Télécharger nlin_te_unstat.dgibi
* fichier : nlin_te_unstat.dgibi ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************* * * NOM : nlin_te_unstat.dgibi * * DESCRIPTION : We compute the flow governed by the Navier-Stokes * equations, in a T jonction with high temperature * difference. * Both Boussinesq approximation and Low Mach number * approximation are considered. * See also technical report SFME/LTMF/RT/O5-067/A * In this test case we simply perform 2 time iterations * and we verify that two point-fix algorithms converge * (to the same solution). * * LANGAGE : GIBIANE-CAST3M * AUTEUR : Alberto BECCANTINI (CEA/DEN/DM2S/SFME/LTMF) * mél : beccantini@cea.fr ************************************************************************* * Prière de PRENDRE LE TEMPS de compléter les commentaires * en cas de modification de ce sous-programme afin de faciliter * la maintenance ! ************************************************************************* * * ************************************************* ****** LIST OF SYMBOLS ************************** ************************************************* * * \int = integral * \div = divergence * \der = derivative (\der{a}{b} = \frac{d a}{d b} * \grad = gradient * \cdot = scalar product * ^ = power * * (a,b) = \int_{\Omega} a * b dV * * Np = test function for the divergence equations * = shape function for the pressure * Nt = test function for the temperature * = shape function for the temperature equation * Nv = test function for the speed equations (x,y) * = shape function for the speed * ************************************************************************* ************************************************************************* ******* PERSONAL PROCEDURES ********************************************* ************************************************************************* ************************************************************************* * *BEGINPROCEDUR matmas * ************************************************************************ * * NOM : MATMAS * * DESCRIPTION : We compute * * (Np , Nd ) * * LANGAGE : GIBIANE-CAST3M * AUTEUR : Alberto BECCANTINI (CEA/DEN/DM2S/SFME/LTMF) * mél : beccantini@cea.fr ********************************************************************** * Prière de PRENDRE LE TEMPS de compléter les commentaires * en cas de modification de ce sous-programme afin de faciliter * la maintenance ! ************************************************************************ * * 'DEBPROC' MATMAS ; * 'ARGUMENT' _mt*'MAILLAGE' ; * * Arguments * _mt = MAILLAGE, quaf mesh * nomp = MOT, name of the primal variable * nomd = MOT, name of the dual variable * discp = MOT, name of the discretization of the primal variable * discd = MOT, name of the discretization of the dual variable * * * Matrix A for the operator NLIN * numop = 1 ; numder = idim ; numvar = 1 ; * The variable involved in A is the primal variable numdat = 0 ; numcof = 0 ; * discg = 'LINE' ; * Geometrical discretisation methgau = 'GAU7' ; * Gauss points involved * A . 'VAR' . 1 . 'DISC' = discp ; * * Matrix B for the operator NLIN * * For B the coef no coefficients are involved * but 1 B . 'VAR' . 1 . 