* fichier : q4ri_bcn.dgibi ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ****************************************************************** * TEST Q4RI BCN * * Verification of element Q4RI (QUA4 with 1x1 Gauss points) * * Elastic analysis of a square subjected to biaxial extension * ****************************************************************** TITRE 'VERIFICATION OF ELEMENT Q4RI' ; GRAPH='N'; * *------------ Geometry definition -------------------------------- * pa = 0. 0. ; pb = 10. 0. ; pc = 10. 10. ; pd = 0. 10 ; lab = pa DROIT 10 pb ;lbc = pb DROIT 10 pc ; lcd = pc DROIT 10 pd ;lda = pd DROIT 10 pa ; mesh = DALLER lab lbc lcd lda ; * SI (NEG GRAPH 'N'); TRACE mesh ; FINSI ; * *------------ Model and material --------------------------------- * * *------------ Stiffness and boundary conditions ------------------ * bc_tot = bc_lab ET bc_lbc ET bc_lcd ET bc_lda ; rigtot = rig1 ET bc_tot ; * *------------ Prescribed displacements: dilatation --------------- * ftot = di_lbc ET di_lcd ; * *------------ Linear system -------------------------------------- * *================================================================= * Postprocess *================================================================= * * Deformed mesh * SI (NEG GRAPH 'N') ; TRACE (def0 ET def1) ; FINSI ; * * Stresses computed with SIGM * * * Stresses computed with EPSI and ELAS * * * Gradient of displacements computed with GRAD * * * Verifications * 1) stress1 = stress2 * * * 2) smxx = smyy = 1.e4 , smzz = smxy = 0 * dif = PROG dxxmin dxxmax dyymin dyymax dzzmin dzzmax dxymin dxymax ; FINSI ; FIN ;
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