C LEXTPN SOURCE OF166741 23/11/14 21:15:03 11784 *----------------------------------------------------------------------* SUBROUTINE LEXTPN (iret) IMPLICIT INTEGER(I-N) IMPLICIT REAL*8(A-H,O-Z) -INC PPARAM -INC CCOPTIO PARAMETER (LOCHAJ = 10 * LOCHAI) PARAMETER (NBLIB = 3) * dirloi repertoire de la loi externe SEGMENT SDIEXT CHARACTER*(LOCHAI) dirloi(nbdir) ENDSEGMENT * ficloi fichier (bibliotheque) de la loi externe * idrloi entier correspondant a dirloi de SDIEXT SEGMENT SLOEXT CHARACTER*(LOCHAI) ficloi(nbloi) INTEGER idrloi(nbloi) ENDSEGMENT *DEV* nomloi nom de la loi externe dans la bibliotheque *DEV* idfloi entier correspondant a ficloi de SLOEXT *DEV* iptloi pointeur fonction de la loi externe *DEV SEGMENT SFCEXT *DEV CHARACTER*(LOCHAI) nomloi(nbfct) *DEV INTEGER idfloi(nbfct) *DEV INTEGER iptloi(nbfct) *DEV ENDSEGMENT EXTERNAL long CHARACTER*(*) repl,ficl,noml CHARACTER*(LOCHAJ) cvarenv,rep,entr CHARACTER*(LOCHAI) dirb,ficb,nomb CHARACTER*(1) sepa1(NBLIB) CHARACTER*(6) sextl(NBLIB) EQUIVALENCE(cvarenv,ivarenv) EQUIVALENCE(entr ,ientr ) LOGICAL logdbg SAVE SDIEXT, NDIEXT, SLOEXT, NLOEXT *DEV SAVE SFCEXT, NFCEXT SAVE sepa1, sepa2, sextl, iextl, nextl SAVE logdbg * Option cachee de debogage : cvarenv = 'CASTEM_MFRONT_DEBUG'//CHAR(0) l = LOCHAJ CALL OOOZEN(ivarenv,l) logdbg = l.GE.1 if (logdbg) write(ioimp,*) 'Mode debogage actif' iret = 0 * 0 - Initialisation des segments sdiext, sloext, sfcexT ndiext = 0 nbdir = 256 SEGINI,sdiext nloext = 0 nbloi = 256 SEGINI,sloext *DEV nfcext = 0 *DEV nbfct = 256 *DEV SEGINI,sfcext * 1 - Definition pour chaque OS (LINUX, WIN, MAC) : * - du separateur de recherche * - du(des) separateur(s) de repertoire * - de l'extension de la bibliotheque sextl(1) = '.so ' sepa1(1) = ':' sextl(2) = '.dll ' sepa1(2) = ';' sextl(3) = '.dylib' sepa1(3) = ':' %IF WIN32,WIN64 iextl = 2 %ELSE iextl = 1 * Cas particulier du MACOS cvarenv = 'CASTEM_PLATEFORME'//CHAR(0) l = LOCHAI CALL OOOZEN(ivarenv,l) IF (l.GE.1) THEN IF (cvarenv(1:l).EQ.'MAC') iextl = 3 END IF %ENDIF if (logdbg) then if (iextl.eq.1) write(ioimp,*) 'OS = LINUX (default)' if (iextl.eq.2) write(ioimp,*) 'OS = WIN32/WIN64' if (iextl.eq.3) write(ioimp,*) 'OS = MACOS64' end if * 2 - Recherche des repertoires a scruter cvarenv = 'CASTEM_MFRONT_PATH'//CHAR(0) l = LOCHAJ CALL OOOZEN(ivarenv,l) IF (l.GE.1) THEN if (lgrep+1+l.gt.LOCHAJ) then moterr = '(Warning 0) CASTEM_MFRONT_PATH too long' moterr = '=> Variable not used' iret = iret + 1 else if (logdbg) write(ioimp,*) 'rep =>CASTEM_MFRONT_PATH<=' lgrep = lgrep + 1 rep(lgrep:lgrep) = sepa1(iextl)(1:1) rep(lgrep+1:lgrep+l) = cvarenv(1:l) GOTO 2 end if END IF cvarenv = 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'//CHAR(0) if (iextl.eq.3) cvarenv = 'DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH'//CHAR(0) l = LOCHAJ CALL OOOZEN(ivarenv,l) IF (l.GE.1) THEN if (lgrep+1+l.gt.LOCHAJ) then moterr = '(Warning 0) (DY)LD_LIBRARY_PATH too long' moterr = '=> Variable not used' iret = iret + 1 else if (logdbg) write(ioimp,*) 'rep =>(DY)LD_LIBRARY_PATH<=' lgrep = lgrep + 1 rep(lgrep:lgrep) = sepa1(iextl)(1:1) rep(lgrep+1:lgrep+l) = cvarenv(1:l) GOTO 2 end if END IF if (logdbg) write(ioimp,*) 'rep =>default<=' 2 CONTINUE if (logdbg) write(ioimp,*) 'rep "',rep(1:lgrep),'"',lgrep idrep = 1 * 3 - Boucle sur les repertoires indiques 30 CONTINUE * 3.1 - Analyse du nom du repertoire ifrep = lgrep * Recherche debut fin du repertoire ind = INDEX(rep(idrep:ifrep),sepa1(iextl)(1:1)) IF (ind.NE.0) ifrep = idrep + ind - 2 * Cas particulier ou 2 separateurs se suivent IF (ind.EQ.1) GOTO 31 * Cas particulier ou il n'y a que des espaces entre 2 separateurs IF (lgd.EQ.0) GOTO 31 if (lgd.gt.LOCHAI) then moterr = '(Warning 1) External laws: '// & 'Directory name too long' l = 60 moterr = ' "'//rep(idrep:idrep+l)//'[...]'// & rep(ifrep-l:ifrep)//'"' moterr = '=> Directory not used' iret = iret + 1 goto 31 end if dirb = ' ' dirb = rep(idrep:ifrep) * Cas particulier du melange de "separateurs de repertoire" (sepa2) DO i = 1, lgd END IF END DO * On ajoute le separateur en fin de repertoire s'il manque if (lgd.eq.LOCHAI) then moterr = '(Warning 1) External laws: '// & 'Directory name too long' l = 60 moterr = ' "'//dirb(1:1+l)//'[...]'// moterr = '=> Directory not used' iret = iret + 1 goto 31 end if lgd = lgd + 1 END IF CALL LEXTDN(dirb,ios) IF (ios.GT.0) THEN if (logdbg) then moterr = '(Warning 2) External laws: '// & 'Directory already read' if (lgd.gt.125) then l = 60 moterr = ' "'//dirb(1:1+l)//'[...]'//dirb(lgd-l:lgd)//'"' else moterr = ' "'//dirb(1:lgd)//'"' end if end if GOTO 31 END IF * 3.2 - Ouverture du repertoire "complet" ios = 0 CALL fopendir(dirb(1:lgd)//CHAR(0),ios,iajout) IF (ios.NE.0) THEN if (logdbg) then moterr = '(Warning 3) External laws: '// & 'Directory cannot be opened' if (lgd.gt.125) then l = 60 moterr = ' "'//dirb(1:1+l)//'[...]'//dirb(lgd-l:lgd)//'"' else moterr = ' "'//dirb(1:lgd)//'"' end if moterr = '=> Directory not used' end if iret = iret + 1 GOTO 31 END IF * On ajoute le repertoire a la liste : ndiext = ndiext + 1 IF (ndiext.GT.nbdir) THEN nbdir = nbdir + 256 SEGADJ,sdiext END IF sdiext.dirloi(ndiext) = ' ' sdiext.dirloi(ndiext)(1:lgd) = dirb(1:lgd) if (logdbg) then write(ioimp,*) 'Ajout du repertoire',ndiext write(ioimp,*) ' "'//dirb(1:lgd)//'"' end if * 3.3 - Boucle sur le contenu du repertoire nlopre = nloext 310 CONTINUE entr = CHAR(0) CALL freaddir(ientr) IF (ICHAR(entr(1:1)).EQ.0) GOTO 320 * 3.3.1 - Analyse du fichier trouve : extension attendue... if (lgf.LE.0) goto 310 IF (lgf.LT.nextl) GOTO 310 %IF WIN32,WIN64 %ELSE ficb(1:nextl) = entr(lgf-nextl+1:lgf) %ENDIF IF (ficb(1:nextl).NE.sextl(iextl)(1:nextl)) GOTO 310 if (lgf.gt.LOCHAI) then moterr = '(Warning 4) External laws: '// & 'Library name too long' if (lgf.gt.125) then l = 60 moterr = ' "'//entr(1:1+l)//'[...]'