'DISC' = discd ; * * 'RESPRO' mat ; 'FINPROC' ; * *ENDPROCEDUR matmas *BEGINPROCEDUR matdiv * ************************************************************************ * * NOM : MATDIV * * DESCRIPTION : We compute the matrix arising from the computation of * the scalar product * * (div(u),Np) * * where Np = shape function for pressure * * * LANGAGE : GIBIANE-CAST3M * AUTEUR : Alberto BECCANTINI (CEA/DEN/DM2S/SFME/LTMF) * mél : beccantini@cea.fr ********************************************************************** * Prière de PRENDRE LE TEMPS de compléter les commentaires * en cas de modification de ce sous-programme afin de faciliter * la maintenance ! ************************************************************************ * * 'DEBPROC' MATDIV ; * 'ARGUMENT' _mt*'MAILLAGE' ; * * _mt = solid QUAF mesh * nompre = name of the pressure * discp = discretization type for the pressure * (for instance 'LINE') * discv = discretization type for the speed * (for instance 'QUAF') * * * Two contributions * * \dep{u_x}{x} Np * + \dep{u_y}{y} Np * * Matrix A for the operator NLIN * numop = 1 ; numder = idim ; numvar = 2 ; * The variables involved in A are u_x, u_y numdat = 0 ; * Zero data numcof = 0 ; * Zero functions (but 1) discg = 'LINE' ; * Geometrical discretisation methgau = 'GAU7' ; * Gauss points involved * A . 'VAR' . 1 . 'DISC' = discv ; A . 'VAR' . 2 . 'DISC' = discv ; * * Matrix B for the operator NLIN * numvar = 1 ; * For B the coef no coefficients are involved * but 1 B . 'VAR' . 1 . 'DISC' = discp ; * * Contribution * * 1 \dep{u_x}{x} Np * 1 \dep{u_y}{y} Np * 'RESPRO' mdiv ; 'FINPROC' ; * *ENDPROCEDUR matdiv *BEGINPROCEDUR matflu * ************************************************************************ * * NOM : MATFLU * * DESCRIPTION : We compute the matrix arising from * * \int_{\delta \Omega} (coef q \cdot n) Nd dS * * where q is the primal variable ('UX', 'UY') * Nd is the shape function of the dual variable * * LANGAGE : GIBIANE-CAST3M * AUTEUR : Alberto BECCANTINI (CEA/DEN/DM2S/SFME/LTMF) * mél : beccantini@cea.fr ********************************************************************** * Prière de PRENDRE LE TEMPS de compléter les commentaires * en cas de modification de ce sous-programme afin de faciliter * la maintenance ! ************************************************************************ * * **** We compute the matrix * * \int_{\delta \Omega} (q \cdot n) Nd dS * * N.B. Be carefull in specifying n (the normal at the surfaces) * No singular points are aviable. * * Arguments * * _st = MAILLAGE, quaf mesh of the surface * discp = MOT, name of the discretisation of the primal variable * nomd = MOT, name of the dual variable * discd = MOT, name of the discretisation of the dual variable * disco = MOT, discretisation of the coefficient * coef = coefficient * discn = MOT, name of the discretisation of the normals * nx = CHPOINT * ny = CHPOINT * * nomp = name of the primal variable are 'UX' 'UY' * 'DEBPROC' MATFLU ; 'ARGUMENT' _st*'MAILLAGE' ; 'ARGUMENT' coef*'CHPOINT' ; 'ARGUMENT' nx*'CHPOINT' ; 'ARGUMENT' ny*'CHPOINT' ; * * * Matrix A for the operator NLIN * numop = 1 ; numder = idim ; numvar = 2 ; * The variables involved in A are qx, qy numdat = 3 ; * coef, nx, ny numcof = 3 ; * coef, nx, ny ('IDEN') discg = 'LINE' ; * Geometrical discretisation methgau = 'GAU7' ; * Gauss points involved * A . 'VAR' . 1 . 'DISC' = discp ; A . 'VAR' . 2 . 'DISC' = discp ; * * coef A . 'DAT' . 1 . 'DISC' = discco ; A . 'DAT' . 1 . 'VALEUR' = coef ; A . 'COF' . 1 . 'COMPOR' = 'IDEN' ; * nx A . 'DAT' . 2 . 'DISC' = discn ; A . 'DAT' . 2 . 'VALEUR' = nx ; A . 'COF' . 2 . 'COMPOR' = 'IDEN' ; * ny A . 'DAT' . 3 . 'DISC' = discn ; A . 'DAT' . 3 . 'VALEUR' = ny ; A . 'COF' . 3 . 'COMPOR' = 'IDEN' ; * * Matrix B for the operator NLIN * numvar =1 ; * * For B no coefficients are involved * but 1 * B . 'VAR' . 1 . 