C HHOSIG SOURCE OF166741 24/06/19 21:15:10 11942 C HHOSIG SOURCE FANDEUR *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * CALCUL DES CONTRAINTES POUR LA FORMULATION 'HHO' * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * ENTREES : * * MATE Numero du materiau * * IVAMAT Pointeur sur un segment MPTVAL pour le materiau * * NVMAT Nombre de composantes obligatoires materiau * * * * SORTIES : * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* SUBROUTINE HHOSIG(imoHHO, ichDEP,nmoDEP, & IIPDPG,UZDPG,RYDPG,RXDPG, & MATE,IVAMAT,NVMAT, IPMINT, NBPTEL, & IVASTR,NCSTR, iret) IMPLICIT INTEGER(I-N) IMPLICIT REAL*8(A-H,O-Z) -INC PPARAM -INC CCOPTIO -INC CCREEL -INC CCHHOPA -INC CCHHOPR -INC SMCOORD -INC SMCHAML -INC SMELEME -INC SMINTE -INC SMLENTI POINTEUR mlent4.mlenti -INC SMLMOTS -INC SMLREEL POINTEUR mlrdef.mlreel, mlrdec.mlreel, mlrmbh.mlreel -INC SMMODEL SEGMENT MPTVAL INTEGER IPOS(NS),NSOF(NS) INTEGER IVAL(NCOSOU) CHARACTER*16 TYVAL(NCOSOU) ENDSEGMENT SEGMENT MWKMAT REAL*8 VALMAT(NTMAT), HOELAS(lhook,lhook) c** REAL*8 XLOC(3,3),XGLOB(3,3),TXR(IDIM,IDIM) ENDSEGMENT SEGMENT MWKHHO INTEGER TABINT(NBINT) REAL*8 TABFLO(NBFLO) ENDSEGMENT DIMENSION UDPGE(3) iret = 0 imodel = imoHHO c* segact,imodel <- actif en entree/sortie C- Premieres verifications : CALL HHONOB(imoHHO, nobHHO, iret) IF (nobHHO.LE.0) THEN write(ioimp,*) 'HHOSIG: IMODEL incorrect (not HHO)' iret = 5 return END IF C- Introduction du point autour duquel se fait le mouvement C de la section en defo plane generalisee C IIPDPG = numero du noeud/point support si defini pour le modele C NDPGE > 0 si prise en compte du point support IF (IIPDPG.GT.0) THEN write(ioimp,*) 'HHOSIG: 2D PLAN GENE mode not implemented!' iret = 5 return IF (IFOUR.EQ.-3) THEN NDPGE = 3 UDPGE(1) = UZDPG UDPGE(2) = RYDPG UDPGE(3) = RXDPG C SEGACT,MCOORD IREF = (IIPDPG-1)*(IDIM+1) XDPGE = mcoord.XCOOR(IREF+1) YDPGE = mcoord.XCOOR(IREF+2) ELSE IF (IFOUR.EQ.11) THEN NDPGE = 2 UDPGE(1) = UZDPG UDPGE(2) = RXDPG UDPGE(3) = XZero XDPGE = XZero YDPGE = XZero ELSE IF (IFOUR.EQ. 7 .OR. IFOUR.EQ. 8 .OR. IFOUR.EQ. 9 .OR. & IFOUR.EQ.10 .OR. IFOUR.EQ.14) THEN NDPGE = 1 UDPGE(1) = UZDPG UDPGE(2) = XZero UDPGE(3) = XZero XDPGE = XZero YDPGE = XZero else write(ioimp,*) 'HHOSIG: ERREUR NDPGE' iret = 5 return END IF ELSE NDPGE = 0 UDPGE(1) = XZero UDPGE(2) = XZero UDPGE(3) = XZero XDPGE = XZero YDPGE = XZero END IF C- Recuperation des donnees du modele en entree c* MELE = imodel.NEFMOD c* MFR = imodel.infele(13) meleme = imodel.IMAMOD NBNOE = meleme.NUM(/1) NBELT = meleme.NUM(/2) mlenti = imodel.IVAMOD(nobHHO+1) c* segact,mlenti mlent3 = imodel.IVAMOD(nobHHO+3) c* segact,mlent3 mlent4 = imodel.IVAMOD(nobHHO+4) c* segact,mlent4 c* n_o_face = mlenti.lect(2) n_d_face = mlenti.lect(3) c* n_o_cell = mlenti.lect(4) n_d_cell = mlenti.lect(5) nb_faces = mlenti.lect(7) NBPGAU = mlenti.lect(8) idifo = mlenti.lect(9) NBDDL = mlenti.lect(11) NDEPF = idifo * n_d_face NDEPC = idifo * n_d_cell lhook = 9 nbel3 = mlent3.lect(/1) / 2 nbfa3 = 2 * nb_faces nbel4 = mlent4.lect(/1) / 2 IF (mlenti.lect(6).NE.NBNOE) THEN write(ioimp,*) 'HHOSIG: Bizarre nb_vertices' END IF IF (NBDDL .NE. imodel.INFELE(9)) then write(ioimp,*) 'HHOSIG: Bizarre NBDDL' END IF c NBPGAU =? (NBPTEL = imodel.INFELE(4)) IF (NBPGAU .NE. imodel.INFELE(4)) then write(ioimp,*) 'HHOSRIG: Bizarre nb.p.gau(1)' END IF c NBPGAU =? minte.POIGAU(/1) minte = IPMINT c* SEGACT minte <- actif en E/S if (NBPGAU .NE. minte.POIGAU(/1)) then write(ioimp,*) 'HHOSIG: Bizarre nb.p.gau (2)' end if c-dbg write(ioimp,*) 'HHOSIG:',nb_faces,NBDDL,NBPGAU if (nbel3.NE.(NBELT*nb_faces)) then write(ioimp,*) 'HHOSIG: Bizarre nbel3' end if if (nbel4.NE.NBELT) then write(ioimp,*) 'HHOSIG: Bizarre nbel4' end if ivid = 1 C- Deplacements des faces et des cellules : nomid = nmoDEP c* segact,nomid JGN = nomid.lesobl(/1) c-dbg write(ioimp,*) 'HHOSIG=',NDEPC,NDEPF,lesobl(/2),lesfac(/2) nfac = 0 C Deplacements des cellules - Points supports des cellules JGM = NDEPC + nfac SEGINI,mlmots DO i = 1, NDEPC END DO c* DO i = 1, nfac c* mlmots.MOTS(NDEP+i)(1:JGN) = nomid.lesfac(i)(1:JGN) c* END DO SEGACT,mlrDEC c* IF (IERR.NE.0) THEN c* iret = 21 c* return c* END IF c-dbg write(ioimp,*) 'mlmots DEPC ',(mots(i),i=1,mots(/2)) c-dbg write(ioimp,*) 'U.CELL',mlrdec.prog(/1),NCEHHO,NDEPC c-dbg write(ioimp,*) ' ',(mlrdec.prog(i),i=1,mlrdec.prog(/1)) c-dbg write(ioimp,*) C Deplacements des faces - Points supports des faces JGM = NDEPF + nfac SEGADJ,mlmots DO i = 1, NDEPF END DO c* DO i = 1, nfac c* mlmots.MOTS(NDEP+i)(1:JGN) = nomid.lesfac(i)(1:JGN) c* END DO SEGACT,mlrDEF c* IF (IERR.NE.0) THEN c* iret = 21 c* return c* END IF c-dbg write(ioimp,*) 'MLMOTS DEPF ',(mots(i),i=1,mots(/2)) c-dbg write(ioimp,*) 'U.FACE',mlrDEF.prog(/1),NFAHHO,NDEPF c-dbg write(ioimp,*) ' ',(mlrDEF.prog(i),i=1,mlrDEF.prog(/1)) c-dbg write(ioimp,*) C- Verification des proprietes materielles : Champ CONSTANT par ELEMENT ! mptval = IVAMAT NTMAT = mptval.IVAL(/1) NUMAT = NTMAT - 4 C- Tableau de stockage des proprietes materielles MWKMAT = 0 SEGINI,MWKMAT IWKMAT = MWKMAT isz = 0 iunif = 0 DO is = 1, NTMAT IF (is.LE.