C XSRFC SOURCE PV090527 23/01/27 21:16:11 11574 subroutine xsrfc(x,y,z,nobs,coeff,errmax,errmoy) c source : https://people.math.sc.edu/Burkardt/f_src/qrsolv/qrsolv.html implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) implicit integer (i-n) integer ncoeff,n parameter (ncoeff = 10,n=10) integer nobs,i,ind,itask,jpvt(n),kr c nobs : nombre de lignes de la table des points de base x,y,z c ncoeff : nombre de coefficients à déterminer. c resi : residue de l'approximation real*8 zc(nobs),zmin,zmax real*8 x(nobs),y(nobs),z(nobs),a(nobs,ncoeff),coeff(ncoeff) c sauvegarde des z initiaux z0=z c construct design matrix A a(:,1) = 1.0d0 a(:,2) = x a(:,3) = y a(:,4) = x**2 a(:,5) = y**2 a(:,6) = x*y a(:,7) = x**2*y a(:,8) = x*y**2 a(:,9) = x**3 a(:,10) = y**3 a0=a c print*,a c call fit(a,z,coeff) ! need a subroutine that solves A*coeff = Z in the least-squares sense c c write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' c write ( *, '(a)' ) 'DQRLS_TEST' c write ( *, '(a)' ) ' DQRLS solves a linear system A*coeff = z ' c write ( *, '(a)' ) ' in the least squares sense.' tol = 1.0D-8 c call r8mat_print ( nobs, n, a, ' Coefficient matrix A:' ) c c call r8vec_print ( nobs, z, ' Right hand side z:' ) c c Solve least-squares problem. itask = 1 #itask, ind ) c Print results. c c write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' c write ( *, '(a,i4)' ) ' Error code =', ind c write ( *, '(a,i4)' ) ' Estimated matrix rank =', kr c c call r8vec_print ( n, coeff, ' Least squares solution coeff:' ) c c x0=coeff(1) c x1=coeff(2) c y1=coeff(3) c x2=coeff(4) c y2=coeff(5) c xy1=coeff(6) c x2y=coeff(7) c xy2=coeff(8) c x3=coeff(9) c y3=coeff(10) c print*, "k0m(x,y)=",coeff(1),"+(",coeff(2),")*x+(",coeff(3),")*y+(",coeff(4),")*x**2+(",coeff(5),")*y**2+(",coeff(6),")*x*y"& c ,"+(",coeff(7),")*x**2*y+(",coeff(8),")*x*y**2+(",coeff(9),")*x**3+(",coeff(10),")*y**3" c call r8vec_print ( nobs, z, ' Residuals A*coeff-z' ) zc=matmul(a0,coeff) zmin=minval(z0) zmax=maxval(z0) do i=1,nobs if(zc(i).lt.zmin) then zc(i)=zmin else if(zc(i).gt.zmax) then zc(i)=zmax end if end do c print*, zc c print*, z0 c read* errmax =sqrt(maxval((zc-z0)**2/z0**2)) errmoy= sqrt(sum((zc-z0)**2/z0**2))/nobs c erreur maximale c errmax=maxval(resi/z) c print*, errmax return end
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