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  1. * BIF PROCEDUR MAGN 15/07/27 21:15:02 8592
  3. debproc bif rx*table ;
  5. * Operateur BIF
  6. * -------------
  7. *
  8. * Description: The BIF operator computes the qdm and energy
  9. * interactions coefficients between a gas and a
  10. * 'particles fluid'
  11. *
  12. * qdm: Bif computes Kp and Kg. The terms Ip and Ig are
  13. * assembled via FROT.
  14. *
  15. * Ig : gas qdm source term
  16. * Ip : particle qdm source term
  17. * [Ig] = [Ip] = m/s^2 (force/unit mass)
  18. * Ig = Kg * (Upart - Ugas)
  19. * Ip = Kp * (Ugas - Upart)
  20. * Kg = Fd * alpha
  21. * Kp = Fd * rhog / rhop
  22. * Fd = (36/2) * nug * (1 + 0.150 * Re^0.681) /Dp^2
  23. *
  24. * energy: Bif computes Hp and Hg. The terms Qp and Qg are
  25. * assembled via ECHI.
  26. *
  27. * Qg : gas energy source term
  28. * Qp : particle energy source term
  29. * [Qg] = [Qp] = K/s
  30. * Qg = Hg * Volume * (Tpart - Tgas)
  31. * Qp = Hp * Volume * (Tgas - Tpart)
  32. * Hg = H * 6 * alpha / Dp / rhoCpg / Volume
  33. * Hp = H * 6 / Dp / rhoCpp / Volume
  34. * H = Nu * lambdag / Dp
  35. *
  36. * Syntax (EQEX) :
  37. *
  38. * BIF TABBIF
  40. * tabbif TABLE
  41. * tabbif.'RHOF' FLOTTANT Fluid density
  42. * tabbif.'RHOP' FLOTTANT Particle density
  43. * tabbif.'DPART' FLOTTANT Particle diameter
  44. * tabbif.'NUF' FLOTTANT Fluid kinematic viscosity
  45. * tabbif.'ALPHA' MOT CHPOINT (SCAL SOMMET) in table INCO for alpha
  46. * tabbif.'UFLUID' MOT CHPOINT (VECT SOMMET) in table INCO for Uflui
  47. * tabbif.'UPART' MOT CHPOINT (VECT SOMMET) in table INCO for Upart
  48. * tabbif.'KFLUID' MOT CHPOINT (VECT CENTRE) in table INCO for Kf
  49. * tabbif.'KPART' MOT CHPOINT (VECT CENTRE) in table INCO for Kp
  50. *
  51. * The following only in case of thermal analysis
  52. *
  53. * tabbif.'HPART' MOT CHPOINT (SCAL CENTRE) in table INCO for Hp
  54. * tabbif.'HFLUID' MOT CHPOINT (SCAL CENTRE) in table INCO for Hf
  55. * tabbif.'LAMBDAF' FLOTTANT Fluid thermal conductivity
  56. * tabbif.'ROCPF' FLOTTANT Fluid thermal capacity (rho * Cp)
  57. * tabbif.'ROCPP' FLOTTANT Particle thermal capacity (rho * Cp)
  58. * tabbif.'TGASN' MOT CHPOINT (SCAL SOMMET) in table INCO for Tgas
  59. * tabbif.'TGASE' MOT CHPOINT (SCAL CENTRE) in table INCO for Tgas
  60. * tabbif.'TPARTN' MOT CHPOINT (SCAL SOMMET) in table INCO for Tpart
  61. * tabbif.'TPARTE' MOT CHPOINT (SCAL CENTRE) in table INCO for Tpart
  62. *
  63. * note: Bif checks the existence of tabbif.'HPART'
  64. * if tabbif.'HPART' exists ====> computes Kp, Kg, Hp, Hg
  65. * if tabbif.'HPART' does not exist ====> computes Kg, Kp
  66. *
  68. * Reading the arguments
  70. tb = rx.arg1 ;
  71. nug = tb.'NUF' ;
  72. Dp = tb.'DPART' ;
  73. uname = tb.'UFLUID' ;
  74. vname = tb.'UPART' ;
  75. aname = tb.'ALPHA' ;
  76. kfname = tb.'KFLUID' ;
  77. kpname = tb.'KPART' ;
  78. rop = tb.'RHOP' ;
  79. rog = tb.'RHOF' ;
  80. coef = rog/rop ;
  81. rv = rx.eqex ;
  82. ug = rv.inco.uname ;
  83. up = rv.inco.vname ;
  84. alpha = rv.inco.aname ;
  85. tdom = rx.'DOMZ' ;
  86. * Reynolds
  88. ur = kops up '-' ug ;
  89. lcur = extr ur 'COMP' ;
  90. ur2 = ur lcur 'PSCA' ur lcur ;
  91. urn = kops ur2 '**' 0.5 ;
  92. Re = kops urn '*' (Dp/nug) ;
  94. * Fd
  96. Fd = (kops 1.0 '+' (kops 0.150 '*' (kops Re '**' 0.687))) ;
  97. Fd = kops Fd '*' (18.0*nug/Dp/Dp) ;
  98. * Fd = 18.0*nug*(1.0+(0.150*(Re**0.687)))/(Dp*Dp) ;
  100. * Sf and Sp
  102. Sg = kcht tdom scal sommet (Fd * alpha) ;
  103. Sp = kcht tdom scal sommet (Fd * coef) ;
  105. Sgx = nomc 'UX' Sg ;
  106. Sgy = nomc 'UY' Sg ;
  107. Sgv = Sgx et Sgy ;
  108. Spx = nomc 'UX' Sp ;
  109. Spy = nomc 'UY' Sp ;
  110. Spv = Spx et Spy ;
  112. rv.inco.kfname = kcht tdom vect centre (noel tdom Sgv) ;
  113. rv.inco.kpname = kcht tdom vect centre (noel tdom Spv) ;
  115. * Thermal analysis
  117. si (exist rx arg1 'HPART') ;
  119. * Reading the arguments for the thermal analysis
  121. hfname = tb.'HFLUID' ;
  122. hpname = tb.'HPART' ;
  123. lambdag = tb.'LAMBDAF' ;
  124. rocpp = tb.'ROCPP' ;
  125. rocpg = tb.'ROCPF' ;
  126. tgnname = tb.'TGASN' ;
  127. tgename = tb.'TGASE' ;
  128. tpnname = tb.'TPARTN' ;
  129. tpename = tb.'TPARTE' ;
  131. * Prandtl and Nusselt
  133. Pr = nug*rocpg/lambdag ;
  135. Nu = (kops Re '**' 0.5) ;
  136. Nu = kops 2.0 '+' (kops (0.6*(Pr**0.333)) '*' Nu) ;
  137. * Nu = (2.0+(0.6*(Pr**0.333)*(Re**0.5))) ;
  139. * Heat transfer coefficient H
  141. H = kops Nu '*' (lambdag / Dp) ;
  142. Hg = kops H '*' (kops alpha '*' (6.0/Dp/rocpg)) ;
  143. Hp = kops H '*' (6.0/Dp/rocpp) ;
  145. rv.inco.Hfname = kcht tdom scal centre (noel tdom Hg) ;
  146. rv.inco.Hpname = kcht tdom scal centre (noel tdom Hp) ;
  148. rv.inco.tgename = noel tdom (rv.inco.tgnname) ;
  149. rv.inco.tpename = noel tdom (rv.inco.tpnname) ;
  151. finsi ;
  153. as2 ama1 = 'KOPS' 'MATRIK' ;
  154. finproc as2 ama1 ;

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