'DISC' = discd ; * (coef * nx * qx '+' coef * ny qy) Nd * 'RESPRO' mat ; 'FINPROC' ; * *ENDPROCEDUR matflu *BEGINPROCEDUR chpflu * ************************************************************************ * * NOM : CHPFLU * * DESCRIPTION : We compute the CHPOIN * * -q = lambda (\grad(T) * * on the dof of the dual variable * T = CHPOINT * * N.B. Be carefull in specifying n (the normal at the * surfaces). * No singular points are admitted. * * LANGAGE : GIBIANE-CAST3M * AUTEUR : Alberto BECCANTINI (CEA/DEN/DM2S/SFME/LTMF) * mél : beccantini@cea.fr ********************************************************************** * Prière de PRENDRE LE TEMPS de compléter les commentaires * en cas de modification de ce sous-programme afin de faciliter * la maintenance ! ************************************************************************ * * 'DEBPROC' CHPFLU ; * 'ARGUMENT' _mt*'MAILLAGE' ; 'ARGUMENT' T*'CHPOINT' ; 'ARGUMENT' lambda*'CHPOINT' ; * * _mt = MAILLAGE, solid quaf mesh * disct = MOT, name of the discretisation of T * T = CHPOINT (one component, the name of which is free) * discd = MOT, name of the discretisation of the dual variable * discla = MOT, name of the discretisation of lambda * lambda = CHPOINT (one component, SCAL) * * * * Matrix A for the operator NLIN * numop = 2 ; numder = idim ; numvar = 1 ; * One variable, T numdat = 1 ; * -lambda numcof = 1 ; * Coef: -lambda (three identity functions) discg = 'LINE' ; * Geometrical discretisation methgau = 'GAU7' ; * Gauss points involved * * Matrix A for the operator NLIN * A . 'VAR' . 1 . 'DISC' = disct ; * lambda A . 'DAT' . 1 . 'DISC' = discla ; A . 'DAT' . 1 . 'VALEUR' = lambda ; A . 'COF' . 1 . 'COMPOR' = 'IDEN' ; * * Matrix B for the operator NLIN * numvar = 2 ; * * For B, no coefficients are involved * but 1 * B . 'VAR' . 1 . 'DISC' = discd ; B . 'VAR' . 2 . 'DISC' = discd ; * * Contribution * * lambda \dep{T}{x} Nd * lambda \dep{T}{y} Nd * * * We compute coef * matm1 = MATMAS _mt 'UX' 'UX' discd discd ; matm2 = MATMAS _mt 'UY' 'UY' discd discd ; matm = matm1 'ET' matm2 ; smbt = mat '*' t ; 'MESSAGE' ; coef = RESOUP FAUX mtotik mtotik smbt chlim 1.0D-12 200 'ITER' ; * 'RESPRO' coef ; 'FINPROC' ; * *ENDPROCEDUR chpflu *BEGINPROCEDUR matkt * ************************************************************************ * * NOM : MATKT * * DESCRIPTION : We compute the matrix * * ((u_x \dep{T}{x} '+' u_y \dep{T}{y}) , Nt) * * LANGAGE : GIBIANE-CAST3M * AUTEUR : Alberto BECCANTINI (CEA/DEN/DM2S/SFME/LTMF) * mél : beccantini@cea.fr ********************************************************************** * Prière de PRENDRE LE TEMPS de compléter les commentaires * en cas de modification de ce sous-programme afin de faciliter * la maintenance ! ************************************************************************ * * 'DEBPROC' MATKT ; * 'ARGUMENT' _mt*'MAILLAGE' ; 'ARGUMENT' ux*'CHPOINT' ; 'ARGUMENT' uy*'CHPOINT' ; * * discv = discretisation type for u_x and u_y * ux = chpoint ('SCAL', on discv) * uy = chpoint ('SCAL', on discv) * nomt = name of the primal and the dual variable t * disct = discretisation type for t * * numop = 1 ; numder = idim ; numvar = 1 ; * One variable, T numdat = 2 ; * ux, uy numcof = 2 ; * Coef: ux uy (two identity functions) discg = 'LINE' ; * Geometrical discretisation methgau = 'GAU7' ; * Gauss points involved * * Matrix A for the operator NLIN * A . 'VAR' . 1 . 'DISC' = disct ; * ux A . 'DAT' . 1 . 'DISC' = discv ; A . 'DAT' . 1 . 'VALEUR' = ux ; A . 'COF' . 1 . 'COMPOR' = 'IDEN' ; * uy A . 'DAT' . 2 . 'DISC' = discv ; A . 'DAT' . 2 . 'VALEUR' = uy ; A . 'COF' . 2 . 'COMPOR' = 'IDEN' ; * * Matrix B for the operator NLIN * numvar = 1 ; * * For B, no coefficients are involved * but 1 * B . 'VAR' . 1 . 