)=27 infell(3)=27 infell(4)=27 infell(6)=27 infell(9)=60 GOTO 300 C Element IC10 77 infell(2)=5 infell(3)=5 infell(4)=5 infell(6)=5 infell(9)=30 GOTO 300 C Element IC15 78 infell(2)=12 infell(3)=21 infell(4)=12 infell(6)=12 infell(9)=45 GOTO 300 C Element TRIP 79 IF (IFOUR.EQ.0.OR.IFOUR.EQ.1) THEN infell(2)=7 infell(4)=7 infell(6)=7 ELSE infell(2)=4 infell(4)=4 infell(6)=4 ENDIF infell(3)=7 infell(8)=9 infell(9)=15 IF (IFOUR.EQ.-3.OR.IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(9)=21 GOTO 300 C Element QUAP 80 infell(2)=9 infell(3)=9 IF (IFOUR.EQ.0.OR.IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(3)=9 infell(4)=9 infell(6)=9 C** IF (IFOUR.EQ.0.OR.IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(6)=16 infell(8)=12 infell(9)=20 IF (IFOUR.EQ.1.OR.IFOUR.EQ.-3) infell(9)=28 GOTO 300 C Element CUBP 81 infell(2)=27 infell(3)=27 infell(4)=27 infell(6)=27 infell(8)=28 infell(9)=68 GOTO 300 C Element TETP 82 infell(2)=5 infell(3)=5 infell(4)=5 infell(6)=5 infell(8)=14 infell(9)=34 GOTO 300 C Element PRIP 83 infell(2)=12 infell(3)=12 infell(4)=12 infell(6)=12 infell(8)=21 infell(9)=51 GOTO 300 C Element TIMO : Element POUTRE de TIMOSHENCKO 84 infell(2)=1 infell(4)=1 infell(6)=1 infell(7)=200 IF (IFOUR.EQ.-3.OR.IFOUR.EQ.-2.OR.IFOUR.EQ.-1) THEN C Element TIMO 2D plan infell(5)=6 infell(9)=6 infell(10)=3 infell(15)=3 infell(16)=3 ELSE C Element TIMO 3D infell(5)=12 infell(9)=12 infell(10)=6 infell(15)=6 infell(16)=6 ENDIF GOTO 300 C Element JOI2 85 infell(2)=4 infell(3)=2 infell(4)=2 infell(5)=0 infell(6)=2 infell(7)=300 infell(9)=8 GOTO 300 C Element JOI3 86 infell(2)=3 infell(3)=2 infell(4)=3 infell(5)=0 infell(6)=3 infell(7)=100 infell(9)=12 GOTO 300 C Element JOT3 87 infell(2)=3 infell(3)=3 infell(4)=3 infell(5)=0 infell(6)=3 infell(7)=100 infell(9)=18 GOTO 300 C Element JOI4 88 infell(2)=4 infell(3)=4 infell(4)=4 infell(5)=0 infell(6)=4 infell(7)=100 infell(9)=24 GOTO 300 C Element JOI6 89 infell(2)=5 infell(4)=5 infell(6)=4 infell(9)=36 GOTO 300 C Element JOI8 90 infell(2)=9 infell(4)=9 infell(6)=9 infell(9)=48 GOTO 300 C Element LINE SPRING LISC 91 infell(2)=3 infell(4)=3 infell(5)=5 infell(6)=5 infell(7)=100 infell(9)=36 infell(10)=2 infell(15)=6 infell(16)=6 GOTO 300 C Element TRIH 92 infell(2)=4 infell(6)=4 infell(7)= 0 IF (IFOUR.EQ.1.OR.IFOUR.EQ.0) THEN infell(3)=7 infell(5)=5 IF (IFOUR.EQ.0) infell(9)=12 IF (IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(9)=18 infell(15)=6 ELSE infell(3)=4 infell(5)=5 infell(9)=12 infell(15)=4 ENDIF GOTO 300 C Element DST 93 infell(2)=3 