//entr(lgf-l:lgf)//'"' else moterr = ' "'//entr(1:lgf)//'"' end if moterr = '=> Library not used' iret = iret + 1 goto 310 end if lgf = lgf - nextl ficb = ' ' ficb(1:lgf) = entr(1:lgf) CALL LEXTFN(ficb,ios) IF (ios.GT.0) then if (logdbg) then moterr = '(Warning 5) External laws: '// & 'Library already found' if (lgf.gt.120) then l = 58 moterr = ' "'//ficb(1:1+l)//'[...]'//ficb(lgf-l:lgf)// & sextl(iextl)(1:nextl)//'"' else moterr = ' "'//ficb(1:lgf)//sextl(iextl)(1:nextl)//'"' end if moterr = 'in the following directory' if (lgd.gt.125) then l = 60 moterr = ' "'//dirb(1:1+l)//'[...]'//dirb(lgd-l:lgd)//'"' else moterr = ' "'//dirb(1:lgd)//'"' end if moterr = 'already found in the previous directory' i_z = sloext.idrloi(ios) if (l_z.gt.125) then l = 60 moterr = ' "'//sdiext.dirloi(i_z)(1:1+l)//'[...]'// & sdiext.dirloi(i_z)(l_z-l:l_z)//'"' else moterr = ' "'//sdiext.dirloi(i_z)(1:l_z)//'"' end if moterr = '=> Library not added' end if goto 310 END IF nloext = nloext + 1 IF (nloext.GT.nbloi) THEN nbloi = nbloi + 256 SEGADJ,sloext END IF sloext.ficloi(nloext) = ' ' sloext.ficloi(nloext)(1:lgf) = ficb(1:lgf) sloext.idrloi(nloext) = ndiext if (logdbg) then write(ioimp,*) 'Ajout bibliotheque',nloext CALL LEXTPR(nloext) end if *DEV* 3.3.3 - Analyse de la bibliotheque : *DEV* - Ouverture de la bibliotheque *DEV CALL DLOPEN(dirb(1:lgd)//ficb(1:lgf)//sextl(iextl)(1:nextl)//CHAR(0),...) *DEV IF (...) THEN *DEV nloext = nloext - 1 *DEV GOTO 3120 *DEV END IF *DEV* - Boucle sur le contenu de la bibiotheque *DEV 3110 CONTINUE *DEV* on recupere le i-eme fonction dans la bibliotheque *DEV nomb = ' ' *DEV lgn = LOCHAI *DEV CALL LEXTNN(nomb,ios) *DEV IF (ios.GT.0) then *DEV moterr = nomb *DEV CALL ERREUR(-302) *DEV nloext = nloext - 1 *DEV goto 3110 *DEV END IF *DEV nfcext = nfcext + 1 *DEV IF (nfcext.GT.nbfct) THEN *DEV nbfct = nbfct + 256 *DEV SEGADJ,sfcext *DEV END IF *DEV sfcext.nomloi(nfcext) = ' ' *DEV sfcext.nomloi(nfcext)(1:lgn) = nomb(1:lgn) *DEV sfcext.idfloi(nfcext) = nloext *DEV sfcext.iptloi(nfcext) = 0 *DEV GOTO 3110 *DEV* - Fermeture de la bibiotheque *DEV 3120 CONTINUE *DEV* LA FERMETURE GOTO 310 * 3.3 - Fin de la boucle sur le contenu du repertoire 320 CONTINUE CALL fclosedir * Si pas de bibliotheque dans le repertoire, on le retire : IF (nloext .LE. nlopre) then ndiext = ndiext - 1 if (logdbg) then moterr = '(Warning 6) External laws: '// & 'No new librairies found in the directory' if (lgd.gt.125) then l = 60 moterr = ' "'//dirb(1:1+l)//'[...]'//dirb(lgd-l:lgd)//'"' else moterr = ' "'//dirb(1:lgd)//'"' end if moterr = '=> Directory not used' end if END IF * Il faut sauter le separateur 31 CONTINUE idrep = ifrep + 2 * Fin de la chaine rep atteinte ? IF (idrep.GE.lgrep) GOTO 4 GOTO 30 * 3 - Fin de la boucle sur les repertoires * 4 - Fin du traitement initial des repertoires de bibliotheques de loi 4 CONTINUE if ( (ndiext.eq.0 .and. nloext.ne.0) .or. & (ndiext.ne.0 .and. nloext.eq.0) ) then moterr = '(Fatal Error) External laws: '// & 'ndiext & nloext not consistent' end if nbdir = ndiext SEGADJ,sdiext SEGACT,sdiext*NOMOD nbloi = nloext SEGADJ,sloext SEGACT,sloext*NOMOD *DEV nbfct = nfcext *DEV