(NVMAT-4) .OR. is.GT.NVMAT) THEN melval = mptval.IVAL(is) IGMN = melval.VELCHE(/1) IEMN = melval.VELCHE(/2) IF (IGMN.NE.1) isz = isz + 1 IF (IGMN.EQ.1 .AND. IEMN.EQ.1) iunif = iunif + 1 VALMAT(is) = melval.VELCHE(1,1) END IF END DO IF (isz.NE.0) THEN write(ioimp,*) 'HHOSIG: Material properties must be constant ', & 'by element (for the moment) !' iret = 21 RETURN END IF * Le champ de proprietes est completement uniforme : IF (iunif.NE.NUMAT) iunif = 0 C- Materiau isotrope et proprietes uniformes : -> calcul de HOELAS IF (MATE.EQ.1 .AND. iunif.NE.0) THEN r_z = HOELAS(4,4) * 2.D0 DO i = 4, lhook HOELAS(i,i) = r_z END DO END IF C - Materiaux orthotrope et anisotrope IF (MATE.EQ.2.OR.MATE.EQ.3) THEN C** AFAIRE !!! END IF C- Les donnees liees a la formulation HHO : IVMBHO = mptval.IVAL(NVMAT-1) melval = IVMBHO IGMB = melval.IELCHE(/1) IEMB = melval.IELCHE(/2) c-dbg write(ioimp,*) 'IVMBHO',melval,igmb,iemb,tyval(nvmat-1) mlrmbh = melval.IELCHE(1,1) c* segact,mlrmbh c* write(ioimp,*) 'HHOSIG MBHHO SIZE:',mlrmbh.prog(/1), c* & NBDDL,9*NBDDL,mlenti.lect(14) write(ioimp,*) 'HHOSIG: BHHO matrix size incorrect' iret = 21 RETURN END IF C- Indices et tableau de travail ir_coo = 0 c* si besoin des coordonnees ir_eps = ir_coo + (IDIM*NBNOE) ir_eps = ir_coo + 0 ir_sig = ir_eps + lhook ir_uce = ir_sig + lhook ir_ufa = ir_uce + NDEPC ir_uge = ir_ufa + (NDEPF*nb_faces) ir_fin = ir_uge + NDPGE NBINT = 1 NBFLO = ir_fin SEGINI,MWKHHO IF (NDPGE.GT.0) THEN DO ic = 1, NDPGE TABFLO(ir_uge+ic) = UDPGE(ic) END DO END IF c* si besoin des coordonnees SEGACT,MCOORD*NOMOD C------------------------- C Boucle sur les cellules du modele C------------------------- DO IEL = 1,NBELT C- Recuperation des coordonnees des noeuds de l element IEL c* CALL HHOCOO(meleme.num,NBNOE, mcoord.xcoor, IEL, c* & TABFLO(ir_coo+1), iret) c* IF (iret.NE.0) RETURN C- Valeurs des inconnues primales pour l'element IEL (cell+faces) in1 = IEL * 2 je = mlent4.lect(in1-1) ip = mlent4.lect(in1) if (ip.le.0) write(ioimp,*) 'HHOSIG ICEL Bizarre...',iel,je,ip jp = ip + NBCHHO(je-1) DO ic = 1, NDEPC jc = NCEHHO * (ic - 1) END DO c-dbg write(ioimp,*) 'HHOSIG ICEL',iel,je,ip,jp,ir_uce c-dbg write(ioimp,*) (TABFLO(ir_uce+ic),ic=1,ndepc) in1 = (IEL-1) * nbfa3 ir_kc = ir_ufa DO j1 = 1, nb_faces je = mlent3.lect(in2-1) if (ip.eq.0) write(ioimp,*) 