infell(3)=3 infell(4)=3 infell(5)=3 infell(6)=3 infell(7)=600 infell(9)=18 infell(10)=8 infell(15)=6 infell(16)=8 GOTO 300 C Element LIC4 : Element de RACCORD LIQUIDE-COQUE a 8 noeuds en 3D 94 infell(2)=4 infell(3)=4 infell(4)=4 infell(5)=3 infell(6)=4 infell(9)=32 infell(15)=6 GOTO 300 C Element CERCE 95 infell(2)=1 infell(3)=1 infell(4)=1 infell(5)=1 infell(6)=1 infell(7)=50 infell(9)=2 IF (IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(9)=3 infell(10)=1 infell(15)=2 IF (IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(15)=3 infell(16)=1 GOTO 300 C Element TUYO 96 NTETA=40 infell(2)=2*NTETA infell(3)=2*NTETA infell(4)=2*NTETA infell(5)=7 infell(6)=2*NTETA infell(7)=500 infell(8)=2+4 infell(9)=12+2*9 infell(10)=6 infell(15)=6+9 infell(16)=6 GOTO 300 C Element LSE2 : TUYAU ACOUSTIQUE PURE 97 infell(2)=2 infell(3)=2 infell(4)=2 infell(5)=7 infell(6)=2 infell(7)=200 infell(9)=4 infell(10)=2 infell(15)=2 infell(16)=2 GOTO 300 C Element LITU : COUPLAGE LIQUIDE TUYAU 98 infell(2)=2 infell(3)=2 infell(4)=2 infell(5)=6 infell(6)=2 infell(7)=200 infell(9)=10 infell(10)=2 infell(15)=5 infell(16)=5 GOTO 300 C Element HYT3 : Element HYBRIDE TRI3 99 infell(3)=4 infell(6)=4 GOTO 300 C Element HYQ4 : Element HYBRIDE QUA4 100 infell(3)=4 infell(6)=4 GOTO 300 C Element HYBRIDE TET4 101 infell(3)=4 infell(6)=4 GOTO 300 C Element HYBRIDE PRI6 102 infell(3)=6 infell(6)=6 GOTO 300 C Element HYBRIDE CUB8 103 infell(3)=8 infell(6)=8 GOTO 300 C Element TRIS (TRI3-SECTION) 104 infell(2)=4 infell(3)=4 infell(4)=4 infell(5)=2 infell(6)=4 IF (IFOUR.EQ.-2.OR.IFOUR.EQ.-1.OR.IFOUR.EQ.-3) THEN infell(10)=2 infell(16)=2 ELSE IF (IFOUR.EQ.2) THEN infell(10)=3 infell(16)=3 ENDIF GOTO 300 C Element QUAS (QUA4-SECTION) 105 infell(2)=4 infell(3)=4 infell(4)=4 infell(5)=2 infell(6)=4 IF (IFOUR.EQ.-2.OR.IFOUR.EQ.-1.OR.IFOUR.EQ.-3) THEN infell(10)=2 infell(16)=2 ELSE IF (IFOUR.EQ.2) THEN infell(10)=3 infell(16)=3 ENDIF GOTO 300 C Element POIS (POI1-SECTION) 106 infell(2)=1 infell(3)=1 infell(4)=1 infell(5)=1 CMILL???? infell(5)=3 infell(6)=1 infell(10)=1 infell(16)=1 GOTO 300 C Element JOP3 : JOINTS POREUX 108 infell(2)=3 infell(3)=3 infell(4)=3 infell(6)=3 infell(8)=12 infell(9)=18 infell(10)=2 infell(15)=3 infell(16)=3 GOTO 300 C Element JOP6 : JOINTS POREUX 109 infell(2)=7 infell(3)=7 infell(4)=7 infell(6)=7 infell(8)=21 infell(9)=45 infell(10)=3 infell(15)=4 infell(16)=4 GOTO 300 C Element JOP8 : JOINTS POREUX 110 infell(2)=9 infell(3)=9 infell(4)=9 infell(6)=9 infell(8)=28 infell(9)=60 infell(10)=3 infell(15)=4 infell(16)=4 GOTO 300 C Elements POLYGONE a N cotes 111 NBSH=infell(8) infell(2)=NBSH infell(3)=NBSH infell(4)=NBSH infell(6)=NBSH infell(9)=2*NBSH IF (IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(9)=3*NBSH IF (IFOUR.EQ.