SEGADJ,sfcext *DEV SEGACT,sfcext*NOMOD *DEV CALL SAVSEG(sdiext) *DEV CALL SAVSEG(sloext) *DEV CALL SAVSEG(sdiext) if (logdbg) CALL LEXTPR(0) RETURN *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * conversion repertoire numero : ENTRY LEXTDN(repl,iret) iret = 0 if (logdbg) write(ioimp,*) 'LEXTDN ='//repl(1:lgd)//'=',lgd if (lgd.LE.0 .OR. lgd.GT.LOCHAI) RETURN ** SEGACT,sdiext*NOMOD DO i = 1, ndiext IF (l_z .EQ. lgd) THEN IF (sdiext.dirloi(i)(1:lgd).EQ.repl(1:lgd)) THEN iret = i if (logdbg) write(ioimp,*) 'LEXTDN = repl trouve en',iret RETURN END IF END IF END DO if (logdbg) write(ioimp,*) 'LEXTDN = repl non trouve',iret RETURN *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * conversion fichier numero : ENTRY LEXTFN(ficl,iret) iret = 0 if (logdbg) write(ioimp,*) 'LEXTFN ='//ficl(1:lgf)//'=',lgf if (lgf.LE.0 .OR. lgf.GT.LOCHAI) RETURN ** SEGACT,sloext*NOMOD DO i = 1, nloext IF (l_z.EQ.lgf) THEN IF (sloext.ficloi(i)(1:lgf).EQ.ficl(1:lgf)) THEN iret = i if (logdbg) write(ioimp,*) 'LEXTFN = ficl trouve en',iret RETURN END IF END IF END DO if (logdbg) write(ioimp,*) 'LEXTFN = ficl non trouve',iret RETURN *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * conversion nom numero ENTRY LEXTNN(noml,iret) iret = 0 if (lgn.LE.0) RETURN *dbg write(ioimp,*) 'LEXTNN ='//noml(1:lgn)//'=' *DEV*** SEGACT,sfcext*NOMOD *DEV* DO i = 1, nfcext *DEV* l_z = LONG(sfcext.nomloi(i)) *DEV* IF (l_z.EQ.lgn) THEN *DEV* IF (sfcext.nomloi(i)(1:lgn).EQ.noml(1:lgn)) THEN *DEV* iret = i *DEV* RETURN *DEV* END IF *DEV* END IF *DEV* END DO RETURN *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * Recherche de la bibliotheque et ouverture de la loi demandee ENTRY LEXTOP(ficl,noml,npar,iloi,iptr) iloi = 0 iptr = -3 * Recherche "fichier" dans une chaine "(chemin_repertoire/)fichier(.ext)" : if (lgf.LE.0) then moterr = 'LEXTOP(0.1) - Null size String !' return else if (lgf.gt.LOCHAI) then moterr = 'LEXTOP(0.2) - String too long - Very strange !' return end if * Recherche d'une extension si elle est fournie DO i = 1, NBLIB IF (lgf.GT.j) THEN %IF WIN32,WIN64 %ELSE ficb(1:j) = ficl(lgf-j+1:lgf) %ENDIF IF (ficb(1:j).EQ.sextl(i)(1:j)) THEN lgf = lgf - j GOTO 10 END IF END IF END DO 10 CONTINUE ficb = ' ' ficb(1:lgf) = ficl(1:lgf) * Recherche d'un chemin (en tete) si donne ind = 0 DO i = 1, NBLIB ind = MAX(ind,j) ind = MAX(ind,j) END DO * Nom de la bibliotheque trouve ficb = ' ' ficb = ficl(ind+1:lgf) if (lgf.LE.0) then moterr = 'LEXTOP(1.2) - Null size String !' return end if ideb = 1 ifin = lgf CALL LEXTFN(ficb(ideb:ifin),ios) IF (ios.LE.0) THEN %IF WIN32,WIN64 %ELSE dirb(1:3) = ficb(1:3) %ENDIF IF (dirb(1:3).EQ.'lib') THEN ideb = 1+3 CALL LEXTFN(ficb(ideb:ifin),ios) ELSE if (lgf+3.gt.LOCHAI) then moterr = 'External law (6): Library name too long' if (lgf.gt.122) then l = 58 moterr = ' "lib'//ficb(1:1+l)//'[...]'