'DISC' = disct ; * * Contribution * * ux \dep{T}{x} Nd * uy \dep{T}{y} Nd * 'RESPRO' mat ; 'FINPROC' ; * *ENDPROCEDUR matkt *BEGINPROCEDUR matlap * ************************************************************************ * * NOM : MATLAP * * DESCRIPTION : We compute the matrix arising from the computation of * the scalar product * * ( -(coef \div( \alpha \grad T)) , Nd ) * * where Nd = test function for the dual variable. * * -\int_{\Omega} coef \div( \alpha \grad T) Nd dV = * -\int_{\delta \Omega} * coef \alpha (\grad T \cdot n) Nd dS '+' * +\int_{\Omega} * coef \alpha (\grad T \cdot \grad Nd) dV '+' * +\int_{\Omega} * Nd \alpha (\grad T \cdot \grad coef) dV * * The matrix is issue from the 2nd and 3rd contribution * (volume integrals). * * * LANGAGE : GIBIANE-CAST3M * AUTEUR : Alberto BECCANTINI (CEA/DEN/DM2S/SFME/LTMF) * mél : beccantini@cea.fr ********************************************************************** * Prière de PRENDRE LE TEMPS de compléter les commentaires * en cas de modification de ce sous-programme afin de faciliter * la maintenance ! ************************************************************************ * * 'DEBPROC' MATLAP ; * 'ARGUMENT' _mt*'MAILLAGE' ; 'ARGUMENT' alpha*'CHPOINT' ; 'ARGUMENT' coef*'CHPOINT' ; * * Arguments * * _mt = surface QUAF mesh * nomt = name of the primal variable T * disct = discretization type of T * nomd = name of the dual variable * discd = discretization type of the dual variable * discal = discretization type of alpha * discof = discretization type of coef * alpha = CHPOINT ('SCAL') * coef = CHPOINT ('SCAL') * * * Four contributions * * (coef alpha \dep{T}{x} \dep{Nd}{x} * + coef alpha \dep{T}{y} \dep{Nd}{y} * + Nd alpha \dep{T}{x} \dep{coef}{x} * + Nd alpha \dep{T}{y} \dep{coef}{y}) * * Matrix A for the operator NLIN * numop = 4 ; numder = idim ; numvar = 1 ; * The variable involved in A is the primal variable T numdat = 2 ; * Two data: alpha, coef numcof = 4 ; * Four functions: f(alpha) = alpha * f(coef) = coef * f(coef) = \dep{coef}{x} * f(coef) = \dep{coef}{y} discg = 'LINE' ; * Geometrical discretisation methgau = 'GAU7' ; * Gauss points involved * A . 'VAR' . 1 . 'DISC' = disct ; * alpha A . 'DAT' . 1 . 'DISC' = discal ; A . 'DAT' . 1 . 'VALEUR' = alpha ; * coef A . 'DAT' . 2 . 'DISC' = discof ; A . 'DAT' . 2 . 'VALEUR' = coef ; * Function alpha A . 'COF' . 1 . 'COMPOR' = 'IDEN' ; * Function coef A . 'COF' . 2 . 'COMPOR' = 'IDEN' ; * Function \dep{coef}{x} A . 'COF' . 3 . 'COMPOR' = 'D/DX1' ; * Function \dep{coef}{y} A . 'COF' . 4 . 'COMPOR' = 'D/DX2' ; * * Matrix B for the operator NLIN * * For B the coef no coefficients are involved * but 1 B . 'VAR' . 1 . 'DISC' = discd ; * * Contribution * * coef alpha \dep{T}{x} \dep{Nd}{x} * coef alpha \dep{T}{y} \dep{Nd}{y} * Nd alpha \dep{T}{x} \dep{coef}{x} * Nd alpha \dep{T}{y} \dep{coef}{y} 'RESPRO' mlapn ; 'FINPROC' ; *ENDPROCEDUR matlap *BEGINPROCEDUR matkv * ************************************************************************ * * NOM : MATKV * * DESCRIPTION : We compute the matrix * * ((cx \dep{u_x}{x} '+' cy \dep{u_x}{y}), Nvx) * ((cx \dep{u_y}{x} '+' cy \dep{u_y}{y}), Nvy) * * where Nv = shape function for (u_x,u_y)^T * * Names of primal variables = names of the dual variables * = 'UX' 'UY' * * LANGAGE : GIBIANE-CAST3M * AUTEUR : Alberto BECCANTINI (CEA/DEN/DM2S/SFME/LTMF) * mél : beccantini@cea.fr ********************************************************************** * Prière de PRENDRE LE TEMPS de compléter les commentaires * en cas de modification de ce sous-programme afin de faciliter * la maintenance ! ************************************************************************ * 'DEBPROC' MATKV ; 'ARGUMENT' _mt*'MAILLAGE' ; 'ARGUMENT' cx*'CHPOINT' ; 'ARGUMENT' cy*'CHPOINT' ; * * _mt = solid quaf mesh * discv = discretization type ux, uy * discc = discretization type for cx, cy * cx = CHPOINT ('SCAL') * cy = CHPOINT ('SCAL') * * numop = 2 ; numder = idim ; numvar = 2 ; * Two variables, ux, uy numdat = 2 ; * cx, cy numcof = 2 ; * Coef: cx cy (two identity functions) discg = 'LINE' ; * Geometrical discretisation methgau = 'GAU7' ; * Gauss points involved * * Matrix A for the operator NLIN * A . 