C COMVAL SOURCE CB215821 24/04/12 21:15:26 11897 C C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C SUBROUTINE APPELEE PAR COML6 C C OBJECTIF : RENSEIGNER LES SEGMENTS WRK52 et WRK522 (include DECHE) C AVEC LES VALEURS AU POINT D'INTEGRATION C C ENTREES : C --------- C IQMOD : POINTEUR SUR LE SEGMENT IMODEL C INDESO : ENTIER INDIQUANT DEBUT DE PAS (=1) FIN DE PAS (=2) C OU CHAMP RESULTAT (=3) C ILILUC : POINTEUR SUR LE SEGMENT LILUC (voir comouw) C IWRK53 : POINTEUR SUR LE SEGMENT WRK53 C IB : ELEMENT COURANT C IGAU : POINT D'INTEGRATION COURANT C C SORTIES : C --------- C IWRK52 : POINTEUR SUR LE SEGMENT WRK52 C IW522 : POINTEUR SUR LE SEGMENT WRK522 C---------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT INTEGER(I-N) IMPLICIT REAL*8(A-H,O-Z) * -INC PPARAM -INC CCOPTIO -INC CCGEOME -INC SMCHAML -INC SMELEME -INC SMCOORD -INC SMMODEL -INC SMINTE -INC CCHAMP -INC SMEVOLL -INC SMNUAGE * segment deroulant le mcheml -INC DECHE C C wrk52 contient les valeurs des differents champs C pour les materiaux, on a d'abord les composantes obligatoires C puis les composantes facultatives. C wrk522 ne sert que dans cette subroutine pour aider au remplissage C de wrk52 C melval = 0 imodel = iqmod liluc = ililuc nbluc1 = liluc(/1) wrk52 = iwrk52 wrk53 = iwrk53 wrk522 = iw522 C C ================================================================= C initialisations particulieres N2EL = 0 N2PTEL=0 * tuyaux (attention ajout de caracteristiques facultatives telles que DENS) IF (mfr.eq.13) THEN do ic = 1,5 xcarb(ic) = 0.d0 enddo do ic=6,10 xcarb(ic) = -1.d0 enddo do ic=11,xcarb(/1) xcarb(ic) = 0.d0 enddo ENDIF C C ================================================================= IF ( then C C COMPOSANTE SCAL if( mkkalz.EQ.1)then do 701 ma=1,mkkal0(/1) if(mkkal0(ma).eq.0) go to 701 melval=ABS(ieldec) if (typree) then IBMN=MIN(IB,VELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,VELCHE(/1)) scal0(ma)=VELCHE(IGMN,IBMN) else IBMN=MIN(IB,IELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,IELCHE(/1)) scal0(ma)=DBLE(IELCHE(IGMN,IBMN)) endif 701 continue do 7011 ma=1,mkklaf(/1) if(mkklaf(ma).eq.0) go to 7011 melval=ABS(ieldec) if (typree) then IBMN=MIN(IB,VELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,VELCHE(/1)) scalf(ma)=VELCHE(IGMN,IBMN) else IBMN=MIN(IB,IELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,IELCHE(/1)) scalf(ma)=DBLE(IELCHE(IGMN,IBMN)) endif 7011 continue endif C if( then deche = mkktp0 melval=ABS(ieldec) IBMN=MIN(IB,VELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,VELCHE(/1)) temp0=VELCHE(IGMN,IBMN) endif C if( then deche = mkktpf melval=ABS(ieldec) IBMN=MIN(IB,VELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,VELCHE(/1)) tempf=VELCHE(IGMN,IBMN) endif C C COMPOSANTES PRIMALES if( mkkplz.EQ.1)then do 706 ma=1,mkkpl0(/1) if(mkkpl0(ma).eq.0) go to 706 melval=ABS(ieldec) if (typree) then IBMN=MIN(IB,VELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,VELCHE(/1)) depl0(ma)=VELCHE(IGMN,IBMN) else IBMN=MIN(IB,IELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,IELCHE(/1)) depl0(ma)=DBLE(IELCHE(IGMN,IBMN)) endif 706 continue do 7061 ma=1,mkkplf(/1) if(mkkplf(ma).eq.0) go to 7061 melval=ABS(ieldec) if (typree) then IBMN=MIN(IB,VELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,VELCHE(/1)) deplf(ma)=VELCHE(IGMN,IBMN) else IBMN=MIN(IB,IELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,IELCHE(/1)) deplf(ma)=DBLE(IELCHE(IGMN,IBMN)) endif 7061 continue endif C C COMPOSANTES DUALES if(mkkrcz.eq.1) then do 707 ma=1,mkkrc0(/1) if(mkkrc0(ma).eq.0) go to 707 melval=ABS(ieldec) if (typree) then