// & ficb(lgf-l:lgf)//'"' else moterr = ' "lib'//ficb(1:lgf)//'"' end if return end if CALL LEXTFN('lib'//ficb(ideb:ifin),ios) END IF END IF IF (ios.LE.0) THEN moterr = 'External law: Library "(lib)'//ficb(ideb:ifin)// & '" not found!' RETURN ENDIF * Librairie trouvee ficl = sloext.ficloi(ios)(1:lgf) iloi = ios if (logdbg) call lextpr(ios) if (lgn.LE.0) then moterr = 'LEXTOP(3.1) - Null size String !' return else if (lgn.gt.LOCHAI) then moterr = 'LEXTOP(3.2) - String too long - Very strange !' return end if ** SEGACT,sloext*NOMOD idi = sloext.idrloi(ios) lge = lgd + lgf + nextl entr = ' ' entr(1:lgd) = sdiext.dirloi(idi)(1:lgd) entr(lgd+1:lgd+lgf) = sloext.ficloi(ios)(1:lgf) entr(lgd+lgf+1:lge) = sextl(iextl)(1:nextl) ip = npar lmeptr = 0 CALL PTRLOI(entr(1:lge)//CHAR(0),lge, noml(1:lgn)//CHAR(0),lgn, & ip, lmeptr) IF (lmeptr.LE.0) THEN MOTERR = ' ' i_z = MIN(32,lgn) MOTERR(1 :i_z) = noml(1:i_z) i_z = MIN(32,lgf) MOTERR(32+1:32+i_z) = entr(lgd+1:lgd+i_z) i_z = MIN(64,lgd) MOTERR(64+1:64+i_z) = entr(1:i_z) END IF iptr = lmeptr RETURN *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * Affichage d'une ou de toutes les lois trouvees : ENTRY LEXTPR(iret) * iret = 0 : affichage d'un recapitulatif complet * iret > 0 : affichage de la bibliotheque de numero iret IF (ndiext.LE.0) RETURN IF (nloext.LE.0) RETURN IF (iret.LT.0 .OR. iret.GT.nloext) RETURN * Travail sur les formats d'affichage entr ='(A,I ) (A,I ,A) (A,I ) (A,I ,A)' ** 1 56 8 1 1 1 22 2 2 3 ** 2 5 7 12 4 8 1 id = INT(LOG10(REAL(ndiext))) + 1 if (id.lt.1 .or. id.gt.6) then moterr = '(Error) Too many directories' return end if il = INT(LOG10(REAL(nloext))) + 1 if (il.lt.1 .or. il.gt.6) then moterr = '(Error) Too many libairies' return end if write(entr( 5: 5),FMT='(I1)') id write(entr(12:12),FMT='(I1)') id write(entr(21:21),FMT='(I1)') il write(entr(28:28),FMT='(I1)') il * Bornes de la boucle d'affichage des bibliotheques IF (iret.EQ.0) THEN ideb = 1 ifin = nloext ELSE ideb = iret ifin = iret END IF * Affichage de l'entete selon la demande : IF (iret.EQ.0) THEN write(ioimp,*) write(ioimp,*) 'External Laws Summary:' write(ioimp,*) '----------------------' if (logdbg) then write(ioimp,fmt=entr(1:6)) & ' Number of directories found: ',ndiext write(ioimp,*) '----------------------' DO i = 1, ndiext dirb = sdiext.dirloi(i) write(ioimp,fmt=entr(8:15)) & ' Dir.#',i,' "'//dirb(1:lgd)//'"' END DO write(ioimp,*) '----------------------' end if write(ioimp,fmt=entr(17:22)) & ' Number of libraries ('//sextl(iextl)(1:nextl)// & ') found: ',nloext write(ioimp,*) '----------------------' ELSE END IF if (logdbg) then DO i = ideb,ifin idi = sloext.idrloi(i) write(ioimp,FMT=entr(17:22)) ' External Law Library #',i write(ioimp,*) ' - Name "'//sloext.ficloi(i)(1:lgf)//'"' write(ioimp,*) ' - Dir. "'//sdiext.dirloi(idi)(1:lgd)//'"' END DO end if IF (iret.EQ.0) THEN write(ioimp,*) write(ioimp,*) '***********************************************' & //'************************' write(ioimp,*) ELSE END IF write(ioimp,*) RETURN *----------------------------------------------------------------------* END
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