'VAR' . 1 . 'DISC' = discv ; A . 'VAR' . 2 . 'DISC' = discv ; * cx A . 'DAT' . 1 . 'DISC' = discc ; A . 'DAT' . 1 . 'VALEUR' = cx ; A . 'COF' . 1 . 'COMPOR' = 'IDEN' ; * cy A . 'DAT' . 2 . 'DISC' = discc ; A . 'DAT' . 2 . 'VALEUR' = cy ; A . 'COF' . 2 . 'COMPOR' = 'IDEN' ; * * Matrix B for the operator NLIN * numvar = 2 ; * * For B, no coefficients are involved * but 1 * B . 'VAR' . 1 . 'DISC' = discv ; B . 'VAR' . 2 . 'DISC' = discv ; * * Contribution * * cx \dep{ux}{x} Nvx * cy \dep{ux}{y} Nvx * cx \dep{uy}{x} Nvy * cy \dep{uy}{y} Nd * 'RESPRO' mat ; 'FINPROC' ; * *ENDPROCEDUR matkv *BEGINPROCEDUR mattau * ************************************************************************ * * NOM : MATTAU * * DESCRIPTION : We compute * * ( (-coef*div(tau))|x, Nv) * ( (-coef*div(tau))|y, Nv) * * where * * Nv is the form function for the speed (u_x,u_y)^T * = the test function for the speed equations * * tau_{xy} = mu (dep{u_x}{y} '+' dep{u_y}{x} '-' * \delta_{x,y} div (u)) * * These terms are integrated by part. Only the volumic contribution * is computed. * * * LANGAGE : GIBIANE-CAST3M * AUTEUR : Alberto BECCANTINI (CEA/DEN/DM2S/SFME/LTMF) * mél : beccantini@cea.fr * ********************************************************************** * Prière de PRENDRE LE TEMPS de compléter les commentaires * en cas de modification de ce sous-programme afin de faciliter * la maintenance ! ************************************************************************ * 'DEBPROC' MATTAU ; * 'ARGUMENT' _mt*'MAILLAGE' ; 'ARGUMENT' mu*'CHPOINT' ; 'ARGUMENT' coef*'CHPOINT' ; * * _mt = surface QUAF mesh * discv = discretization type of the speed * discmu = discretization type of mu * discco = discretization type of coef * mu = CHPOINT ('SCAL') * coef = CHPOINT ('SCAL') * * N.B. Names of the primal variable = names of the dual variable = * 'UX', 'UY' * * * Matrix A for the operator NLIN * numop = 4 ; numder = idim ; numvar = 2 ; * numdat = 3 ; * The data: mu, 2./3., 4./3. numcof = 3 ; * * One function: f(mu)= mu * discg = 'LINE' ; * Geometrical discretisation methgau = 'GAU7' ; * Gauss points involved * A . 'VAR' . 1 . 'DISC' = discv ; A . 'VAR' . 2 . 'DISC' = discv ; * * mu * A . 'DAT' . 1 . 'NOMDDL' = mmu ; A . 'DAT' . 1 . 'DISC' = discmu ; A . 'DAT' . 1 . 'VALEUR' = mu ; A . 'COF' . 1 . 'COMPOR' = 'IDEN' ; * * -2/3 * A . 'DAT' . 2 . 'DISC' = 'CSTE' ; A . 'DAT' . 2 . 'VALEUR' = (-2./3.) ; A . 'COF' . 2 . 'COMPOR' = 'IDEN' ; * * 4/3 * A . 'DAT' . 3 . 'DISC' = 'CSTE' ; A . 'DAT' . 3 . 'VALEUR' = (4./3.) ; A . 'COF' . 3 . 'COMPOR' = 'IDEN' ; * * Matrix B for the operator NLIN * numdat = 1 ; numcof = 3 ; * B . 'VAR' . 1 . 'DISC' = discv ; B . 'VAR' . 2 . 'DISC' = discv ; * B . 'DAT' . 1 . 'DISC' = discco ; B . 'DAT' . 1 . 'VALEUR' = coef ; * coef, \dep{coef}{x}, \dep{coef}{y} B . 'COF' . 1 . 'COMPOR' = 'IDEN' ; B . 'COF' . 2 . 'COMPOR' = 'D/DX1' ; B . 'COF' . 3 . 'COMPOR' = 'D/DX2' ; * * Dual variable 'UX' * * \int * (2 mu \dep{u_x}{x} coef \dep{N_j}{x} '+' * 2 mu \dep{u_x}{x} N_j \dep{coef}{x} '+' * -2/3 mu div(u) coef \dep{N_j}{x} '+' * -2/3 mu div(u) N_j \dep{coef}{x} '+' * mu \dep{u_x}{y} coef \dep{N_j}{y} '+' * mu \dep{u_x}{y} N_j \dep{coef}{y} '+' * mu \dep{u_y}{x} coef \dep{N_j}{y} '+' * mu \dep{u_y}{x} N_j \dep{coef}{y}) = * * \int * ((4/3 mu \dep{u_x}{x}) '-' (2/3 mu \dep{u_y}{y})) * * (coef \dep{N_j}{x} '+' N_j \dep{coef}{x}) * '+' * (mu \dep{u_x}{y}) '+' (mu \dep{u_y}{x}) * * (coef \dep{N_j}{y} '+' N_j \dep{coef}{y}) * * * * Dual variables 'UY' * * \int * ((4/3 mu \dep{u_y}{y}) '-' (2/3 mu \dep{u_x}{x})) * * (coef \dep{N_j}{y} '+' N_j \dep{coef}{y}) * '+' * (mu \dep{u_y}{x}) '+' (mu \dep{u_x}{y}) * * (coef \dep{N_j}{x} '+' N_j \dep{coef}{x}) * * * * 'RESPRO' mat ; 'FINPROC' ; * *ENDPROCEDUR mattau *BEGINPROCEDUR matpre * ************************************************************************ * * NOM : MATPRE * * DESCRIPTION : We compute the integral of volume of * * (coef \dep{p}{x} , Nv) * (coef \dep{p}{y} , Nv) * * where Nv = test function for u_x = test function for u_y. * * \int_{\Omega} coef \dep{p}{x} Nv dV = * \int_{\delta \Omega} coef p Nv (i \cdot n) dS '+' * -\int_{\Omega} coef p \dep{nv}{x} dV '+' * -\int_{\Omega} Nv p \dep{coef}{x} dV * * Here we only compute the 2nd and 3rd contribution (volume * integrals). The surface integral must be computed elsewhere. * * LANGAGE : GIBIANE-CAST3M * AUTEUR : Alberto BECCANTINI (CEA/DEN/DM2S/SFME/LTMF) * mél : beccantini@cea.fr * ********************************************************************** * Prière de PRENDRE LE TEMPS de compléter les commentaires * en cas de modification de ce sous-programme afin de faciliter * la maintenance ! ************************************************************************ * * 'DEBPROC' MATPRE ; * 'ARGUMENT' _mt*'MAILLAGE' ; 'ARGUMENT' coef*'CHPOINT ' ; * * _mt = surface QUAF mesh * nompre = name of the pressure (usuallt 'LX') * discp = discretization type of p (usually LINE) * discv = discretization type of v (usually QUAF) * discc = discretization type of coef * coef = CHPOINT ('SCAL') * * * Matrix A for the operator NLIN * numop = 4 ; numder = idim ; numvar = 1 ; * The variable involved in A is the primal p numdat = 1 ; * The data: coef numcof = 3 ; * Three functions: f(coef)= coef * f(coef)=\dep{coef}{x} * f(coef)=\dep{coef}{y} * discg = 'LINE' ; * Geometrical discretisation methgau = 'GAU7' ; * Gauss points involved * A . 'VAR' . 1 . 'DISC' = discp ; * * coef * A . 'DAT' . 1 . 'NOMDDL' = mcoef ; A . 'DAT' . 1 . 'DISC' = discc ; A . 'DAT' . 1 . 'VALEUR' = coef ; * coef, \dep{coef}{x}, \dep{coef}{y} A . 'COF' . 1 . 'COMPOR' = 'IDEN' ; A . 'COF' . 2 . 'COMPOR' = 'D/DX1' ; A . 'COF' . 3 . 'COMPOR' = 'D/DX2' ; * * Matrix B for the operator NLIN * numvar = 2 ; * * ux, uy * numdat = 1 ; numcof = 1 ; * * For B the coef no coefficients are involved * but -1 * B . 'VAR' . 1 . 'DISC' = discv ; B . 'VAR' . 2 . 'DISC' = discv ; * -1 B . 'DAT' . 1 . 'DISC' = 'CSTE' ; B . 'DAT' . 1 . 'VALEUR' = -1.0 ; B . 'COF' . 1 . 'COMPOR' = 'IDEN' ; * * -\int_{\Omega} coef p \dep{Nv}{x} dV * * * -\int_{\Omega} Nv p \dep{coef}{x} dV * * * -\int_{\Omega} coef p \dep{Nv}{y} dV (second dual variable) * * * -\int_{\Omega} Nv p \dep{coef}{y} dV (second dual variable) * * 'RESPRO' mat ; 'FINPROC' ; * *ENDPROCEDUR matpre *BEGINPROCEDUR resoup ********************************************************** **** Resolution of a linear system *********************** ********************************************************** * 'DEBPROC' RESOUP ; 'ARGUMENT' LOGTPS*'LOGIQUE ' ; 'ARGUMENT' mat*'MATRIK ' ; 'ARGUMENT' matpre/'MATRIK ' ; 'ARGUMENT' smb*'CHPOINT ' ; 'ARGUMENT' ccl*'CHPOINT ' ; 'ARGUMENT' res*'FLOTTANT' ; 'ARGUMENT' nit*'ENTIER' ; 'ARGUMENT' pre/'ENTIER' ; 'ARGUMENT' gggtre/'TABLE ' ; 'ARGUMENT' gggtcv/'LOGIQUE ' ; * * Det. tt s.t. * * mat . tt = smb * tt(boundary) = ccl * * * mat = matrix to "inverse" * matpre = matrix for which preconditioner has been computed (optional) * smb = right hand side * ccl = imposed boundary conditions * res = rvk . 