-3) infell(9)=2*NBSH+3 GOTO 300 C Element BAR3 (barre a 3 noeuds) 123 NPOINT=3 infell(2)=NPOINT infell(4)=NPOINT infell(5)=1 infell(6)=NPOINT infell(7)=200 infell(9)=9 IF (IFOUR.EQ.-1.OR.IFOUR.EQ.-2.OR.IFOUR.EQ.0) infell(9)=6 infell(10)=1 infell(15)=3 IF (IFOUR.EQ.-1.OR.IFOUR.EQ.-2.OR.IFOUR.EQ.0) infell(15)=2 infell(16)=1 GOTO 300 C Element BAEX (barre excentree 3D a 2 noeuds) 124 infell(2)=2 infell(3)=2 infell(4)=2 infell(5)=6 infell(6)=2 infell(7)=700 infell(9)=12 infell(10)=1 infell(15)=6 infell(16)=1 GOTO 300 C Element LIA2 : element de liaison a 2 noeuds (6 ddl par noeuds) 125 infell(2)=2 infell(4)=2 infell(5)=9 infell(6)=2 infell(7)=200 infell(9)=12 infell(10)=6 infell(15)=6 infell(16)=6 GOTO 300 C Element QUAH 126 infell(2)=4 infell(3)=4 IF (IFOUR.EQ.0.OR.IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(3)=9 infell(5)=5 infell(6)=4 infell(7)=0 IF (IFOUR.EQ.0) infell(9)=16 IF (IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(9)=24 infell(15)=6 GOTO 300 C Element CUBH 127 infell(2)=8 infell(3)=27 infell(5)=5 infell(6)=27 infell(7)=0 infell(9)=48 infell(15)=6 GOTO 300 C Element ROT3 (1 pt GAUSS pr MASSE, 7 pts GAUSS pr RIGIDITE) 128 infell(3)=1 infell(4) = infell(3) infell(6)=7 infell(9)=3 infell(15)=1 GOTO 300 C Element TR6H 157 infell(2)=4 infell(6)=6 infell(7)=0 IF (IFOUR.EQ.1.OR.IFOUR.EQ.0) THEN infell(3)=7 infell(5)=5 IF (IFOUR.EQ.0) infell(9)=12 IF (IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(9)=18 infell(15)=6 ELSE infell(3)=6 infell(5)=5 infell(9)=24 infell(15)=4 ENDIF GOTO 300 C Element SEGS (SEG2-SECTION 2D) 166 infell(2)=2 infell(3)=2 infell(4)=2 infell(5)=3 infell(6)=2 IF (IFOUR.EQ.-2.OR.IFOUR.EQ.-1.OR.IFOUR.EQ.-3) THEN infell(10)=2 infell(16)=2 ELSE IF (IFOUR.EQ.2) THEN infell(10)=3 infell(16)=3 ENDIF GOTO 300 C Element POJS (POI1-SECTION) 167 infell(2)=1 infell(3)=1 infell(4)=1 infell(5)=3 infell(6)=1 IF (IFOUR.EQ.-2.OR.IFOUR.EQ.-1.OR.IFOUR.EQ.-3) THEN infell(10)=2 infell(16)=2 ELSE IF (IFOUR.EQ.2) THEN infell(10)=3 infell(16)=3 ENDIF GOTO 300 C Element JCT3 168 infell(2)=3 infell(3)=3 infell(4)=3 infell(6)=3 GOTO 300 C Element JCI4 169 infell(2)=4 infell(3)=4 infell(4)=4 infell(6)=4 GOTO 300 C Element JGI2 170 infell(2)=4 infell(3)=2 infell(4)=2 infell(6)=2 IF (IFOUR.EQ.