*======================================================================= * * fichier : injN2A.dgibi * * N2 injection inside an adiabatic axisymetric cavity * Comparaison in average with an analytic solution * *======================================================================= * Analytical solution * * Mean pressure, temperature and density are computed according to the * injection at a constant mass flow rate and temperature of a non * condensable (nc) gas inside a cavity. At the * initial time t=0, the cavity is filled with the SAME nc gas. * * Hypothesis : Laplace coefficient Gama=cp/cv is constant * 'DEBP' SOREF Ltps*'LISTREEL' QM*'FLOTTANT' Vr*'FLOTTANT' Sr*'FLOTTANT' Pnm*'FLOTTANT' * * E/ : Ltps : List of time steps (in s) * E/ : QM : Mas flow rate at the injection (in kg/s) * E/ : Vr : Volume of the cavity (in m3) * E/ : Sr : Surface of the wall (in m2) * E/ : Pnm : Initial pressure (in Pa) * E/ : TETAI : Initial temperature (in C) * E/ : INCOND : Name of the nc gas * E/ : COUL1 : Color of the evolutions * * /S : evp1 : EVOLUTION : Mean pressure evolution in time * /S : evt1 : EVOLUTION : Mean temperature evolution in time * /S : evrho1 : EVOLUTION : Mean nc qas density evolution in time * 'SI' ('EGA' INCOND 'AIR' ) ; Rinc = 287.1 ; 'SINO' ; 'SI' ('EGA' INCOND 'N2') ; Rinc = 296.9 ; 'SINO' ; 'FINS' ; 'FINS' ; * 'SI' (ntps '>' 1) ; 'SINO' ; 'LIST' ltps ; 'FINS' ; * * Initial conditions Rhonm = Pnm '/' Rinc '/' (tetai + 273.15) ; * gama = Cp '/' (Cp '-' Rinc) ; 'REPE' BLOC (ntps '-' 1) ; DT0 = tpsn '-' tpsnm ; dpdt = gama '*' Rinc '*' (tetai + 273.15) '*' Qm '/' Vr ; Pn = DT0 '*' dpdt '+' Pnm ; Rhon = DT0 '*' Qm '/' Vr '+' Rhonm ; Tn = Pn '/' Rhon '/' Rinc '-' 273.15 ; * * 'SI' ('EGA' INCOND 'AIR' ) ; * a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 Cp = calcp tn ; * 'SINO' ; * a1 a2 a3 Cp a5 a6 a7 = calcp tn ; * 'FINS' ; * * tpsnm = tpsn ; Rhonm = Rhon ; Pnm = Pn ; 'FIN' BLOC ; 'FINP' evp1 evt1 evrho1 ; *======================================================================= * * COMPLET = faux ; GRAPH = faux ; * 'SI' COMPLET ; Tmax = 500. ; DT0 = 1. ; n1 = 5 ; n2 =10 ; n3 =20 ; 'SINO' ; Tmax = 500. ; DT0 = 2. ; n1 = 3 ; n2 = 6 ; n3 = 12; 'FINS' ; nbit = 'ENTI' (Tmax / DT0) ; Qinj = 0.2 ; PT0 = 1.e5 ; TF0 = 300. - 273.15 ; hext = 0. ; * * * Mesh * * * R1 = Radius of the vertical cylinder * H1 = Half-height of the vertical cylinder * H2 = Half-height of the cavity * DB = Radius of the injection * -HB = Elevation of the injection * * episo = Width of the internal thermal insulator * epsi0 = 1.e-5 ; * EPISO = 0.044 ; R1 = 1.200 - episo ; H1 = 1.605 ; H2 = 2.342 - episo ; DB = 0.1 ; HB = 0.835 ; * * Points for rotation purposes CA1 = 0. 