IBMN=MIN(IB,VELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,VELCHE(/1)) forc0(ma)=VELCHE(IGMN,IBMN) else IBMN=MIN(IB,IELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,IELCHE(/1)) forc0(ma)=DBLE(IELCHE(IGMN,IBMN)) endif 707 continue do 7071 ma=1,mkkrcf(/1) if(mkkrcf(ma).eq.0) go to 7071 melval=ABS(ieldec) if (typree) then IBMN=MIN(IB,VELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,VELCHE(/1)) forcf(ma)=VELCHE(IGMN,IBMN) else IBMN=MIN(IB,IELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,IELCHE(/1)) forcf(ma)=DBLE(IELCHE(IGMN,IBMN)) endif 7071 continue endif C C COMPOSANTES GRADIENTS if(mkkadz.eq.1) then do 710 ma=1,mkkad0(/1) if(mkkad0(ma).eq.0) go to 710 melval=ABS(ieldec) if (typree) then IBMN=MIN(IB,VELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,VELCHE(/1)) grad0(ma)=VELCHE(IGMN,IBMN) else IBMN=MIN(IB,IELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,IELCHE(/1)) grad0(ma)=DBLE(IELCHE(IGMN,IBMN)) endif 710 continue do 7101 ma=1,mkkadf(/1) if(mkkadf(ma).eq.0) go to 7101 melval=ABS(ieldec) if (typree) then IBMN=MIN(IB,VELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,VELCHE(/1)) gradf(ma)=VELCHE(IGMN,IBMN) else IBMN=MIN(IB,IELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,IELCHE(/1)) gradf(ma)=DBLE(IELCHE(IGMN,IBMN)) endif 7101 continue endif C C COMPOSANTES CONTRAINTES if(mkkigz.eq.1) then do 711 ma=1,mkkig0(/1) if(mkkig0(ma).eq.0) go to 711 melval=ABS(ieldec) if (typree) then IBMN=MIN(IB,VELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,VELCHE(/1)) sig0(ma)=VELCHE(IGMN,IBMN) else IBMN=MIN(IB,IELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,IELCHE(/1)) sig0(ma)=DBLE(IELCHE(IGMN,IBMN)) endif 711 continue do 7111 ma=1,mkkigf(/1) if(mkkigf(ma).eq.0) go to 7111 melval=ABS(ieldec) if (typree) then IBMN=MIN(IB,VELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,VELCHE(/1)) sigf(ma)=VELCHE(IGMN,IBMN) else IBMN=MIN(IB,IELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,IELCHE(/1)) sigf(ma)=DBLE(IELCHE(IGMN,IBMN)) endif 7111 continue endif C C COMPOSANTES DEFORMATIONS if(mkkstz.eq.1) then do 712 ma=1,mkkst0(/1) if(mkkst0(ma).eq.0) go to 712 melval=ABS(ieldec) if (typree) then IBMN=MIN(IB,VELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,VELCHE(/1)) epst0(ma)=VELCHE(IGMN,IBMN) else IBMN=MIN(IB,IELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,IELCHE(/1)) epst0(ma)=DBLE(IELCHE(IGMN,IBMN)) endif 712 continue do 7121 ma=1,mkkstf(/1) if(mkkstf(ma).eq.0) go to 7121 melval=ABS(ieldec) if (typree) then IBMN=MIN(IB,VELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,VELCHE(/1)) epstf(ma)=VELCHE(IGMN,IBMN) else IBMN=MIN(IB,IELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,IELCHE(/1)) epstf(ma)=DBLE(IELCHE(IGMN,IBMN)) endif 7121 continue endif C C COMPOSANTES TEMPERATURES if( mkkrez.eq.1) then do 715 ma=1,mkkre0(/1) if(mkkre0(ma).eq.0) go to 715 melval=ABS(ieldec) if (typree) then IBMN=MIN(IB,VELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,VELCHE(/1)) ture0(ma)=VELCHE(IGMN,IBMN) else IBMN=MIN(IB,IELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,IELCHE(/1)) ture0(ma)=DBLE(IELCHE(IGMN,IBMN)) endif 715 continue do 7151 ma=1,mkkref(/1) if(mkkref(ma).eq.0) go to 7151 melval=ABS(ieldec) if (typree) then IBMN=MIN(IB,VELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,VELCHE(/1)) turef(ma)=VELCHE(IGMN,IBMN) else IBMN=MIN(IB,IELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,IELCHE(/1)) turef(ma)=DBLE(IELCHE(IGMN,IBMN)) endif 7151 continue endif C C COMPOSANTES CONTRAINTES PRINCIPALES if( mkkinz.eq.1) then do 716 ma=1,mkkin0(/1) if(mkkin0(ma).eq.0) go to 716 melval=ABS(ieldec) if (typree) then