-3) infell(9)=infell(9)+3 infell(15)=2 GOTO 300 C Element JGT3 171 infell(2)=3 infell(3)=3 infell(4)=3 infell(6)=3 GOTO 300 C Element JGI4 172 infell(2)=4 infell(3)=4 infell(4)=4 infell(6)=4 GOTO 300 C Element TRIQ 173 infell(3)=7 IF (IFOUR.EQ.0.OR.IFOUR.EQ.1) THEN infell(2)=7 infell(4)=7 infell(6)=7 ELSE infell(2)=4 infell(4)=4 infell(6)=4 ENDIF infell(8)=9 infell(9)=18 IF (IFOUR.EQ.1.OR.IFOUR.EQ.-3) infell(9)=24 GOTO 300 C Element QUAQ 174 infell(2)=9 infell(3)=9 IF (IFOUR.EQ.0.OR.IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(3)=9 infell(4)=9 infell(6)=9 C** IF (IFOUR.EQ.0.OR.IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(6)=16 infell(8)=12 infell(9)=24 IF (IFOUR.EQ.1.OR.IFOUR.EQ.-3) infell(9)=32 GOTO 300 C Element CUBQ 175 infell(2)=27 infell(3)=27 infell(4)=27 infell(6)=27 infell(8)=28 infell(9)=76 GOTO 300 C Element TETQ 176 infell(2)=5 infell(3)=5 infell(4)=5 infell(6)=5 infell(8)=14 infell(9)=38 GOTO 300 C Element PRIQ 177 infell(2)=12 infell(3)=12 infell(4)=12 infell(6)=12 infell(8)=21 infell(9)=57 GOTO 300 C Element TRIR 178 IF (IFOUR.EQ.0.OR.IFOUR.EQ.1) THEN infell(2)=7 infell(6)=7 infell(4)=7 ELSE infell(2)=4 infell(4)=4 infell(6)=4 ENDIF infell(3)=7 infell(8)=9 infell(9)=21 IF (IFOUR.EQ.1.OR.IFOUR.EQ.-3) infell(9)=27 GOTO 300 C Element QUAR 179 infell(2)=9 infell(3)=9 IF (IFOUR.EQ.0.OR.IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(3)=9 infell(4)=9 infell(6)=9 C** IF (IFOUR.EQ.0.OR.IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(6)=16 infell(8)=12 infell(9)=28 IF (IFOUR.EQ.1.OR.IFOUR.EQ.-3) infell(9)=36 GOTO 300 C Element CUBR 180 infell(2)=27 infell(3)=27 infell(4)=27 infell(6)=27 infell(8)=28 infell(9)=84 GOTO 300 C Element TETR 181 infell(2)=5 infell(3)=5 infell(4)=5 infell(6)=5 infell(8)=14 infell(9)=42 GOTO 300 C Element PRIR 182 infell(2)=12 infell(3)=12 infell(4)=12 infell(6)=12 infell(8)=21 infell(9)=61 GOTO 300 C Element Q4RI (QUA4 with 1x1 Gauss points) 183 infell(2)=4 infell(3)=1 IF (IFOUR.EQ.0.OR.IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(3)=9 infell(4)=1 C** infell(4)=5 CORRECTION MILL LE 8/8/90 infell(6)=1 C** IF (IFOUR.EQ.0.OR.IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(6)=9 infell(9)=8 IF (IFOUR.EQ.-3) infell(9)=11 IF (IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(9)=12 GOTO 300 C Element Q8RI (QUA8 with 2x2 Gauss points) 184 infell(2)=9 infell(3)=4 IF (IFOUR.EQ.0.OR.IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(3)=16 infell(4)=4 infell(6)=4 C** IF (IFOUR.EQ.0.OR.IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(6)=16 infell(9)=16 IF (IFOUR.EQ.