C HHOPRE SOURCE OF166741 24/06/19 21:15:09 11942 SUBROUTINE HHOPRE (charHHO, mailHHO, lentHHO, iret) IMPLICIT INTEGER(I-N) IMPLICIT REAL*8(A-H,O-Z) -INC PPARAM -INC CCOPTIO -INC CCGEOME -INC CCHHOPA -INC CCHHOPR -INC SMCOORD -INC SMELEME -INC SMLENTI POINTEUR mleCEL.mlenti,mleSQE.mlenti EXTERNAL LONG CHARACTER*(*) charHHO CHARACTER*(3) hyp_z iret = 0 C=---------------------------------------------------------------------- C= ORDRE DES CELLULES ET DES FACES : C=---------------------------------------------------------------------- C= Decodage de la chaine pour avoir ordre des cellules et des faces : l_z = LEN(charHHO) c-AV IF (l_z.LT.13) THEN IF (l_z.LT.11) THEN write(ioimp,*) 'LENGTH charHHO incorrect (PBM 10)' iret = 5 RETURN END IF C= Passage en minuscules : C= Transformation des " " en "_" --> "hho_c_f" ou "hho_c_f_hyp" ? DO i = 1, n_z IF (charHHO(i:i).EQ.' ') charHHO(i:i) = '_' END DO c-dbg write(ioimp,*) 'charHHO =>'//charHHO(1:n_z)//'<=',n_z,l_z C= La chaine charHHO doit etre de la forme : C= "hho_c_f" ou "hho_c_f_hyp" avec c et f entiers positifs, et hyp=sp/ft C= Petits tests : IF (n_z.LT.7) THEN write(ioimp,*) 'String HHO too short (PBM 0)' iret = 5 RETURN END IF IF (charHHO(1:3).NE.'hho') THEN write(ioimp,*) 'String HHO incorrect (PBM 1)' iret = 21 RETURN END IF i_c = INDEX(charHHO(1:n_z),'_') IF (i_c.NE.4) THEN write(ioimp,*) 'String HHO incorrect (PBM 2)',i_c iret = 21 RETURN END IF i_f = INDEX(charHHO(i_c+1:n_z),'_') IF (i_f.LT.1) THEN write(ioimp,*) 'Sring HHO incorrect (PBM 3)',i_f iret = 21 RETURN END IF i_f = i_f + i_c i_h = INDEX(charHHO(i_f+1:n_z),'_') IF (i_h.LT.1) THEN i_h = n_z + 1 i_3 = 0 ELSE i_h = i_f + i_h i_3 = n_z ENDIF c-dbg write(ioimp,*) 'HHOPRE 1 ',i_c,i_f,i_h,i_3 i_z = (i_f - 1) - (i_c + 1) + 1 IF (i_z.LT.1) THEN write(ioimp,*) 'CELL ORDER undefined (PBM 4)' iret = 21 RETURN END IF i_z = (i_h - 1) - (i_f + 1) + 1 IF (i_z.LT.1) THEN write(ioimp,*) 'FACE ORDER undefined (PBM 5)' iret = 21 RETURN END IF n_o_cell = -999 n_o_face = -999 READ(charHHO(i_c+1:i_f-1),*,ERR=901) n_o_cell 901 CONTINUE READ(charHHO(i_f+1:i_h-1),*,ERR=902) n_o_face 902 CONTINUE IF (n_o_cell.LT.0 .OR. n_o_face.LT.0) THEN write(ioimp,*) 'CELL/FACE ORDER incorrect (PBM 6)' write(ioimp,*) ' =>',charHHO(i_c+1:i_f-1),'<=', & ' =>',charHHO(i_f+1:i_h-1),'<=' iret = 21 RETURN END IF C= Test de coherence : IF (IDIM.EQ.1) THEN IF (n_o_face.NE.0) THEN write(ioimp,*) 'IDIM = 1 : FACE ORDER must be 0 (PBM 7)' iret = 21 END IF END IF IF ( (IDIM.EQ.2) .OR. (IDIM.EQ.3) ) THEN IF ( n_o_cell.LT.