C ASTIFF SOURCE BECC 11/05/26 21:15:01 6981 & RHO, P, GAMMA, PC, A, & LOGDEB, LOGAN) * ************************************************************************* * * project : CAST3M; Europlexus... * * name : a_stiff * * description : euler equations for a mixture of stiffened gases * flux in the non-reactive case. * * computation of the sound speed. * * language : fortran 77 * * author : a. beccantini den/dm2s/sfme/ltmf * ************************************************************************* * * called by : * * ************************************************************************* * ***** input * * pc, gam = properties of the stiffened gas * * rho, p, = density, pressure * * logdeb = debugging ? * ***** output * * a = sound speed * * logan = anomaly ? * * ************************************************************************* * * 26/11/2009 created * 25/05/2011 evolution in CAST3M * ************************************************************************* * * n.b.: all variables are declared * C IMPLICIT NONE IMPLICIT INTEGER(I-N) * LOGICAL LOGDEB, LOGAN * IF (LOGDEB ) THEN LOGAN = .TRUE. GOTO 9999 ENDIF IF ((P .LE. 0.0D0) .OR. (PC .LE. 0.0D0)) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'P = ', P, ' PC = ', PC LOGAN = .TRUE. GOTO 9999 ENDIF IF ((RHO .LE. 0.0D0)) THEN WRITE(*,*) 'RHO = ', RHO LOGAN = .TRUE. GOTO 9999 ENDIF ENDIF A = A ** 0.5D0 * 9999 RETURN END
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