-3) infell(9)=19 IF (IFOUR.EQ.1) infell(9)=24 GOTO 300 C Element JOQ3 185 infell(2)=3 infell(3)=3 infell(4)=3 infell(6)=3 infell(8)=12 infell(9)=24 infell(10)=4 infell(15)=4 infell(16)=4 GOTO 300 C Element JOQ6 186 infell(2)=7 infell(3)=7 infell(4)=7 infell(6)=7 infell(8)=21 infell(9)=54 infell(10)=5 infell(15)=5 infell(16)=5 GOTO 300 C Element JOQ8 187 infell(2)=9 infell(3)=9 infell(4)=9 infell(6)=9 infell(8)=28 infell(9)=72 infell(10)=5 infell(15)=5 infell(16)=5 GOTO 300 C Element JOR3 188 infell(2)=3 infell(3)=3 infell(4)=3 infell(6)=3 infell(8)=12 infell(9)=30 infell(10)=5 infell(15)=5 infell(16)=5 GOTO 300 C Element JOR6 189 infell(2)=7 infell(3)=7 infell(4)=7 infell(6)=7 infell(8)=21 infell(9)=63 infell(10)=6 infell(15)=6 infell(16)=6 GOTO 300 C Element JOR8 190 infell(2)=9 infell(3)=9 infell(4)=9 infell(6)=9 infell(8)=28 infell(9)=84 infell(10)=6 infell(15)=6 infell(16)=6 GOTO 300 C Element T1D2/M1D2 : Element THERMIQUE/MECANIQUE MASSIF 1D a 2 noeuds C On suppose que IFOMOD= 3 ou 4 ou 5 (IDIM=1) 191 infell(2)=2 infell(3)=2 infell(4)=2 infell(6)=2 infell(9)=2 IF ((IFOUR.GE.7.AND.IFOUR.LE.10).OR.IFOUR.EQ.14) infell(9)=3 IF (IFOUR.EQ.11) infell(9)=4 GOTO 300 C Element T1D3/M1D3 : Element THERMIQUE/MECANIQUE MASSIF 1D a 3 noeuds C On suppose que IFOMOD= 3 ou 4 ou 5 (IDIM=1) 192 infell(2)=3 infell(3)=3 infell(4)=3 infell(6)=3 infell(9)=3 IF ((IFOUR.GE.7.AND.IFOUR.LE.10).OR.IFOUR.EQ.14) infell(9)=4 IF (IFOUR.EQ.11) infell(9)=5 GOTO 300 C Element fluide NAVIER_STOKES C LC03 LS03 BS03 195 infell(6)=2 GOTO 300 C LC07 LS07 BS07 196 infell(6)=7 GOTO 300 C LC09 LS09 BS09 197 infell(6)=4 GOTO 300 C MC03 216 infell(6)=2 GOTO 300 C MC07 217 infell(6)=7 GOTO 300 C MC09 218 infell(6)=4 GOTO 300 C M103 MS03 223 infell(6)=3 GOTO 300 C M107 MS07 224 infell(6)=7 GOTO 300 C M109 MS09 225 infell(6)=16 GOTO 300 C QC03 Q103 QS03 237 infell(6)=3 GOTO 300 C QC07 Q107 QS07 238 infell(6)=7 GOTO 300 C QC09 Q109 QS09 239 infell(6)=16 GOTO 300 C C CIFL C 258 CONTINUE infell(2)=1 infell(3)=1 infell(4)=1 infell(6)=1 infell(8)=0 infell(9)=8 infell(10)=5 infell(15)=3 infell(16)=5 GO TO 300 C C SHB8 C 260 CONTINUE infell(2)=5 infell(3)=5 infell(4)=5 infell(6)=5 infell(8)=0 infell(9)=24 infell(10)=6 infell(13)= 1 infell(15)=3 infell(16)=6 GO TO 300 C C XQ4R C 263 INFELl(2)=0 INFELl(3)=64 INFELl(4)=64 INFELl(6)=64 INFELl(15)=20 INFELl(16)=4 INFELl(9) = 4*INFELl(15) INFELl(10)=4 GOTO 300 C C XC8R C 264 INFELl(2)=0 INFELl(3)=64 INFELl(4)=64 INFELl(6)=64 INFELl(15)=30 INFELl(16)=6 INFELl(9) = 8*INFELl(15) INFELl(10)=6 GOTO 300 C C Element JOI1 : element de liaison a 2 noeuds (6 ddl par noeuds) C 265 infell(2)=1 infell(3)=1 infell(4)=1 infell(5)=0 infell(6)=1 infell(7)=700 infell(8)=0 infell(13)=75 infell(14)=2 IF(IFOUR.EQ.2) THEN infell(9)=12 infell(10)=6 infell(15)=6 infell(16)=6 ELSE IF(IFOUR.EQ.