(n_o_face-1) .OR. & n_o_cell.GT.(n_o_face+1) ) THEN write(ioimp,*) 'IDIM = 2/3 : CELL ORDER uncorrect (PBM 8)' write(ioimp,*) ' l cell in [ k face - 1 ; k face + 1]' iret = 21 END IF END IF C= Validation de l'hypothese de calcul ("sp" ou "ft") IF (i_3.GT.0) THEN hyp_z = ' ' hyp_z = charHHO(i_h:n_z) IF (hyp_z.NE.'_ft' .AND. hyp_z.NE.'_sp') THEN write(ioimp,*) 'HYPOTHESIS SP/FT incorrect (PBM 9)' iret = 21 RETURN END IF ELSE hyp_z = '_sp' END IF *AV charHHO(1:13) = 'hho_00_00_** ' *AV WRITE(charHHO(5:6),'(I2.2)') n_o_cell *AV WRITE(charHHO(8:9),'(I2.2)') n_o_face *AV charHHO(10:12) = hyp_z *AVC= La chaine charHHO est de la forme : "hho_cc_ff_hy ". charHHO(1:11) = 'hho_0_0_** ' WRITE(charHHO(5:5),'(I1.1)') n_o_cell WRITE(charHHO(7:7),'(I1.1)') n_o_face charHHO(8:10) = hyp_z C= La chaine charHHO est de la forme : "hho_c_f_hy ". C= Elle sera utile pour appeler les fonctions HHO adequates. C= Nombre de ddl par face et par cellule selon ordre et dime C= Attention pour les faces : dime = idim - 1 ! C= nddl_dir = Produit(i = 1 a dime) [ (ordre + dime + 1 - i) / i ] IF (IDIM.EQ.1) THEN n_d_face = 1 n_d_cell = n_o_cell + 1 ELSE IF (IDIM.EQ.2) THEN n_d_face = n_o_face + 1 n_d_cell = (n_o_cell + 2) * (n_o_cell + 1) / 2 ELSE IF (IDIM.EQ.3) THEN n_d_face = (n_o_face + 2) * (n_o_face + 1) / 2 n_d_cell = (n_o_face + 3) * (n_o_face + 2) * (n_o_face + 1) / 6 END IF C= nddl tot = nddl_dir * idfo (idfo = idim pour MECA, = 1 pour THER ou PFM) C= Quelques restrictions qui pourront etre levees par la suite : IF (n_o_face.NE.1) THEN write(ioimp,*) 'FACE ORDER must be equal to 1 for the moment' iret = 21 RETURN END IF IF (n_d_face.GT.10) THEN write(ioimp,*) 'FACE ORDER is too big (PBM 12F)' iret = 21 RETURN END IF IF (n_d_cell.GT.10) THEN write(ioimp,*) 'CELL ORDER is too big (PBM 12C)' iret = 21 RETURN END IF c-dbg write(ioimp,*) c-dbg write(ioimp,*) 'HHO : IDIM, IFOUR =', IDIM,IFOUR c-dbg write(ioimp,*) ' =>'//charHHO(1:LONG(charHHO))//'<=' c-dbg write(ioimp,*) ' FACE ORDER / DOF DIR = ',n_o_face,n_d_face c-dbg write(ioimp,*) ' CELL ORDER / DOF DIR = ',n_o_cell,n_d_cell c-dbg write(ioimp,*) ' HYPOTHESIS = ', hyp_z(2:3) C=---------------------------------------------------------------------- C= Traitement du maillage total du modele (fourni en entree) : C=---------------------------------------------------------------------- meleme = mailHHO c* segact,meleme*nomod (segment actif en entree) C=---------------------------------------------------------------------- C= Construction du maillage des faces : C=---------------------------------------------------------------------- IF (IDIM.EQ.2) THEN CALL CHANLG ELSE IF (IDIM.EQ.3) THEN ELSE IERR = 5 END IF IF (IERR.NE.0) THEN iret = 21 RETURN END IF C= On reactive les maillages : C= --------------------------- C= Compatibilite des maillages avec la formulation HHO C= --------------------------- C= Les elements geometriques (cellules/faces) autorises : IF (IDIM.EQ.3) THEN indc = IC3MAX+1 lonc = NC3MAX indf = IF3MAX+1 lonf = NF3MAX ELSE IF (IDIM.EQ.2) THEN indc = IC2MAX+1 lonc = NC2MAX indf = IF2MAX+1 lonf = NF2MAX c- ELSE IF (IDIM.EQ.1) THEN ELSE indc = IC1MAX+1 lonc = NC1MAX indf = IF1MAX+1 lonf = NF1MAX END IF C= Verifications du maillage : C= --------------------------- meleme = mailHHO nbsCEL = meleme.LISOUS(/1) ipt1 = meleme nbs1 = MAX(1,nbsCEL) n_z = 0 DO i = 1, nbs1 IF (nbsCEL.NE.0) ipt1 = meleme.LISOUS(i) ity1 = ipt1.itypel if (ity1.eq.32) ity1 = ity1 * 100 + ipt1.num(/1) i_z = 0 IF (i_z.EQ.0) THEN write(ioimp,*) 'HHOPRE: cell not defined',ipt1,NOMS(ity1),ity1 n_z = n_z + 1 END IF END DO IF (n_z.GT.0) THEN iret = 251 RETURN END IF meleme = mailSQE nbsSQE = meleme.lisous(/1) if (nbsSQE.ne.0) then IF (IDIM.EQ.1 .OR. IDIM.EQ.2) THEN write(ioimp,*) 'HHO 1D/2D : skeleton not simple' iret = 5 return END IF end if ipt1 = meleme nbs1 = MAX(1,nbsSQE) n_z = 0 DO i = 1, nbs1 IF (nbsSQE.NE.0) ipt1 = meleme.lisous(i) ity1 = ipt1.itypel c*face3Dpoly : inconnu a ce jour if (ity1.eq. ) ity1 = formule a ecrire si necessaire i_z = 0 IF (i_z.EQ.0) THEN write(ioimp,*) 'HHOPRE: face not defined',ipt1,NOMS(ity1),ity1 n_z = n_z + 1 END IF END DO IF (n_z.GT.0) THEN iret = 5 RETURN END IF C=---------------------------------------------------------------------- C= Initialisations/Verifications DIMENSION et MODE DE CALCUL HHO C=---------------------------------------------------------------------- i1_HHO = 0 IF (IDIHHO.LT.0) THEN i1_HHO = 1 IDIHHO = IDIM IFOHHO = IFOUR END IF IF (IDIHHO .NE. IDIM) THEN write(ioimp,*) 'HHOPRE: IDIM cannot be changed' iret = 5 RETURN END IF IF (IFOHHO .NE. IFOUR) THEN write(ioimp,*) 'HHOPRE: IFOUR cannot be changed' iret = 5 RETURN END IF C- Juste pour le debogage : if (nbchho(0).ne.0) then write(ioimp,*) 'HHOPRE: nbchho(0) not 0' iret = 5 end if if (nbfhho(0).ne.0) then write(ioimp,*) 'HHOPRE: nbfhho(0) not 0' iret = 5 end if if (iret.ne.0) return c-dbg c Si on souhaite surveiller un maillage c-dbg CALL OOOSUR(M..HHO) c-dbg msurve = M...HO C= Construction du maillage HHO global MCEHHO : C= -------------------------------------------- JG = 2 * NCEMAX SEGINI,mleCEL DO i = 1, NCEMAX mleCEL.lect(i) = NBCHHO(i) mleCEL.lect(i+NCEMAX) = 0 END DO C= Remplissage initial de MCEHHO : IF (MCEHHO.LT.0) THEN c-dbg write(ioimp,*) 'HHOPRE: Initialisation MCEHHO' C= Petites verifications juste pour le debogage : if (i1_HHO.NE.1) then write(ioimp,*) 'HHOPRE-MCEHHO: Bad initialization (1)' iret = 5 return end if n_z = 0 DO i = 1, NCEMAX IF (MACHHO(i).GT.0 .OR. NBCHHO(i).NE.0) THEN n_z = n_z + 1 write(ioimp,*) 'HHOPRE-MCEHHO: Init.',i,MACHHO(i),NBCHHO(i) END IF END DO if (n_z.gt.0) then iret = 5 return end if C- Si plusieurs zones, on duplique entete du maillage IF (nbsCEL.GT.1) THEN ipt1 = mailHHO SEGINI,meleme=ipt1 MCEHHO = meleme ELSE MCEHHO = mailHHO END IF meleme = MCEHHO ipt1 = meleme nbs1 = MAX(1,nbsCEL) DO i = 1, nbs1 IF (nbsCEL.NE.0) ipt1 = meleme.lisous(i) ity1 = ipt1.itypel if (ity1.eq.32) ity1 = ity1 * 100 + ipt1.num(/1) i_z = 0 nbe1 = ipt1.num(/2) c* a revoir quand il y aura cumul NBCHHO(i_z) = nbe1 MACHHO(i_z) = ipt1 if (mleCEL.lect(i_z+NCEMAX).ne.0) & write(ioimp,*) 'HHOPRE: bizarre',i,i_z,ipt1,ity1 mleCEL.lect(i_z+NCEMAX) = nbe1 END DO C= Mise a jour de MCEHHO : ELSE if (i1_HHO.NE.0) then write(ioimp,*) 'HHOPRE-MCEHHO: Bad initialization (2)' iret = 5 return end if write(ioimp,*) 'MCEHHO deja defini --> A completer' write(ioimp,*) 'MAIS CAS EN COURS D IMPLEMENTATION' iret = 5 RETURN END IF nelCEL = 0 nbsCEL = 0 DO i = 1, NCEMAX nelCEL = nelCEL + NBCHHO(i) IF (MACHHO(i).GT.0) nbsCEL = nbsCEL + 1 END DO NCEHHO = nelCEL NUCHHO = nbsCEL c-dbg write(ioimp,*) 'HHOPRE-MCEHHO:',NCEHHO,NUCHHO C* On reordonne MCEHHO selon liste type : ipt2 = MCEHHO IF (nbsCEL.GT.1) THEN segact,ipt2*MOD isou = 0 DO i = 1, NCEMAX ipt1 = MACHHO(i) IF (ipt1.GT.0) THEN isou = isou + 1 ipt2.lisous(isou) = ipt1 END IF END DO segact,ipt2*NOMOD END IF C= Doit-on faire un savseg de MCEHHO et des sous-zones eventuelles ? DO i = 1, NCEMAX NBCHHO(i) = NBCHHO(i) + NBCHHO(i-1) END DO if (nbchho(ncemax).ne.NCEHHO) & write(ioimp,*) 'Bizarre nbchho(ncemax) != NCEHHO' C= Construction du squelette HHO global MSQHHO : C= --------------------------------------------- c== Remplissage de ...HHO : l'indice i correspond aux donnees des faces C== qui sont des polygones a i cotes (indice =1 fixe a 0, =2 pour 2D, C== =3 et superieurs pour 3D, limite = faces a moins de hho_max_edge cotes) IF (IDIM.EQ.3) THEN idebf = 3 ifinf = NFAMAX ELSE IF (IDIM.EQ.2) THEN idebf = 2 ifinf = 2 ELSE IF (IDIM.EQ.1) THEN idebf = 1 ifinf = 1 END IF JG = 2 * NFAMAX SEGINI,mleSQE DO i = 