* fichier topoptim_10.dgibi ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ** Non-linear topology optimization of a simple 2D structure in contact ** with a rigid sphere with prescribed displacement. ** ** Author: ** Guenhael Le Quilliec (LaMe - Polytech Tours) ** ** Version: ** V1.0 2017/04/18 Original version compatible with TOPOPTIM V2.1 ************************************************************************ graph0 = FAUX ; * General options * Bulk mesh p0 = 0.0 0.0 ; p1 = 0.0 -30.0e-3 ; p2 = 30.0e-3 -30.0e-3 ; p3 = 30.0e-3 0.0 ; * Indent mesh p5 = 0.0 20.0e-3 ; p6 = 20.0e-3 20.0e-3 ; * Model and material * Time steps nbstp0 = 20 ; time0 = 2.0 ; * Boundary conditions and loading * Contact * Factor evolutions * Finite element model table mdl0.'MODELE' = mod0 ET modct0 ; mdl0.'CARACTERISTIQUES' = mat0 ET matct0 ; mdl0.'BLOCAGES_MECANIQUES' = bc1 ET bc2 ; mdl0.'CHARGEMENT' = load0 ; mdl0.'TEMPS_CALCULES' = lst_tps0 ; * Optimization table tab0.'RESOLUTION_PASAPAS' = mdl0 ; tab0.'FRACTION_VOLUME' = 0.2 ; tab0.'FACTEUR_P' = pfct0 ; tab0.'FACTEUR_Q' = qfct0 ; tab0.'SEUIL' = 1.0e-2 ; tab0.'MES_SAUVEGARDES'.'RESOLUTION' = VRAI ; * Optimization TOPOPTIM tab0 ; * Output data topo0 = tab0.'TOPOLOGIE'.(tab0.'CYCLE') ; topomsh0 = tab0.'MAILLAGE'.(tab0.'CYCLE') ; res0 = tab0.'RESOLUTION'.(tab0.'CYCLE') ; * Deforme the mesh * Plot to screen SI graph0 ; FINS ; FIN ;
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