IBMN=MIN(IB,VELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,VELCHE(/1)) prin0(ma)=VELCHE(IGMN,IBMN) else IBMN=MIN(IB,IELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,IELCHE(/1)) prin0(ma)=DBLE(IELCHE(IGMN,IBMN)) endif 716 continue do 7161 ma=1,mkkinf(/1) if(mkkinf(ma).eq.0) go to 7161 melval=ABS(ieldec) if (typree) then IBMN=MIN(IB,VELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,VELCHE(/1)) prinf(ma)=VELCHE(IGMN,IBMN) else IBMN=MIN(IB,IELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,IELCHE(/1)) prinf(ma)=DBLE(IELCHE(IGMN,IBMN)) endif 7161 continue endif C C COMPOSANTE MAHO if(mkkhoz.eq.1) then do 717 ma=1,mkkho0(/1) if(mkkho0(ma).eq.0) go to 717 melval=ABS(ieldec) if (typree) then IBMN=MIN(IB,VELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,VELCHE(/1)) maho0(ma)=VELCHE(IGMN,IBMN) else IBMN=MIN(IB,IELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,IELCHE(/1)) maho0(ma)=DBLE(IELCHE(IGMN,IBMN)) endif 717 continue do 7171 ma=1,mkkhof(/1) if(mkkhof(ma).eq.0) go to 7171 melval=ABS(ieldec) if (typree) then IBMN=MIN(IB,VELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,VELCHE(/1)) mahof(ma)=VELCHE(IGMN,IBMN) else IBMN=MIN(IB,IELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,IELCHE(/1)) mahof(ma)=DBLE(IELCHE(IGMN,IBMN)) endif 7171 continue endif C C COMPOSANTE MAHT if(mkktaz.eq.1) then do 718 ma=1,mkkta0(/1) if(mkkta0(ma).eq.0) go to 718 melval=ABS(ieldec) if (typree) then IBMN=MIN(IB,VELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,VELCHE(/1)) hota0(ma)=VELCHE(IGMN,IBMN) else IBMN=MIN(IB,IELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,IELCHE(/1)) hota0(ma)=DBLE(IELCHE(IGMN,IBMN)) endif 718 continue do 7181 ma=1,mkktaf(/1) if(mkktaf(ma).eq.0) go to 7181 melval=ABS(ieldec) if (typree) then IBMN=MIN(IB,VELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,VELCHE(/1)) hotaf(ma)=VELCHE(IGMN,IBMN) else IBMN=MIN(IB,IELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,IELCHE(/1)) hotaf(ma)=DBLE(IELCHE(IGMN,IBMN)) endif 7181 continue endif C C COMPOSANTES VARIABLES INTERNES if(mkkvrz.eq.1) then do 720 ma=1,mkkvr0(/1) if(mkkvr0(ma).eq.0) go to 720 melval=ABS(ieldec) if (typree) then IBMN=MIN(IB,VELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,VELCHE(/1)) var0(ma)=VELCHE(IGMN,IBMN) else IBMN=MIN(IB,IELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,IELCHE(/1)) var0(ma)=DBLE(IELCHE(IGMN,IBMN)) endif 720 continue do 7201 ma=1,mkkvrf(/1) if(mkkvrf(ma).eq.0) go to 7201 melval=ABS(ieldec) if (typree) then IBMN=MIN(IB,VELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,VELCHE(/1)) varf(ma)=VELCHE(IGMN,IBMN) else IBMN=MIN(IB,IELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,IELCHE(/1)) varf(ma)=DBLE(IELCHE(IGMN,IBMN)) endif 7201 continue endif C C COMPOSANTES GRADIENTS FLEXION if( mkkafz.eq.1) then do 721 ma=1,mkkaf0(/1) if(mkkaf0(ma).eq.0) go to 721 melval=ABS(ieldec) if (typree) then IBMN=MIN(IB,VELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,VELCHE(/1)) graf0(ma)=VELCHE(IGMN,IBMN) else IBMN=MIN(IB,IELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,IELCHE(/1)) graf0(ma)=DBLE(IELCHE(IGMN,IBMN)) endif 721 continue do 7211 ma=1,mkkaff(/1) if(mkkaff(ma).eq.0) go to 7211 melval=ABS(ieldec) if (typree) then IBMN=MIN(IB,VELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,VELCHE(/1)) graff(ma)=VELCHE(IGMN,IBMN) else IBMN=MIN(IB,IELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,IELCHE(/1)) graff(ma)=DBLE(IELCHE(IGMN,IBMN)) endif 7211 continue endif C C COMPOSANTES VARIABLES MICROSTRUCTURES if(mkkasz.eq.1) then do 723 ma=1,mkkas0(/1) if(mkkas0(ma).eq.0) go to 723 melval=ABS(ieldec) if (typree) then IBMN=MIN(IB,VELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,VELCHE(/1)) rhas0(ma)=VELCHE(IGMN,IBMN) else IBMN=MIN(IB,IELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,IELCHE(/1)) rhas0(ma)=DBLE(IELCHE(IGMN,IBMN)) endif 723 continue do 7231 ma=1,mkkasf(/1) if(mkkasf(ma).eq.0) go to 7231 melval=ABS(ieldec) if (typree) then IBMN=MIN(IB,VELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,VELCHE(/1)) rhasf(ma)=VELCHE(IGMN,IBMN) else IBMN=MIN(IB,IELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,IELCHE(/1)) rhasf(ma)=DBLE(IELCHE(IGMN,IBMN)) endif 7231 continue endif C C COMPOSANTES DEFORMATIONS INELASTIQUES if(mkkpnz.eq.1) then do 724 ma=1,mkkpn0(/1) if(mkkpn0(ma).eq.0) go to 724 melval=ABS(ieldec) if (typree) then IBMN=MIN(IB,VELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,VELCHE(/1)) epin0(ma)=VELCHE(IGMN,IBMN) else IBMN=MIN(IB,IELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,IELCHE(/1)) epin0(ma)=DBLE(IELCHE(IGMN,IBMN)) endif 724 continue do 7241 ma=1,mkkpnf(/1) if(mkkpnf(ma).eq.0) go to 7241 melval=ABS(ieldec) if (typree) then IBMN=MIN(IB,VELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,VELCHE(/1)) epinf(ma)=VELCHE(IGMN,IBMN) else IBMN=MIN(IB,IELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,IELCHE(/1)) epinf(ma)=DBLE(IELCHE(IGMN,IBMN)) endif 7241 continue endif C- if (mkkexz.eq.1) then do 725 ma=1,mkkex0(/1) if(mkkex0(ma).eq.0) go to 725 melval=ABS(ieldec) if (typree) then IBMN=MIN(IB,VELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,VELCHE(/1)) parex0(ma)=VELCHE(IGMN,IBMN) else IBMN=MIN(IB,IELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,IELCHE(/1)) parex0(ma)=DBLE(IELCHE(IGMN,IBMN)) endif 725 continue do 7251 ma=1,mkkexf(/1) if(mkkexf(ma).eq.0) go to 7251 melval=ABS(ieldec) if (typree) then IBMN=MIN(IB,VELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,VELCHE(/1)) parexf(ma)=VELCHE(IGMN,IBMN) else IBMN=MIN(IB,IELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,IELCHE(/1)) parexf(ma)=DBLE(IELCHE(IGMN,IBMN)) endif 7251 continue endif C- if(mkkvxz.eq.1) then do 726 ma=1,mkkvx0(/1) if(mkkvx0(ma).eq.0) go to 726 melval=ABS(ieldec) if (typree) then IBMN=MIN(IB,VELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,VELCHE(/1)) exova0(ma)=VELCHE(IGMN,IBMN) else IBMN=MIN(IB,IELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,IELCHE(/1)) exova0(ma)=DBLE(IELCHE(IGMN,IBMN)) endif 726 continue do 7261 ma=1,mkkvx1(/1) if(mkkvx1(ma).eq.0) go to 7261 melval=ABS(ieldec) if (typree) then IBMN=MIN(IB,VELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,VELCHE(/1)) exova1(ma)=VELCHE(IGMN,IBMN) else IBMN=MIN(IB,IELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,IELCHE(/1)) exova1(ma)=DBLE(IELCHE(IGMN,IBMN)) endif 7261 continue endif C- endif C ================================================================= C ================================================================= if( ib+IGAu.eq.2) THEN idepup=1 ifinup=nbluc1 else idepup=13 ifinup=14 endif C C ------------------------------------------- C Boucle (1000) sur les composantes a traiter C ------------------------------------------- DO 1000 INO = IDEPUP,IFINUP C nomid = liluc(ino,1) pilnec = liluc(ino,2) if (pilnec.le.0) goto 1000 C mran = pilobl(/2) mobl = pilobl(/1) mfac = pilfac(/1) if (mran.le.0) goto 1000 C DO 3000 IR = 1,MRAN C C ++++++++++++++++++++++++ C COMPOSANTES OBLIGATOIRES C ++++++++++++++++++++++++ if (mobl.le.0) goto 101 DO 100 IC = 1,MOBL passe1= 0.d0 ipilo1 = pilobl(ic,ir) * attention les valeurs induites par deche (nomdec, typdec)ne sont pas effacees if (pilobl(ic,ir).gt.0) then * on evite les deche