C DAM_AB SOURCE FANDEUR 11/07/20 21:15:01 7043 c & HBOUN, stra1, stra2, stre1, stre2, thr0c) c c===================================================================== c = c Evaluation of parameters A and B (plastic-damage model) is made = c by means of the Newton-Raphson method. = c = c Author: Rui Faria Version: 93.04.20 = c -------- = c===================================================================== IMPLICIT INTEGER(I-N) IMPLICIT REAL*8(A-H,O-Z) real*8 AVALC, BVALC, cons1, cons2, cons3, EBOUN, HBOUN, . stra1, stra2, stre1, stre2, thr0c c integer itera, miter real*8 a1 , a2 , a3 , a4 , a5 , a6 , a7 , . a8 , a9 , a10 , a11 , a12 , boldv, btria, . deriv, error, funct, prov0, prov1, prov2, r1 , . r2 , str01, str02, toler c parameter (miter = 150, btria = 0.1 d-17, toler = 0.1 d-08) c=====---------------------------------------------------------------- c determination of str01 and str02 | c=====---------------------------------------------------------------- str01 = cons1 * stra1 + cons2 str02 = cons1 * stra2 + cons2 c=====---------------------------------------------------------------- c equivalent "strains" | c=====---------------------------------------------------------------- r1 = cons3 * str01 r2 = cons3 * str02 IF (r1.LT.0.D0 .OR. r2.LT.0.D0) THEN write(*,*) '===== DAM_AB ====' write(*,*) 'Donnees incompatibles ( sqrt(val<0) )' write(*,*) 'Revoir vos parametres materiau (compression)' ENDIF r1 = SQRT (r1) r2 = SQRT (r2) c eboun = r2 c=====---------------------------------------------------------------- c many constants | c=====---------------------------------------------------------------- a4 = thr0c / r2 a1 = (stre2 - a4 * str02) * str01 a2 = thr0c / r1 a11 = stre1 - a2 * str01 a3 = a11 * str02 a5 = a1 * a2 a6 = a3 * a4 a7 = thr0c - r1 a8 = thr0c - r2 a9 = a1 * a7 a10 = a3 * a8 a12 = a6 - a5 c=====---------------------------------------------------------------- c newton method for A and B | c=====---------------------------------------------------------------- boldv = btria itera = 1 c do while (itera .le. miter) prov0 = EXP(boldv*a7) prov1 = a1 * prov0 prov2 = a3 * EXP(boldv*a8) c funct = prov1 - prov2 + a12 c c error = ABS ((bvalc-boldv)/bvalc) c if (error .lt. toler) then avalc = a11 / (str01 * (prov0 - a2)) hboun = thr0c / r2**2 * (1.0 d0 - avalc) + . avalc * bvalc * exp (bvalc*(thr0c-r2)) RETURN else itera = itera + 1 boldv = bvalc end if end do c=====---------------------------------------------------------------- c not converged | c=====---------------------------------------------------------------- write(*,'(/,''***** Pas de convergence dans DAM_AB *****'')') c RETURN END
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