0.275 ; CA2 = (0.33*R1) H1 ; * * Points for symetry purposes P0 = 0. 0. ; P2 = DB 0. ; PA0 = R1 0.; * * Specific points PAXb = 0. (-1. '*' HB) ; P2b = DB (-1. '*' HB) ; PAb = R1 (-1. '*' HB) ; PAbm = (R1/2.) (-1. '*' HB) ; PAX2 = 0. H2 ; PA1 = R1 H1 ; * Pb1 = R1 (-1. '*' H1) ; * * Specific treatment (lips) at the injection * * Upper volume * From the injection elevation to the top * * * * * * Lower volume * From the bottom to the injection elevation * * * Mesh of the cavity and specific boundaries (axis, containment wall) mt = mth 'ET' mtb ; 'ELIM' mt epsi0 ; * * Control 'SI' GRAPH ; 'TRAC' mt ; pla = paroih 'ET' plaf ; 'FINS' ; * * * Data for execrxt.procedur * * rxt = 'TABLE' ; rxt . 'VERSION' = 'V0' ; rxt . 'vtf' = mt ; rxt . 'axe' = axe ; rxt . 'pi' = 0.5 0.5 ; rxt . 'DISCR' = 'LINE'; rxt . 'KPRE' = 'MSOMMET' ; rxt . 'DT0' = DT0 ; rxt . 'MODTURB' = 'LMEL' ; rxt . 'LMEL' = 0.01 ; * rxt . 'TF0' = TF0 ; rxt . 'PT0' = PT0 ; rxt . 'N2' = vrai ; rxt . 'Yn20' = 0.9999 ; * rxt . 'Breches' = 'TABLE' ; rxt . 'Breches' . 'A' = 'TABLE' ; rxt . 'Breches' . 'A' . 'Maillage' = breche ; rxt . 'Breches' . 'A' . 'diru' = (0. 1.) ; rxt . 'Breches' . 'A' . 'scenario' = 'TABLE' ; * rxt . 'DETMAT' = vrai ; rxt . 'RENU' = 'RIEN' ; rxt . 'GRAPH' = faux ; rxt . 'GRAPH' = GRAPH ; * * * Transient computation * (the numerical diffusion is set to zero for the equation devoted to fluid temperature) 'SI' COMPLET ; rxt . 'TBT' . 'RTF' . '1TSCA' . 'KOPT' . 'CMD' = 0. ; 'FINS' ; execrxt nbit rxt ; * * * Plots devoted to inj... cases * * Ltps = rxt . 'TIC' . 'LTPS' ; *Vr = 17.4 ; Sr = 35.914 ; evp1 evt1 evrho1 = SOREF Ltps Qinj Vr Sr PT0 TF0 'N2' 'ROUG' ; evm1 = evrho1 * Vr ; evm2 = evrho2 * Vr ; 'SI' GRAPH ; TAB1 = 'TABLE' ; TAB1 . 'TITRE' = 'TABLE' ; TAB1 . 'TITRE' . 1 = 'Sol Ref'; TAB1 . 'TITRE' . 2 = 'Nautilus CFD'; * 'TITR' 'Pressure' 'MIMA' 'GRIL' 'POIN' 'GRIS' 'TITX' 's' 'TITY' ' Pa' 'LEGE' tab1 ; 'TITR' 'Mean gas temperature' 'GRIL' 'POIN' 'GRIS' 'TITX' 's' 'TITY' ' C' 'LEGE' tab1 ; 'TITR' 'Mean gas density' 'GRIL' 'POIN' 'GRIS' 'TITX' 's' 'TITY' 'kg' 'LEGE' tab1 ; 'FINS' ; * * * Tests * * 'SI' ('NON' COMPLET) ; ERR1 = 0 ; devp = evp1 - evp2 'ABS' ; devt = evt1 - evt2 'ABS' ; 'SI' (ERP '>' 0.21D5) ; err1 = err1 '+' 1 ; 'FINS' ; 'SI' (ERT '>' 10.) ; err1 = err1 '+' 1 ; 'FINS' ; 'SI' (ert_calc '>' 0.01) ; err1 = err1 '+' 1 ; 'FINS' ; 'SI' ('NEG' ERR1 0) ; 'FINS' ; 'FINS' ; * 'FIN' ;
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