crees pour le modele * write(6,*) ino,ir,ic,deche,nomdec,typdec,condec if (ir.eq.indeso.and.condec(1:24).eq.conmod(1:24))goto 100 melval = ABS(ieldec) if (typree) then IBMN=MIN(IB,VELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,VELCHE(/1)) passe1=VELCHE(IGMN,IBMN) else IBMN=MIN(IB,IELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,IELCHE(/1)) passe1=DBLE(IELCHE(IGMN,IBMN)) endif endif C C AIGUILLAGE SUIVANT MOT CLE C if ( goto 98 GOTO ( 1, 2, 99, 99, 99, 6, 7,99,99,10,11,12,13,14,15,16, 17,18, & 99,20,21,99,23,24,25) ino C 99 CONTINUE C C PAS DE COMPOSANTES POUR CE CHAMP RETURN C C COMPOSANTE SCAL 1 CONTINUE if (ipilo1.le.0) goto 100 if (ir.eq.1) then scal0(ic) = passe1 else if ( -1)) then scalf(ic) = passe1 endif GOTO 120 C C COMPOSANTE TEMP 2 CONTINUE if (ipilo1.le.0) goto 100 if (ir.eq.1) then temp0 = passe1 mkktp0=deche else if ( -1)) then tempf = passe1 mkktpf=deche endif GOTO 120 C C COMPOSANTES PRIMALES 6 CONTINUE if (ipilo1.le.0) goto 100 if (ir.eq.1) then depl0(ic) = passe1 else if ( -1)) then deplf(ic) = passe1 endif GOTO 120 C C COMPOSANTES DUALES 7 CONTINUE if (ipilo1.le.0) goto 100 if (ir.eq.1) then forc0(ic) = passe1 else if ( -1)) then forcf(ic) = passe1 endif GOTO 120 C C COMPOSANTES GRADIENTS 10 CONTINUE if (ipilo1.le.0) goto 100 if (ir.eq.1) then grad0(ic) = passe1 else if ( -1)) then gradf(ic) = passe1 endif GOTO 120 C C COMPOSANTES CONTRAINTES 11 CONTINUE if (ipilo1.le.0) goto 100 if (ir.eq.1) then SIG0(ic) = passe1 else if ( -1)) then SIGF(ic) = passe1 endif GOTO 120 C C COMPOSANTES DEFORMATIONS 12 CONTINUE if (ipilo1.le.0) goto 100 if (ir.eq.1) then epst0(ic) = passe1 else if ( then epstf(ic) = passe1 endif GOTO 120 C C COMPOSANTES MATERIAUX 13 CONTINUE if ( then commat(ic) = lesobl(ic) tyval(ic) = 'REAL*8 ' endif if ( then ivalma(ic) = 0 if ( ivalma(ic) = ABS(ieldec) endif if (ipilo1.le.0) goto 100 if (ir.eq.1) then valma0(ic) = passe1 elseif ( -1)) then VALMAT(ic) = passe1 return endif tyval (ic)= typdec xmatf(ic) = passe1 else if (ir.eq.mran ) then xmatf(ic) = passe1 endif if (igau.eq.1.and.ib.eq.1) then IF (CMATE.EQ.'SECTION ') THEN N2PTEL=MAX(N2PTEL,IELCHE(/1)) N2EL =MAX(N2EL ,IELCHE(/2)) ELSE N2PTEL=MAX(N2PTEL,VELCHE(/1)) N2EL =MAX(N2EL ,VELCHE(/2)) ENDIF endif GOTO 120 C C COMPOSANTES CARACTERISTIQUES 14 CONTINUE if ( then comcar(ic) = lesobl(ic) tycar(ic) = 'REAL*8 ' endif mblcar=mobl if ( goto 100 if (ir.eq.1) then xcar0(ic) = passe1 elseif ( then return endif tycar(ic) = typdec XCARB(ic) = passe1 xcarbf(ic) = passe1 * * tuyaux * IF (mfr.eq.13) THEN C C Poutre 3D C ELSE IF(mfr.EQ.7.AND.IDIM.EQ.3)THEN C C Poutre 2D C ELSEIF(IDIM.EQ.2) THEN if (ipilo1.le.0.and.ic.eq.2) then IF(mfr.EQ.3.OR.mfr.EQ.9) THEN XCARB(IC)=0.66666666666666D0 ENDIF endif ELSE * cas des coques minces : défaut de alfah IF (ipilo1.le.0.and.IC.EQ.2.AND. & (mfr.EQ.3.OR.mfr.EQ.9)) THEN XCARB(IC)=0.666666666666666D0 ENDIF C ENDIF else if (ir.eq.mran) then xcarbf(ic) = passe1 endif GOTO 120 C C COMPOSANTES TEMPERATURES 15 CONTINUE if (ipilo1.le.0) goto 100 if (ir.eq.1) then ture0(ic) = passe1 else if ( -1)) then turef(ic) = passe1 endif GOTO 120 C C COMPOSANTES CONTRAINTES PRINCIPALES 16 CONTINUE if (ipilo1.le.0) goto 100 if (ir.eq.1) then prin0(ic) = passe1 else if ( -1)) then prinf(ic) = passe1 endif GOTO 120 C C COMPOSANTE MAHO 17 CONTINUE if (ipilo1.le.0) goto 100 if (ir.eq.1) then maho0(ic) = passe1 else if ( -1)) then mahof(ic) = passe1 endif GOTO 120 C C COMPOSANTE MAHT 18 CONTINUE if (ipilo1.le.0) goto 100 if (ir.eq.1) then hota0(ic) = passe1 else if ( -1)) then hotaf(ic) = passe1 endif GOTO 120 C C COMPOSANTES VARIABLES INTERNES 20 CONTINUE if (ipilo1.le.0) goto 