-2.OR.IFOUR.EQ.-1) THEN infell(9)=6 infell(10)=3 infell(15)=3 infell(16)=3 ENDIF GOTO 300 C C Element ZCO2 : zone cohesive a 2 noeuds (2 ddls par noeud) C 266 infell(2)=2 infell(4)=2 infell(6)=2 infell(7)=100 infell(9)=4 infell(10)=2 infell(15)=2 infell(16)=2 GOTO 300 C C Element ZCO3 : zone cohesive a 3 noeuds (2 ddls par noeud) C 267 infell(2)=1 infell(4)=1 infell(6)=1 infell(7)=100 infell(9)=9 infell(10)=3 infell(15)=3 infell(16)=3 GOTO 300 C C Element ZCO4 : zone cohesive a 4 noeuds (2 ddls par noeud) C 268 infell(2)=4 infell(4)=4 infell(6)=4 infell(7)=100 infell(9)=12 infell(10)=3 infell(15)=3 infell(16)=3 GOTO 300 c C Element TUY2 : tuyau pour modele d'advection en thermique C 269 infell(2)=2 infell(4)=2 infell(5)=5 infell(6)=2 infell(7)=200 infell(9)=2 infell(10)=1 infell(15)=1 infell(16)=1 GOTO 300 c C Element TUY3 : tuyau pour modele d'advection en thermique C 270 infell(2)=3 infell(4)=3 infell(5)=5 infell(6)=3 infell(7)=200 infell(9)=2 infell(10)=1 infell(15)=1 infell(16)=1 GOTO 300 c c element coaxial COS2 (3D pour liaison acier-beton) c 271 infell(2)=1 infell(4)=2 infell(5)=2 infell(6)=2 infell(7)=100 infell(9)=4*idim infell(10)=3 infell(14)=12 infell(15)=IDIM infell(16)=3 GOTO 300 c c element coaxial COA2 (3D pour liaison acier-beton) c 272 infell(2)=1 infell(4)=2 infell(5)=2 infell(6)=2 infell(7)=100 infell(9)=4*idim infell(10)=3 infell(14)=12 infell(15)=IDIM infell(16)=3 GOTO 300 c sg element CU27, comme le CU20 275 continue infell(2)=27 infell(3)=27 infell(4)=27 infell(6)=27 infell(9)=81 GOTO 300 c element PR21 276 continue infell(2)=21 cbp infell(3)=12 infell(3)=21 infell(4)=21 infell(6)=21 infell(9)=63 GOTO 300 c element TE15 277 continue infell(2)=15 cbp infell(3)=5 infell(3)=15 infell(4)=15 infell(6)=15 infell(9)=45 GOTO 300 c element PY19 278 continue cbp 26 infell(2)=27 cbp infell(3)=27 cbp infell(4)=27 cbp infell(6)=27 infell(2)=17 infell(3)=17 infell(4)=17 infell(6)=17 infell(9)=57 GOTO 300 C Element C20R 279 CONTINUE infell(2)=27 infell(3)=8 infell(4)=8 infell(6)=8 infell(9)=60 GOTO 300 C Element P15R 280 CONTINUE infell(2)=12 infell(3)=8 infell(4)=6 infell(6)=6 infell(9)=45 GOTO 300 C 300 IF (IELE.EQ.0) IELE=infell(14) NBGST = infell(4) NBG = infell(6) NBGM = infell(3) IF (NBGM.EQ.0) THEN NBGM=NBG infell(3)=NBGM