1, NFAMAX mleSQE.lect(i) = NBFHHO(i) mleSQE.lect(i+NFAMAX) = 0 END DO C= Remplissage initial de MSQHHO : IF (MSQHHO.LT.0) THEN c-dbg write(ioimp,*) 'HHOPRE: Initialisation MSQHHO' C= Petites verifications juste pour le debogage : if (i1_HHO.NE.1) then write(ioimp,*) 'HHOPRE-MSQHHO: Bad initialization (1)' iret = 5 return end if n_z = 0 DO i = 1, NFAMAX IF (MAFHHO(i).GT.0 .OR. NBFHHO(i).NE.0) THEN n_z = n_z + 1 write(ioimp,*) 'HHOPRE-MSQHHO: Init.',i,MAFHHO(i),NBFHHO(i) END IF END DO if (n_z.gt.0) then iret = 5 return end if C- Si plusieurs zones, on duplique entete du maillage IF (nbsSQE.GT.1) THEN ipt1 = mailSQE SEGINI,meleme=ipt1 MSQHHO = meleme ELSE MSQHHO = mailSQE END IF meleme = mailSQE ipt1 = meleme nbs1 = MAX(1,nbsSQE) DO i = 1, nbs1 IF (nbsSQE.NE.0) ipt1 = meleme.lisous(i) nbn1 = ipt1.num(/1) nbe1 = ipt1.num(/2) if (mleSQE.lect(NFAMAX+nbn1).ne.0) & write(ioimp,*) 'HHOPRE: bizarre SQE',i,nb1,ipt1,nbe1 mleSQE.lect(NFAMAX+nbn1) = nbe1 JG = 2 SEGINI,mlent1 mlent1.lect(1) = -nbe1 mlent1.lect(2) = n_o_face NBFHHO(nbn1) = nbe1 MAFHHO(nbn1) = ipt1 LOFHHO(nbn1) = mlent1 END DO C= Mise a jour de MSQHHO : ELSE if (i1_HHO.NE.0) then write(ioimp,*) 'HHOPRE-MSQHHO: Bad initialization (2)' iret = 5 return end if write(ioimp,*) 'MSQHHO deja definie --> A completer' write(ioimp,*) 'MAIS CAS EN COURS D IMPLEMENTATION' iret = 5 RETURN C---- meleme = mailSQE C---- ipt1 = meleme C---- DO i = 1, MAX(1,nbsSQE) C---- IF (nbsSQE.NE.0) ipt1 = meleme.lisous(i) C---- nbn1 = ipt1.num(/1) C---- nbe1 = ipt1.num(/2) C---- IF (MAFHHO(nbn1).GT.0) THEN C----* il faut fusionner les maillages de maniere unique... C----* en n'ajoutant que les nouvelles faces a la suite des existantes ! C---- ipt2 = MAFHHO(nbn1) C---- mlent2 = LOFHHO(nbn1) C---- segact,mlent2*MOD C---- iadj2 = 0 C---- IF (mlent2.lect(1).LT.0) THEN C---- END IF C----c* CALL INTERB(ipt2,ipt1,ipti,ivid) C----c* CALL OUEXCL(ipt1,ipti,iptc,ivid) C----c* nbec = iptc.num(/2) C----c* CALL FUSMAIL(ipt2,iptc,ipt3,ivid) C----c* C----c* nbe1 = nbe1 + nbec C---- ELSE C---- JG = 2 C---- SEGINI,mlent1 C---- mlent1.lect(1) = -nbe1 C---- mlent1.lect(2) = n_o_face C---- END IF C---- NBFHHO(nbn1) = nbe1 C---- MAFHHO(nbn1) = ipt1 C---- LOFHHO(nbn1) = mlent1 C---- END DO C---- C---- nbs1 = 0 C---- DO i = idebf, ifinf C---- IF (MAFHHO(i).GT.0) nbs1 = nbs1 + 1 C---- END DO C---- if (nbs1.le.0) then C---- write(ioimp,*) 'HHOPRE : MSQHHO update incorrect (1)' C---- iret = 5 C---- return C---- end if C---- if (nbs1.lt.MAX(1,nbsSQE)) then C---- write(ioimp,*) 'HHOPRE : MSQHHO update incorrect (2)' C---- iret = 5 C---- return C---- end if END IF C= Verification du tableau NBFHHO IF (IDIM.EQ.1) THEN if (nbfhho(1).le.0) then write(ioimp,*) 'HHOPRE: no POI1 in DIME 1?' iret = 5 end if do i = 2, NFAMAX if (nbfhho(i).gt.0) then write(ioimp,*) 'HHOPRE:',i,'-side face in DIME 1' iret = 5 end if end do END IF IF (IDIM.EQ.2) THEN if (nbfhho(1).ne.0) then write(ioimp,*) 'HHOPRE: POI1 in DIME 2' iret = 5 end if NBFHHO(1) = 0 if (nbfhho(2).le.0) then write(ioimp,*) 'HHOPRE: no SEG2 in DIME 2 ?' iret = 5 end if do i = 3, NFAMAX if (nbfhho(i).gt.0) then write(ioimp,*) 'HHOPRE: polygonal face in DIME 2',i,' sides' iret = 5 end if end do END IF IF (IDIM.EQ.3) THEN if (nbfhho(1).ne.0) then write(ioimp,*) 'HHOPRE: POI1 in DIME 3 ?' iret = 5 end if if (nbfhho(2).ne.0) then write(ioimp,*) 'HHOPRE: SEG2 in DIME 3 ?' iret = 5 end if NBFHHO(1) = 0 NBFHHO(2) = 0 END IF if (iret.gt.0) return nfaSQE = 0 nbsSQE = 0 DO i = idebf, ifinf nfaSQE = nfaSQE + NBFHHO(i) IF (MAFHHO(i).GT.0) nbsSQE = nbsSQE + 1 END DO NFAHHO = nfaSQE NUFHHO = nbsSQE c-dbg write(ioimp,*) 'HHOPRE-MSQHHO:',NFAHHO,NUFHHO C* On reordonne MSQHHO par faces de sommets croissants : ipt2 = MSQHHO IF (nbsSQE.GT.1) THEN segact,ipt2*MOD isou = 0 DO i = idebf, ifinf ipt1 = MAFHHO(i) IF (ipt1.GT.0) THEN isou = isou + 1 ipt2.lisous(isou) = ipt1 END IF END DO segact,ipt2*NOMOD END IF C= Doit-on faire un savseg de MSQHHO et des sous-zones eventuelles ? NBNN = 1 NBELEM = NCEHHO NBSOUS = 0 NBREF = 0 IF (i1_HHO.EQ.1) THEN c-dbg write(ioimp,*) 'HHOPRE: Initialisation MPCHHO',NCEHHO SEGINI,ipt2 ipt2.itypel = 1 MPCHHO = ipt2 NBNEWP = NBELEM ELSE c-dbg write(ioimp,*) 'HHOPRE: Ajustement MPFHHO' ipt2 = MPCHHO segact,ipt2*MOD NBNEWP = NBELEM - ipt2.num(/2) SEGADJ,ipt2 c* Il faut tout decaler par type de face i ! END IF ipoi1 = nbpts nbpts = nbpts + NBNEWP SEGADJ,MCOORD iel2 = 0 DO i = 1, NCEMAX ipt1 = MACHHO(i) IF (ipt1.LE.0) GOTO 100 nel1 = ipt1.num(/2) c* nel1 = mleCEL.lect(i+NCEMAX) c* jel1 = 1 + mleCEL.lect(i) jel1 = 1 nbn1 = ipt1.num(/1) c-dbg write(ioimp,*) 'MACHHO',i,ipt1,nel1,nbn1,iel2,ipoi1 DO j = jel1, nel1 jpoi1 = (IDIM+1)*ipoi1 ipoi1 = ipoi1 + 1 DO k = 1, IDIM r_z = 0.D0 DO l = 1, nbn1 lpoi1 = (IDIM+1)*(ipt1.num(l,j)-1) r_z = r_z + XCOOR(lpoi1+k) END DO XCOOR(jpoi1+k) = r_z / nbn1 END DO iel2 = iel2 + 1 ipt2.num(1,iel2) = ipoi1 END DO c-dbg write(ioimp,*) 'HHOPRE: Verif.',i,iel2,nbchho(i),ipoi1 c--- if (iel2.ne.nbfhho(i)) then c--- write(ioimp,*) 'HHOPRE(1): inconsistent iel2' c--- end if 100 CONTINUE END DO if (iel2.ne.NCEHHO) then iret = 5 return end if NBNN = 1 NBELEM = NFAHHO NBSOUS = 0 NBREF = 0 IF (i1_HHO.EQ.1) THEN c-dbg write(ioimp,*) 'HHOPRE: Initialisation MPFHHO',NFAHHO SEGINI,ipt2 ipt2.itypel = 1 MPFHHO = ipt2 NBNEWP = NBELEM ELSE c-dbg write(ioimp,*) 'HHOPRE: Ajustement MPFHHO' ipt2 = MPFHHO segact,ipt2*MOD NBNEWP = NBELEM - ipt2.num(/2) SEGADJ,ipt2 c* Il faut tout decaler par type de face i ! END IF ipoi1 = nbpts nbpts = nbpts + NBNEWP SEGADJ,MCOORD iel2 = 0 DO i = idebf, ifinf ipt1 = MAFHHO(i) IF (ipt1.LE.0) GOTO 200 c* nel1 = NBFHHO(i) nel1 = ipt1.num(/2) c* jel1 = 1 + mlent2.lect(i) jel1 = 1 nbn1 = i DO j = jel1, nel1 jpoi1 = (IDIM+1)*ipoi1 ipoi1 = ipoi1 + 1 DO k = 1, IDIM r_z = 0.D0 DO l = 1, nbn1 lpoi1 = (IDIM+1)*(ipt1.num(l,j)-1) r_z = r_z + XCOOR(lpoi1+k) END DO XCOOR(jpoi1+k) = r_z / nbn1 END DO iel2 = iel2 + 1 ipt2.num(1,iel2) = ipoi1 END DO c-dbg write(ioimp,*) 'HHOPRE: Verif.',i,iel2,nbfhho(i),ipoi1 c--- if (iel2.ne.nbfhho(i)) then c--- write(ioimp,*) 'HHOPRE(1): inconsistent iel2' c--- end if 200 CONTINUE END DO if (iel2.ne.NFAHHO) then iret = 5 return end if SEGACT,MCOORD*NOMOD C= Remplissage de segments : IPOSR = 0 i_z = 0 CALL HHOLI2('INIT_IPOS',i_z,IPOSR,i_z,iret) if (iret.ne.0) return NMAXR = 0 DO i = idebf, ifinf ipt1 = MAFHHO(i) IF (ipt1.GT.0) THEN CALL HHOLI2('REMP_IPOS',ipt1,IPOSR,i_z,iret) if (iret.ne.0) return NMAXR = MAX(NMAXR,i_z) END IF END DO NISFHO = NMAXR NMAXR = 0 DO i = 1, NCEMAX ipt1 = MACHHO(i) IF (ipt1.GT.0) THEN CALL HHOLI2('REMP_IPOS',ipt1,IPOSR,i_z,iret) if (iret.ne.0) return NMAXR = MAX(NMAXR,i_z) END IF END DO NISCHO = NMAXR i_z = 0 INDSR = 0 NMAXR = MAX(NISCHO,NISFHO) CALL HHOLI2('INIT_INDS',i_z,NMAXR,INDSR,iret) if (iret.ne.0) return c== Remplissage de lentHHO : JG = 10 SEGINI,mlenti DO i = 1, JG mlenti.lect(i) = -999 END DO C= Dimension du probleme : mlenti.lect(1) = IDIM C= Ordre et ddl par face : mlenti.lect(2) = n_o_face mlenti.lect(3) = n_d_face C= Ordre et ddl par cellule : mlenti.lect(4) = n_o_cell mlenti.lect(5) = n_d_cell C= Segments de travail : mlenti.lect(6) = IPOSR mlenti.lect(7) = INDSR C= Indices utilises ulterieurement : c-dbg mlenti.lect( 8) = ... c-dbg mlenti.lect( 9) = ... c-dbg mlenti.lect(10) = ... lentHHO = mlenti SEGSUP,mleCEL,mleSQE c-dbgC= Test independant de la bibliotheque : c-dbg write(ioimp,*) c-dbg write(ioimp,*) 'HHOPRE - DEBUT TEST_HHO' c-dbg CALL TEST_HHO c-dbg write(ioimp,*) c-dbg write(ioimp,*) 'HHOPRE - FIN TEST_HHO' c-dbg write(ioimp,*) RETURN END
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