100 if (ir.eq.1) then VAR0(ic) = passe1 * write(6,*) 'var0 ', passe1 else if ( -1)) then VARF(ic) = passe1 endif GOTO 120 C C COMPOSANTES GRADIENTS FLEXION 21 CONTINUE if (ipilo1.le.0) goto 100 if (ir.eq.1) then graf0(ic) = passe1 else if ( -1)) then graff(ic) = passe1 endif GOTO 120 C C COMPOSANTES VARIABLES MICROSTRUCTURES 23 CONTINUE if (ipilo1.le.0) goto 100 if (ir.eq.1) then rhas0(ic) = passe1 else if ( -1)) then rhasf(ic) = passe1 endif GOTO 120 C C COMPOSANTES DEFORMATIONS INELASTIQUES 24 CONTINUE if (ipilo1.le.0) goto 100 if (ir.eq.1) then EPIN0(ic) = passe1 else if ( -1)) then EPINF(ic) = passe1 endif GOTO 120 C 25 CONTINUE if (ipilo1.le.0) goto 100 if (ir.eq.1) then PAREX0(ic) = passe1 else if ( -1)) then PAREXF(ic) = passe1 endif GOTO 120 C 98 CONTINUE if (ipilo1.le.0) goto 100 if (ir.eq.1) then exova0(ic) = passe1 else if ( -1)) then exova1(ic) = passe1 endif if (nomexo(ic).eq.'STEP ') istep = int(exova0(ic)) GOTO 120 C 120 CONTINUE 100 CONTINUE C 101 CONTINUE C C ++++++++++++++++++++++++ C COMPOSANTES FACULTATIVES C ++++++++++++++++++++++++ C if (mfac.le.0) goto 301 DO 200 IC = 1,MFAC passe1= 0.d0 ipilo2 = pilfac(ic,ir) if (pilfac(ic,ir).gt.0) then * on evite les deche crees pour le modele * if (ib.eq.1.and.igau.eq.1) * & write(6,*) ino,ir,ic,deche,nomdec,typdec,condec if (ir.eq.indeso.and.condec(1:24).eq.conmod(1:24))goto 200 melval = ABS(ieldec) c segact melval if (typree) then IBMN=MIN(IB,VELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,VELCHE(/1)) passe1=VELCHE(IGMN,IBMN) else IBMN=MIN(IB,IELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,IELCHE(/1)) passe1=DBLE(IELCHE(IGMN,IBMN)) endif endif C C AIGUILLAGE SUIVANT MOT CLE C if ( goto 298 GOTO ( 201,202,299,299,299,206, 207,299,299,210,211, & 212,213,214,215,216, 217,218,299,220,221,299,223,224,299) ino * 299 CONTINUE C C PAS DE COMPOSANTES POUR CE CHAMP RETURN C C COMPOSANTE SCAL 201 CONTINUE if (ipilo2.le.0) goto 200 if (ir.eq.1) then scal0(mobl+ic) = passe1 else if ( -1)) then scalf(mobl+ic) = passe1 endif GOTO 320 C C COMPOSANTE TEMP 202 CONTINUE if (ipilo2.le.0) goto 200 * bizarre de passer la ... GOTO 320 C C COMPOSANTES PRIMALES 206 CONTINUE if (ipilo2.le.0) goto 200 if (ir.eq.1) then depl0(mobl+ic) = passe1 else if ( -1)) then deplf(mobl+ic) = passe1 endif GOTO 320 C C COMPOSANTES DUALES 207 CONTINUE if (ipilo2.le.0) goto 200 if (ir.eq.1) then forc0(mobl+ic) = passe1 else if ( -1)) then forcf(mobl+ic) = passe1 endif GOTO 320 C C COMPOSANTES GRADIENTS 210 CONTINUE if (ipilo2.le.0) goto 200 if (ir.eq.1) then grad0(mobl+ic) = passe1 else if ( -1)) then gradf(mobl+ic) = passe1 endif GOTO 320 C C COMPOSANTES CONTRAINTES 211 CONTINUE if (ipilo2.le.0) goto 200 if (ir.eq.1) then SIG0(mobl+ic) = passe1 else if ( -1)) then SIGF(mobl+ic) = passe1 endif GOTO 320 C C COMPOSANTES DEFORMATIONS 212 CONTINUE if (ipilo2.le.0) goto 200 if (ir.eq.1) then epst0(mobl+ic) = passe1 else if ( then epstf(mobl+ic) = passe1 endif GOTO 320 C C COMPOSANTES MATERIAUX 213 CONTINUE if ( then commat(mobl+ic) = lesfac(ic) tyval(mobl+ic) = 'REAL*8 ' endif if ( then ivalma(mobl+ic) = 0 if ( ivalma(mobl+ic) = ABS(ieldec) endif if (ipilo2.le.0) goto 200 if (ir.eq.1) then valma0(mobl+ic) = passe1 elseif ( - 1)) then VALMAT(mobl+ic) = passe1 return endif tyval(mobl+ic) = typdec xmatf(mobl+ic) = passe1 if ((inplas.eq.26.or.inplas.eq.29.or.inplas.eq.142) & .and.nomdec(1:4).eq.'ALPH') then ** if (typdec(1:8).eq.'REAL*8 '.or.typdec(1:8).eq.'POINTEUR') if (typree .or.typdec(1:8).eq.'POINTEUR') & ITHHER=1 endif else if (ir.eq.mran) then xmatf(mobl+ic) = passe1 endif C if (igau.eq.1.and.ib.eq.1) then IF (CMATE.EQ.'SECTION ') THEN