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  1. C DQRLSS SOURCE PV090527 23/02/07 11:58:37 11592
  2. subroutine dqrlss ( a, lda, m, n, kr, b, x, r, jpvt, qraux )
  4. c*****************************************************************************80
  5. c
  6. c! DQRLSS solves a linear system in a least squares sense.
  7. c
  8. c Discussion:
  9. c
  10. c DQRLSS must be preceeded by a call to DQRANK.
  11. c
  12. c The system is to be solved is
  13. c A * X = B
  14. c where
  15. c A is an M by N matrix with rank KR, as determined by DQRANK,
  16. c B is a given M-vector,
  17. c X is the N-vector to be computed.
  18. c
  19. c A solution X, with at most KR nonzero components, is found which
  20. c minimizes the 2-norm of the residual (A*X-B).
  21. c
  22. c Once the matrix A has been formed, DQRANK should be
  23. c called once to decompose it. Then, for each right hand
  24. c side B, DQRLSS should be called once to obtain the
  25. c solution and residual.
  26. c
  27. c Modified:
  28. c
  29. c 15 April 2012
  30. c
  31. c Parameters:
  32. c
  33. c Input, real*8 A(LDA,N), the QR factorization information
  34. c from DQRANK. The triangular matrix R of the QR factorization is
  35. c contained in the upper triangle and information needed to recover
  36. c the orthogonal matrix Q is stored below the diagonal in A and in
  37. c the vector QRAUX.
  38. c
  39. c Input, integer LDA, the leading dimension of A, which must
  40. c be at least M.
  41. c
  42. c Input, integer M, the number of rows of A.
  43. c
  44. c Input, integer N, the number of columns of A.
  45. c
  46. c Input, integer KR, the rank of the matrix, as estimated
  47. c by DQRANK.
  48. c
  49. c Input, real*8 B(M), the right hand side of the linear system.
  50. c
  51. c Output, real*8 X(N), a least squares solution to the
  52. c linear system.
  53. c
  54. c Output, real*8 R(M), the residual, B - A*X. R may
  55. c overwite B.
  56. c
  57. c Input, integer JPVT(N), the pivot information from DQRANK.
  58. c Columns JPVT(1), ..., JPVT(KR) of the original matrix are linearly
  59. c independent to within the tolerance TOL and the remaining columns
  60. c are linearly dependent.
  61. c
  62. c Input, real*8 QRAUX(N), auxiliary information from DQRANK
  63. c defining the QR factorization.
  65. implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
  66. implicit integer (i-n)
  68. integer lda
  69. integer m
  70. integer n
  72. real*8 a(lda,n)
  73. real*8 b(m)
  74. integer info
  75. integer j
  76. integer job
  77. integer jpvt(n)
  78. integer k
  79. integer kr
  80. real*8 qraux(n)
  81. real*8 r(m)
  82. real*8 t
  83. real*8 x(n)
  85. if ( kr /= 0 ) then
  86. job = 110
  87. call dqrsl ( a, lda, m, kr, qraux, b, r, r, x, r, r, job,info)
  88. end if
  90. jpvt(1:n) = - jpvt(1:n)
  92. x(kr+1:n) = 0.0D+00
  94. do j = 1, n
  96. if ( jpvt(j) .le. 0 ) then
  98. k = -jpvt(j)
  99. jpvt(j) = k
  101. do while ( k /= j )
  102. t = x(j)
  103. x(j) = x(k)
  104. x(k) = t
  105. jpvt(k) = -jpvt(k)
  106. k = jpvt(k)
  107. end do
  109. end if
  111. end do
  113. return
  114. end

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