ENDIF NBSH = NBNNE(IELE) IF (MELE.GE.79.AND.MELE.LE.83 ) NBSH = infell(8) IF (MELE.EQ.96) NBSH = infell(8) IF (MELE.GE.108.AND.MELE.LE.110) NBSH = infell(8) IF (MELE.GE.111.AND.MELE.LE.122) NBSH = infell(8) c JK148537 en attendant les fonctions de forme pr18, pr14, py19 if (mele.eq.140.or.mele.eq.142.or.mele.eq.149) goto 950 IF (MELE.GE.173.AND.MELE.LE.182) NBSH = infell(8) IF (MELE.GE.185.AND.MELE.LE.190) NBSH = infell(8) IF (MELE.GE.195.AND.MELE.LE.257) NBSH = infell(8) IF (MELE.EQ.263.OR.MELE.EQ.264 ) NBSH = infell(8) C Cas particulier des formulations massives (mfr2 > 0) C Ici : infell(9) = 1 * nb.noeuds.EF IF (mfr2.NE.0) THEN infell(9) = NBSH ENDIF IF (INTTYP.EQ.-10) THEN if (formod(1).eq.'THERMIQUE ' .or. & formod(1).eq.'EULER ' .or. & formod(1).eq.'DARCY ' .or. & formod(1).eq.'METALLURGIE ' .or. & formod(1).eq.'FISSURE ') & goto 950 if (formod(1).eq.'NAVIER_STOKES ') then if (imodel.cmatee.ne.'NLIN ') goto 950 endif ENDIF * nombre composante contraintes/defo, materiau IMPEDANCE if (dcmate) then if(tymode(/2).gt.0) then if (tymode(1).eq.'LISTMOTS') then dcmat2 = .true. mlmot5 = ivamod(1) segact mlmot5 endif endif if (dcmat2.and.mele.eq.2) then infell(9) = nbrobl infell(10) = nbrobl/2 infell(15) = nbrobl/2 infell(16) = nbrobl/2 else infell(15) = nbrobl if (nbrfac.gt.0) infell(15) = infell(15) + nbrfac infell(16) = infell(15) if (mele.eq.45) infell(9) = nbrobl if (mele.eq.2) infell(9) = nbrobl*2 endif endif c* write(6,*)'TYINTE',TYINTE c* write(6,*)'MELE:',MELE,'IELE:',IELE,'NBSH:',NBSH,'NBG:',NBG C Remplissage de infell(12) si MFR=5 cad MELE=41 ou 56 (COQ8 ou COQ6) C ------------------------- IF (MFR.EQ.5.OR.MFR.EQ.74) THEN c* write(6,*) ' elquoi appel a renoeu ' c* write(6,*) ' elquoi sortie renoeu ipt2 irt2' ,ipt2,irt2 infell(12) = ipt2 if (inttyp.eq.-10) infmod(8)=IPT2 ENDIF c c cas XFEM : le 2nd segment d integration contient le MINTE de l'EF c correspondant non enrichi (avec un nombre reduit de point de Gauss) IF (MFR.EQ.63) THEN if(MELE.eq.263) then MEL2 = 8 NBG2 = 4 NBSH2 = 4 else if(MELE.eq.264) then MEL2 = 14 NBG2 = 8 NBSH2 = 8 endif c pour l'instant on ne distingue pas les cas selon TYINTE infell(12) = IPT2 if (inttyp.eq.-10) infmod(8) = IPT2 ENDIF C Remplissage de infell(11) : INTEGRATION DE L'ELEMENT FINI C --------------------------- IDETYI = 0 400 CONTINUE IF (INTTYP.EQ.