N2PTEL=MAX(N2PTEL,IELCHE(/1)) N2EL =MAX(N2EL ,IELCHE(/2)) ELSE N2PTEL=MAX(N2PTEL,VELCHE(/1)) N2EL =MAX(N2EL ,VELCHE(/2)) ENDIF endif GOTO 320 C C COMPOSANTES CARACTERISTIQUES 214 CONTINUE if ( then comcar(mobl+ic)=lesfac(ic) tycar(mobl+ic)='REAL*8 ' endif if ( goto 200 if (ir.eq.1) then xcar0(mobl+ic) = passe1 else if ( -1)) then XCARB(mobl+ic) = passe1 xcarbf(mobl+ic) = passe1 return endif tycar(mobl+ic) = typdec * * tuyaux * IF (mfr.eq.13) THEN * composante VECT * remplacee par VX VY VZ if ('VX ') then * on range les coordonnees en fin de tableau <> pas comme dans DEFCAR ** write(6,*) 'comval ic+mobl ncarr',ic+mobl,ncarr XCARB(ic+mobl)=passe1 ** write(6,*) 'comval vx ic mobl ncarr',ic,mobl,ncarr elseif ('VY ') then XCARB(ic+mobl)=passe1 ** write(6,*) 'comval vy ic mobl ncarr',ic,mobl,ncarr elseif ('VZ ') then XCARB(ic+mobl)=passe1 ** write(6,*) 'comval vz ic mobl ncarr',ic,mobl,ncarr else *** XCARB(ic+mobl)=0.d0 endif tycar(mobl+ic) = 'REAL*8' C C Poutre 3D C ELSE IF(mfr.EQ.7.AND.IDIM.EQ.3)THEN * composante VECT * remplacee par VX VY VZ if ('VX ') then ** write(6,*) 'comval en 1205' * on range les coordonnees en fin de tableau <> pas comme dans DEFCAR ** write(6,*) 'comval VX ic+ mobl passe1',ic+mobl,passe1,deche XCARB(ic+mobl)=passe1 elseif ('VY ') then ** write(6,*) 'comval VY ic+ mobl passe1',ic+mobl,passe1,deche XCARB(ic+mobl)=passe1 elseif ('VZ ') then ** write(6,*) 'comval VZ ic+ mobl passe1',ic+mobl,passe1,deche XCARB(ic+mobl)=passe1 else ** XCARB(ic+mobl)=0.d0 endif tycar(mobl+ic) = 'REAL*8' C C Poutre 2D C ELSEIF(IDIM.EQ.2) THEN if (ipilo2.le.0.and.mobl+ic.eq.2) then IF(mfr.EQ.3.OR.mfr.EQ.9) THEN XCARB(mobl+IC)=0.66666666666666D0 ENDIF endif ELSE * cas des coques minces : défaut de alfah IF (ipilo2.le.0.and.mobl+IC.EQ.2.AND. & (mfr.EQ.3.OR.mfr.EQ.9)) THEN XCARB(mobl+IC)=0.666666666666666D0 ENDIF ENDIF else if ( then xcarbf(mobl+ic) = passe1 endif GOTO 320 C C COMPOSANTES TEMPERATURES 215 CONTINUE if (ipilo2.le.0) goto 200 if (ir.eq.1) then ture0(mobl+ic) = passe1 else if ( -1)) then turef(mobl+ic) = passe1 endif GOTO 320 C C COMPOSANTES CONTRAINTES PRINCIPALES 216 CONTINUE if (ipilo2.le.0) goto 200 if (ir.eq.1) then prin0(mobl+ic) = passe1 else if ( -1)) then prinf(mobl+ic) = passe1 endif GOTO 320 C C COMPOSANTE MAHO 217 CONTINUE if (ipilo2.le.0) goto 200 if (ir.eq.1) then maho0(mobl+ic) = passe1 else if ( -1)) then mahof(mobl+ic) = passe1 endif GOTO 320 C C COMPOSANTE MAHT 218 CONTINUE if (ipilo2.le.0) goto 200 if (ir.eq.1) then hota0(mobl+ic) = passe1 else if ( -1)) then hotaf(mobl+ic) = passe1 endif GOTO 320 C C COMPOSANTES VARIABLES INTERNES 220 CONTINUE if (ipilo2.le.0) goto 200 if (ir.eq.1) then VAR0(mobl+ic) = passe1 else if ( -1)) then VARF(mobl+ic) = passe1 endif GOTO 320 C C COMPOSANTES GRADIENTS FLEXION 221 CONTINUE if (ipilo2.le.0) goto 200 if (ir.eq.1) then graf0(mobl+ic) = passe1 else if ( -1)) then graff(mobl+ic) = passe1 endif GOTO 320 C C COMPOSANTES VARIABLES MICROSTRUCTURES 223 CONTINUE if (ipilo2.le.0) goto 200 if (ir.eq.1) then rhas0(mobl+ic) = passe1 else if ( -1)) then rhasf(mobl+ic) = passe1 endif GOTO 320 C C COMPOSANTES DEFORMATIONS INELASTIQUES 224 CONTINUE if (ipilo2.le.0) goto 200 if (ir.eq.1) then EPIN0(mobl+ic) = passe1 else if ( -1)) then EPINF(mobl+ic) = passe1 endif GOTO 320 C 298 CONTINUE if (ipilo2.le.0) goto 200 exova0(mobl + ic) = passe1 GOTO 320 C 320 CONTINUE 200 CONTINUE C 301 CONTINUE C 3000 CONTINUE 1000 CONTINUE C ------------------------------------------------------------ C IF (IGAU.EQ.1.AND.IB.EQ.1) THEN IF (N2PTEL.EQ.1.OR.NBG.EQ.1) THEN N2PTEL=1 ELSE N2PTEL=NBG ENDIF ENDIF C C Increment de deformations DO IG = 