* fichier : enc2dke.dgibi similar with enc2d but with K-epsilon * formulation (semi explicit EFM1) and wall functions * * Adiabatic and 2D axisymetric containment * He and steam injections * * With wall functions, QUAF-MSOMMET and QUAF-CENTREP1 are not available. * * COMPLET = FAUX ; GRAPH = FAUX ; 'SI' COMPLET ; nbit = 4000 ; DT0 = 8.D-3 ; n1 = 5 ; n2 = 10 ; n3 = 20 ; 'SINO' ; nbit = 100 ; DT0 = 8.D-3 ; n1 = 5 ; n2 = 10 ; n3 = 20 ; 'FINSI' ; * * Mesh * p1 = 0. 0. ; p2 = 0.1 0. ; p3 = 1. 0. ; p4 = 1. 2. ; p5 = 0. 2. ; * vtp = bas 'ET' paroid 'ET' plaf ; mt = 'DALLER' (breche 'ET' bas) paroid plaf axe ; * *- Data for execrxt.procedur * rxt = 'TABLE' ; rxt . 'VERSION' = 'V0' ; rxt . 'vtf' = mt ; rxt . 'axe' = axe ; * rxt . 'pi' = 0.5 0.5 ; * rxt . 'ALGO' = 'EFM1' ; rxt . 'DISCR' = 'LINE' ; rxt . 'KPRE' = 'MSOMMET' ; rxt . 'DT0' = DT0 ; * rxt . 'FPAROI' = VRAI ; rxt . 'YP' = 5.e-3 ; * rxt . 'HE' = VRAI ; rxt . 'VAPEUR' = VRAI ; rxt . 'TF0' = 20.0 ; rxt . 'PT0' = 1.0e5 ; rxt . 'Yhe0' = 0.0 ; rxt . 'Yvap0' = 0.1 ; * rxt . 'Breches' = 'TABLE' ; rxt . 'Breches' . 'A' = 'TABLE' ; rxt . 'Breches' . 'A' . 'Maillage' = breche ; rxt . 'Breches' . 'A' . 'diru' = (0. 1.) ; rxt . 'Breches' . 'A' . 'scenario' = 'TABLE' ; * rxt . 'GRAPH' = GRAPH ; rxt . 'DETMAT' = VRAI ; rxt . 'RENU' = 'RIEN' ; * *- Transient * EXECRXT nbit rxt ; * *- Tests * FD : Pourquoi le lissage ELNO(NOEL(un)) ? 'SI' ('NON' COMPLET) ; ERR1 = 0 ; rxt . 'GEO' . '$vtf' ; 'SI' (test '>' 1. ) ; ERR1 = ERR1 '+' 1 ; 'FINS' ; * tf = rxt . 'TIC' . 'TF' ; 'SI' (test '>' 1.) ; ERR1 = ERR1 '+' 1 ; 'FINS' ; * *- Specific test for wall functions * Each ten points on the wall boundary we check the velocity * FD : Pourquoi la vitesse normale en paroi n'est-elle pas nulle ? 'LIST' lunv1 ; 'LIST' lunv2 ; LRunv1 = 'PROG' *-4.46838E-02 3.23026E-02 2.64945E-03 1.81767E-04 1.24049E-05 * 2.99048E-05 2.43521E-04 5.12656E-05 2.70603E-05 1.28875E-04 * 2.05958E-04 -2.63387E-04 -4.21780E-03 -0.10094 -4.46838E-02 ; -4.47721E-02 3.26589E-02 2.45288E-03 1.77112E-04 4.00912E-06 4.16036E-05 2.50142E-04 5.36523E-05 2.53774E-05 1.24365E-04 2.01109E-04 -2.52286E-04 -4.06199E-03 -0.10516 -4.47721E-02 ; LRunv2 = 'PROG' * 0.49916 1.4908 3.88036E-02 5.05601E-03 6.10067E-04 * 1.07301E-05 9.98014E-05 3.13809E-05 3.38167E-04 1.44275E-04 *-1.57168E-03 -6.76880E-04 -8.67024E-04 1.79192E-02 0.49916 ; 0.49531 1.4537 3.65787E-02 4.90346E-03 5.80395E-04 2.19061E-05 9.61838E-05 2.85129E-05 3.34633E-04 1.66757E-04 -1.48587E-03 -6.43691E-04 -8.39996E-04 1.72301E-02 0.49531 ; * 'SI' (ERPS1 '>' 5.e-4) ; ERR1 = ERR1 '+' 1 ; 'FINS' ; * 'SI' ('NEG' ERR1 0) ; 'FINS' ; 'FINS' ; * *- Plots devoted to enc2d... cases * 'SI' rxt . 'GRAPH' ; tbt = rxt . 'TBT' ; tic = rxt . 'TIC' ; * $vtf = rxt . 'GEO' . '$vtf' ; $vtp = rxt . 'GEO' . '$vtp' ; 'FINS' ; * un = tic . 'UN'; tf = tic . 'TF' ; rho = tic . 'RHO' ; rair = tic . 'RAIR' ; 'SI' tbt . 'THE' ; rhe = tic . 'RHE' ; 'FINS' ; 'SI' tbt . 'TH2' ; rh2 = tic . 'RH2' ; 'FINS' ; 'SI' tbt . 'TCO' ; rco = tic . 'RCO' ; 'FINS' ; 'SI' tbt . 'TCO2' ; rco2 = tic . 'RCO2' ; 'FINS' ; 'SI' tbt . 'VAPEUR' ; rvp = tic . 'RVP' ; 'FINS' ; * * 'DESS' evauz 'TITR' 'Velocity with the z axis' 'MIMA' * 'DESS' evatf 'TITR' 'Gas temperature with the z axis' 'MIMA' 'GRIL' 'POIN' 'GRIS' 'TITX' 'z' 'TITY' ' C' ; 'DESS' evarh 'TITR' 'Gas density with the z axis' 'MIMA' * 'SI' tbt . 'THE' ; 'DESS' evahe 'TITRE' 'Helium density with the z axis' 'MIMA' 'FINS' ; 'SI' tbt . 'TH2' ; 'DESS' evah2 'TITR' 'Hydrogen density with the z axis' 'MIMA' 'FINS' ; 'SI' tbt . 'TCO' ; 'DESS' evaco 'TITR' 'CO density with the z axis' 'MIMA' 'FINS' ; 'SI' tbt . 'TCO2' ; 'DESS' evaco2 'TITR' 'CO2 density with the z axis' 'MIMA' 'FINS' ; 'SI' tbt . 'VAPEUR' ; 'DESS' evavap 'TITR' 'Steam density with the z axis' 'MIMA' 'FINS' ; * * Wall temperature or air density (in cases enc2d with wall temperature * only air is involved ; hence rair=rho and rho is plotted above)) 'SINO' ; 'DESS' evarair 'TITR' 'Air density with the z axis' 'MIMA' 'FINS' ; * 'FINS' ; * 'FINS' ; * * Specific plots for wall functions 'SI' rxt . 'GRAPH' ; TAB1 = 'TABLE' ; TAB1 . 'TITRE' = TABLE ; TAB1 . 1 = ' REGU MARQ TRIL' ; TAB1 . 2 = ' REGU MARQ TRIU' ; 'TITR' 'Velocity with the wall curvilinear abscissa' 'MIMA' 'FINS' ; * FIN ;
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