-10) TYINTE = TYINTE + 1 C Tests de verification : IF (MELE.GT.NELFI) THEN WRITE(IOIMP,*) WRITE(IOIMP,*) 'ELQUOI : incoherence NELFI & MELE ', & NELFI,MELE RETURN ENDIF IF (TYINTE.GT.NTYNTE) THEN WRITE(IOIMP,*) WRITE(IOIMP,*) 'ELQUOI : incoherence TYINTE & NTYNTE', & TYINTE,NTYNTE RETURN ENDIF C == === ====== === C Si le segment n'a pas deja ete rempli ou si c'est un DKT : iin = 0 C == === ====== === IF (MELE.EQ.28) THEN iin = 0 ELSE iin = INTEGR(MELE,TYINTE,IBMODE) ENDIF C == ==== ====== C Si le segment d'integration a deja ete rempli : iin est non nul ici ! C == ==== ====== IF (iin.EQ.0) THEN IPT1 = 0 C Cas des elements de MECANIQUE : C ------------------------------- C SI FAUX ? Ne devrait-on pas avoir MELE < 57 OU MELE > 68 ????? IF (MELE.LT.57.OR.MELE.GT.64) THEN C 1 = Champ aux noeuds IF (TYINTE.EQ.1) THEN * sg : ici uniquement les éléments fluide en reshpt IF(MELE.GE.195.and.mele.LE.257) THEN ELSE ENDIF C 2 = Point de Gauss, centre de gravite et champ CONSTANT ELSE IF (TYINTE.EQ.2) THEN C 3 = Point de Gauss pour la rigidite ELSE IF (TYINTE.EQ.3) THEN if(mele.eq.263.or.mele.eq.264) then else endif C 4 = Point de Gauss pour la masse ELSE IF (TYINTE.EQ.4) THEN if(mele.eq.263.or.mele.eq.264) then else endif C 5 = Point de Gauss - calcul des contraintes ELSE IF (TYINTE.EQ.5) THEN if(mele.eq.263.or.mele.eq.264) then elseif((mele.ge.195.and.mele.le.208).or. &(mele.ge.216.and.mele.le.236).or.(mele.ge.244.and.mele.le.256)) & then c* jk148537 en attendant mieux ipt1 = 0 else endif C 6 = Pas de segment d'integration ELSE IF (TYINTE.EQ.6) THEN IPT1 = 0 C 7 = Champ aux faces C 8 = Champ aux CENTREP1 ELSE IF (TYINTE.EQ.8) THEN C 9 = Champ aux MSOMMET ELSE IF (TYINTE.EQ.9) THEN C Autre cas = Point de Gauss pour la rigidite ELSE ENDIF if (ierr.ne.0) return C Cas des elements de THERMIQUE : C ------------------------------- C ELSE C CALL TINTR(MELE,IPT1) ENDIF iin = IPT1 INTEGR(MELE,TYINTE,IBMODE) = iin ENDIF IF (INTTYP.EQ.-10) THEN imodel.infmod(2+TYINTE+IDETYI) = iin IF (TYINTE.LT.5) GOTO 400 IF (TYINTE.EQ.5.AND.IDETYI.EQ.0) THEN IF (mele.EQ.263) THEN * pour le XQ4R on recommence pour avoir les fonctions de forme * classiques du : qua4 TYINTE = 0 IDETYI = 5 mele = 8 nbsh = 4 nbg = 4 nbgm = 4 nbgst = 4 GOTO 400 ELSE IF (mele.EQ.264) THEN * pour le XC8R on recommence pour avoir les fonctions de forme * classiques du : cub8 TYINTE = 0 IDETYI = 5 mele = 14 nbsh = 8 nbg = 8 nbgm = 8 nbgst = 8 GOTO 400 ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF MINTE=iin IF(MINTE.GT.0) SEGACT,MINTE infell(11) = iin 950 CONTINUE C Sortie de ELQUOI : le segment IPTR=INFO est ACTIF. IPTR = INFO c* write(ioimp,*)'-> ELQUOI infell',(infell(iou),iou=1,16) c return END
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