'HHOSIG IFAE Bizarre...',iel,j1,je,ip jp = ip + NBFHHO(je-1) DO ic = 1, NDEPF jc = NFAHHO * (ic - 1) END DO c-dbg write(ioimp,*) 'HHOSIG IFAE',iel,j1,je,ip,jp,ir_kc c-dbg write(ioimp,*) (TABFLO(ir_kc+ic),ic=1,ndepf) ir_kc = ir_kc + NDEPF END DO c-dbg write(ioimp,*) 'HHOSIG ...',ir_uce,ir_kc,NBDDL C- Recuperation des proprietes constantes par element : IF (iunif.EQ.0) THEN DO is = 1, NVMAT IF (is.LE.(NVMAT-4) .OR. is.GT.NVMAT) THEN melval = mptval.IVAL(is) VALMAT(is) = melval.VELCHE(1,IEL) END IF END DO END IF C- Materiau isotrope IF (MATE.EQ.1 .AND. iunif.EQ.0) THEN r_z = HOELAS(4,4) * 2.D0 DO i = 4, lhook HOELAS(i,i) = r_z END DO ENDIF C - Calcul des axes locaux dans les cas orthotrope et anisotrope IF (MATE.EQ.2.OR.MATE.EQ.3) THEN ENDIF JEMB = MIN(IEL,IEMB) C-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- C - Boucle sur les points de Gauss C-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- DO IGAU = 1, NBPGAU C-AFAIRE C -- Recuperation des proprietes materielles (IGAU) C-AFAIRE DO is = 1, NVMAT C-AFAIRE IF (is.LE.(NVMAT-4) .OR. is.GT.NVMAT) THEN C-AFAIRE melval = mptval.IVAL(is) C-AFAIRE JEMN = MIN(IEL ,melval.VELCHE(/2)) C-AFAIRE JGMN = MIN(IGAU,melval.VELCHE(/1)) C-AFAIRE VALMAT(is) = melval.VELCHE(JGMN,JEMN) C-AFAIRE END IF C-AFAIRE END DO C-AFAIREC- Materiau isotrope C-AFAIRE IF (MATE.EQ.1) THEN C-AFAIRE CALL DOHMAS(VALMAT,'ISOTROPE',IFOUR,lhook,1,HOELAS,iretc) C-AFAIRE r_z = HOELAS(4,4) * 2.D0 C-AFAIRE DO i = 4, lhook C-AFAIRE HOELAS(i,i) = r_z C-AFAIRE END DO C-AFAIRE END IF melval = IVMBHO JGMB = MIN(IGAU,IGMB) mlrmbh = melval.IELCHE(JGMB,JEMB) c* segact,mlrmbh c* !! matrice BHHO stockee colonne par colonne : lhook*NBDDL DO ic = 1, lhook r_z = XZero DO jc = 1, NBDDL jnc = lhook * (jc-1) END DO TABFLO(ir_eps + ic) = r_z END DO DO ic = 1, lhook r_z = XZero DO jc = 1, lhook r_z = r_z + HOELAS(ic,jc) * TABFLO(ir_eps + jc) END DO TABFLO(ir_sig + ic) = r_z END DO C -- Remplissage du segment contenant les "contraintes" c* A voir selon ordre - permutation : mptval = IVASTR DO ic = 1, NCSTR melval = mptval.IVAL(ic) melval.velche(IGAU,IEL) = TABFLO(ir_sig + ic) END DO C-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- END DO C-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- C------------------------- END DO C------------------------- IF (MATE.EQ.2.OR.MATE.EQ.3) THEN ENDIF SEGSUP,MWKMAT,MWKHHO SEGSUP,mlrDEC,mlrDEF SEGSUP,mlmots c* RETURN END
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