1, DEPST(/1) DEPST(ig)= epstf(ig) - epst0(ig) ENDDO C nucar = xcarb(/1) IF((mfr.EQ.7.OR.mfr.EQ.13.OR.mfr.EQ.15.OR.mfr.EQ.17) & .AND. CMATE.NE.'SECTION ') THEN * IF (mfr.EQ.15) THEN NUCAR=NUCAR/2 IE=1 pilnec = liluc(14,2) c segact pilnec*nomod mobl = pilobl(/1) mfac = pilfac(/1) DO 1007 IC=1,3,2 DO 1107 ICOMP=1,min(NUCAR,mobl) c segact deche melval = ABS(ieldec) c segact melval IAUX=MELVAL IF (IAUX.NE.0) THEN IGMN=MIN(IC,VELCHE(/1)) IBMN=MIN(IB,VELCHE(/2)) VALCAR(IE)=VELCHE(IGMN,IBMN) ELSE VALCAR(IE)=0.D0 ENDIF else VALCAR(IE)=0.D0 endif IE=IE+1 1107 CONTINUE 1007 CONTINUE DO 1009 IC=1,3,2 DO 1109 ICOMP=1,mfac c segact deche melval = ABS(ieldec) c segact melval IAUX=MELVAL IF (IAUX.NE.0) THEN IGMN=MIN(IC,VELCHE(/1)) IBMN=MIN(IB,VELCHE(/2)) VALCAR(IE)=VELCHE(IGMN,IBMN) ELSE VALCAR(IE)=0.D0 ENDIF else VALCAR(IE)=0.D0 endif IE=IE+1 1109 CONTINUE 1009 CONTINUE * ELSE if ( then * pour la loi de cisaillement 73, valcar ne sert a rien pilnec = liluc(14,2) c segact pilnec*nomod mobl = pilobl(/1) mfac = pilfac(/1) DO 1010 ICOMP=1,pilobl(/1) VALCAR(ICOMP)=0.D0 c segact deche melval = ABS(ieldec) c segact melval IAUX=MELVAL DO 1008 IAUX1=1,NBPTEL IF (IAUX.NE.0) THEN IBMN=MIN(IB ,VELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IAUX1,VELCHE(/1)) VALCAR(ICOMP)=VALCAR(ICOMP)+VELCHE(IGMN,IBMN) ENDIF IF(IAUX1.EQ.NBPTEL) VALCAR(ICOMP)=VALCAR(ICOMP)/NBPTEL 1008 CONTINUE endif 1010 CONTINUE DO 1012 ICOMP=1,pilfac(/1) VALCAR(mobl+ICOMP)=0.D0 c segact deche melval = ABS(ieldec) c segact melval IAUX=MELVAL DO 1011 IAUX1=1,NBPTEL IF (IAUX.NE.0) THEN IF (ielche(/2).ne.0) THEN IBMN=MIN(IB ,IELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IAUX1,IELCHE(/1)) VALCAR(mobl+ICOMP)=VALCAR(mobl+ICOMP)+IELCHE(IGMN,IBMN) ELSE IBMN=MIN(IB ,VELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IAUX1,VELCHE(/1)) VALCAR(mobl+ICOMP)=VALCAR(mobl+ICOMP)+VELCHE(IGMN,IBMN) ENDIF ENDIF IF(IAUX1.EQ.NBPTEL) VALCAR(mobl+ICOMP)=VALCAR(mobl+ICOMP)/NBPTEL 1011 CONTINUE endif 1012 CONTINUE ENDIF else if ( then do ip = 1,nucar valcar(ip) = xcarb(ip) enddo endif ENDIF * * prise en compte de l'epaisseur et de l'excentrement * dans le cas des coques minces avec ou sans cisaillement * transverse * IF (mfr.EQ.3.OR.mfr.EQ.9) THEN IF (CMATE.EQ.'ISOTROPE'.OR.CMATE.EQ.'ORTHOTRO'.OR. 1 CMATE.EQ.'UNIDIREC') THEN pilnec = liluc(14,2) * segact pilnec c segact deche melval = ABS(ieldec) c segact melval IAUX=MELVAL IF (IAUX.NE.0) THEN IBMN=MIN(IB ,VELCHE(/2)) IGMN=MIN(IGAU,VELCHE(/1)) EPAIST=VELCHE(IGMN,IBMN) ELSE EPAIST=0.D0 ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ** * on traite le materiau dependant de la temperature pour lemaitre endommageable if (inplas.eq.26.or.inplas.eq.29.or.inplas.eq.142) then do ic = 1,tyval(/2) if (tyval(ic)(9:16).EQ.'EVOLUTIO') then MEVOLL=nint(valmat(ic)) IF(MEVOLL.EQ.0) THEN KERRE=37 RETURN ENDIF C SEGACT MEVOLL KEVOLL=IEVOLL(1) C SEGACT KEVOLL if (nomevx(1:4).eq.'T ') ITHHER = 2 * on ne desactive pas les segments pour reduire la contention sur esope en // *** segdes kevoll,mevoll if (ithher.eq.2) goto 4010 endif if (tyval(ic)(9:16).EQ.'NUAGE ') then MNUAGE=nint(valmat(ic)) C SEGACT MNUAGE IF(MNUAGE.EQ.0) THEN MOTERR(1:8)='NUAGE ' KERRE=37 RETURN ENDIF NVAR=NUANOM(/2) IF(NVAR.LE.1) THEN * on ne desactive pas les segments pour reduire la contention sur esope en // *** SEGDES MNUAGE INTERR(1)=MNUAGE INTERR(2)=2 INTERR(3)=2 KERRE=628 RETURN ENDIF if (nuanom(1).eq.'T ') ITHHER = 2 * on ne desactive pas les segments pour reduire la contention sur esope en // *** segdes mnuage if (ithher.eq.2) goto 4010 endif enddo 4010 continue endif C RETURN END
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