'RESID' * nit = max number of linear iteration (for an iterative solver) * pre = type of preconditioning matrix (for an iterative solver) * gggtre = table of resolution to store 'XINIT' * gggtcv = graphic of the history for the iterative solver (optional FAUX) * typslv = 'DIRECT'/'ITER' (optional, ITER) * 'SI' ('NON' ('EXISTE' typslv)) ; tslv = VRAI ; 'SINON' ; 'SI' ('EGA' typslv 'DIRECT') ; tslv = FAUX ; 'SINON' ; 'SI' ('EGA' typslv 'ITER') ; tslv = VRAI ; 'SINON' ; 'ERREUR' 'Solveur DIRECT ou ITERatif ?' ; 'FINSI' ; 'FINSI' ; 'FINSI' ; gggniv = 1 ; 'SI' ('NON' ('EXISTE' pre)) ; pre = 5 ; 'FINSI' ; 'SI' ('OU' ('NON' ('EXISTE' gggtcv)) ('NON' tslv)) ; gggtcv = FAUX ; 'FINSI' ; rvk = rv . 'METHINV' ; 'SI' ('EXISTE' matpre) ; rvk . 'MATASS' = matpre ; rvk . 'MAPREC' = matpre ; 'SINON' ; rvk . 'MATASS' = mat ; rvk . 'MAPREC' = mat ; 'FINSI' ; 'SI' tslv ; rvk . 'TYPINV' = 3 ; 'SINON' ; rvk . 'TYPINV' = 1 ; 'FINSI' ; rvk . 'SCALING' = 1 ; * Scaling factor rvk . 'OUBMAT' = 1 ; * oubmat = 1 -> We eliminate the elementary matrix * 'ILUTPPIV' -> 1 We always search for a new pivot * -> 0 We do not search for a new pivot rvk . 'ILUTPPIV' = 0.1D0 ; * rvk . 'ILUTPPIV' = 0.01D0 ; * rvk . 'ILUTPPIV' = 0.00001D0 ; * rvk . 'ILUTPPIV' = 0.D0 ; rvk . 'IMPINV' = gggniv ; rvk . 'TYRENU' = 'SLOA' ; rvk . 'PCMLAG' = 'APR2' ; rvk . 'NITMAX' = nit ; rvk . 'RESID' = res ; rvk . 'PRECOND' = pre ; rvk . 'BCGSBTOL' = 1.D-200 ; rvk . 'ILUTLFIL' = 1.5 ; * 'SI' ('EXISTE' gggtre) ; 'SI' ('EXISTE' gggtre 'XINIT') ; rvk . 'XINIT' = gggtre . 'XINIT' ; 'FINSI' ; 'FINSI' ; 'TEMPS' 'ZERO' ; tcpu = TABTPS.'TEMPS_CPU'.'INITIAL'; tcpus = '/' ('FLOTTANT' tcpu) 100.D0 ; 'SI' LOGTPS ; 'MESSAGE' ('CHAINE' 'tcpu (s) = ' tcpus) ; 'FINSI' ; 'SI' ('ET' gggtcv ('EXISTE' rvk 'CONVINV')) ; lcvg = rvk . 'CONVINV' ; 'SI' ('>' nit 1) ; ('/' ('LOG' lcvg) ('LOG' 10.D0)) ; 'DESSIN' evit 'TITR' titglob ; 'FINSI' ; 'FINSI' ; 'SI' ('EXISTE' gggtre) ; gggtre . 'XINIT' = tt ; 'FINSI' ; 'RESPRO' tt ; * * End of procedure file RESOU * 'FINPROC' ; * ********************************************************** **** End of the Resolution of a linear system ************ ********************************************************** *ENDPROCEDUR resoup * 'DEBPROC' INTINVT ; 'ARGUMENT' _mt*'MAILLAGE' ; 'ARGUMENT' tn*'CHPOINT ' ; * * * Matrix A for the operator NLIN * numop = 1 ; numder = idim ; numvar = 1 ; * The variable involved in A is the primal variable numdat = 1 ; numcof = 1 ; * discg = 'LINE' ; * Geometrical discretisation methgau = 'GAU7' ; * Gauss points involved * A . 'VAR' . 1 . 'DISC' = 'QUAF' ; * A . 'DAT' . 1 . 'DISC' = disct ; A . 'DAT' . 1 . 'VALEUR' = tn ; A . 'COF' . 1 . 'COMPOR' = 'IDEN' ; * * Matrix B for the operator NLIN * * For B the coef no coefficients are involved * but 1 B . 'VAR' . 1 . 'DISC' = 'CSTE' ; * * * 'FINPROC' ; * ************************************************************************* ************************************************************************* ******* END OF THE PERSONAL L PROCEDURES ******************************** ************************************************************************* ************************************************************************* * ************************************************************************ ************** Begin of file ******************************************* ************************************************************************ ** ************************************************* ****** LIST OF SYMBOLS ************************** ************************************************* * * \int = integral * \div = divergence * \der = derivative (\der{a}{b} = \frac{d a}{d b} * \grad = gradient * \cdot = scalar product * ^ = power * * (a,b) = \int_{\Omega} a * b dV * * Np = test function for the divergence equations * = form function for the pressure * Nt = test function for the temperature * = form function for the temperature equation * Nv = test function for the speed equations (x,y) * = form function for the speed * * ************************************************************************ ************** Begin of file ******************************************* ************************************************************************ NX = 6 ; * * IC incoming from other computations * * REPSAU = '/test4/becc/Dtmp/Dcaviteimplpv/' ; REPSAU = './Dsauv/' ; * **************************************** **** Parameters for the computation **** **************************************** * * BDF1 or BDF2 * LOGBDF1 = FAUX ; * Tensorial/scalar/diagonal upwinding LOGUP = FAUX ; BETAUP = 0.0 ; * BETAUP = 1 -> SU * BETAUP = 0 -> No SU LOGSCAL = FAUX ; 'MESSAGE' ; 'MESSAGE' 'Scalar numerical diffusion' ; 'MESSAGE' ; LOGDIA = FAUX ; * NB 'SI' LOGDIA, LOGSCAL = FAUX 'SI' LOGDIA ; LOGSCAL = FAUX ; 'FINSI' ; * * Boussinesq or Low Mach? * LBOUS = FAUX ; * DISCT = 'QUAF' ; DISCMU = DISCT ; DISCLA = DISCT ; * * NB If DISCLA, DISCMU, DISCT are not 'QUAF' * SUPG does not work * TFINAL = 0.25 ; * NINT = 10 ; EPSERR = 1.0D-20 ; GRAPH = FAUX ; * MTRA = 'X' ; NFREQ = 2 ; * METINV = MOT 'ITER' ; * PREC = 5 ; NFREQP = 5 ; ERROPRE = 1.0D-5 ; * We compute the preconditioner each NFREQP-th iterations * If the residial is lower than ERROPRE, we stop computing * the preconditioner * Number of linear iterations (for NX = 160) NITERT = NX ; * NITERU = NX '/' 1 ; * NITERUT = NX '/' 4 ; * NITERP = NX ; * NITERT = NX ; * NITERU = NX ; * NITERUT = NX '*' 2; * NITERP = NX '*' 4 ; * CFLREF = 1.0D6 ; * DT computed with respect to the reference speed * * * Fixed options: * - LINEar/bilinear continuos pressure * - QUAFdratic speed * - Name of speed (and name of speed duals variables) : * 'UX', 'UY' * - Name of temperature: T * - Name of pressure: NOMPRE (Lagrange multiplicator) * * * * Geometry dimensions * D1 = 1.0 ; L1 = 12.0 '*' d1 ; L2 = 9.0 '*' d1 ; L3 = 7.0 '*' d1 ; DX = d1 '/' NX ; DXMAX = 4 '*' DX ; * * d1 used into Reynolds number * * Physical properties, reference/initial states, BC * R = 288. ; gamma = 1.4 ; g = 9.0 ; * PR = 0.7 ; RE = 100. ; TH = 267.8 ; TC = 178.6 ; mt = 1.0 ; mH = 0.8 '*' mt; mC = 0.2 '*' mt ; * cp = R * gamma '/' (gamma '-' 1.0) ; * T0 = 223.2 ; P0 = 0.6429D5 ; * rho0 = P0 '/' (R '*' T0) ; rhoC0 = P0 '/' (R '*' TC) ; rhoH0 = P0 '/' (R '*' TH) ; * uC0 = mC '/' rhoC0 ; uH0 = mH '/' rhoH0 ; * * mu (dynamic viscosity) and lambda (thermal diffusivity) at the * reference state * mu0 = (mt '*' d1) '/' Re ; lambda0 = mu0 '*' (cp '/' Pr) ; * *********************** **** Mesh ************* *********************** * * * P31 P32 P33 P34 * * * TUBE2 TUBE3 TUBE4 * * * P21 P22 P23 P24 * * * * T * U * B * 1 * * * * * * * * * P12 P13 * * * * P11 = 0.0 0.0 ; P12 = L1 0.0 ; P13 = (L1 '+' d1) 0.0 ; * P21 = 0.0 L3 ; P22 = L1 L3 ; P23 = (L1 '+' d1) L3 ; P24 = (L1 '+' d1 '+' L2) L3 ; * P31 = 0.0 (L3 '+' d1) ; P32 = L1 (L3 '+' d1) ; P33 = (L1 '+' d1) (L3 '+' d1) ; P34 = (L1 '+' d1 '+' L2) (L3 '+' d1) ; * * Lignes * P12P13 = P12 'DROIT' NX P13 ; P22P23 = P22 'DROIT' NX P23 ; P32P33 = P32 'DROIT' NX P33 ; * P12P22 = P12 'DROIT' P22 'DINI' DXMAX 'DFIN' DX ; 'ELIMINATION' (P13P23 'ET' P13 'ET' P23) (DX '/' 100.) ; 'PLAN' ; * P24P34 = P24 'DROIT' NX P34 ; P23P33 = P23 'DROIT' NX P33 ; P22P32 = P22 'DROIT' NX P32 ; P21P31 = P21 'DROIT' NX P31 ; * P24P23 = P24 'DROIT' P23 'DINI' DXMAX 'DFIN' DX ; 'ELIMINATION' (P34P33 'ET' P34 'ET' P33) (DX '/' 100.) ; * P21P22 = P21 'DROIT' P22 'DINI' DXMAX 'DFIN' DX ; 'ELIMINATION' (P31P32 'ET' P31 'ET' P32) (DX '/' 100.) ; * 'PLAN' ; 'PLAN' ; 'PLAN' ; * DOM1 = TUB1 'ET' TUB2 'ET' TUB3 'ET' TUB4 ; * 'SI' GRAPH ; 'TRACER' DOM1 'TITRE' 'Mesh' ; 'FINSI' ; * * DOM1 and company are made of 'LINE' elts * QDOM1 = 'CHANGER' DOM1 'QUAF' ; QP12P13 = 'CHANGER' P12P13 'QUAF' ; 'ELIMINATION' QDOM1 (DX '/' 100.) QP12P13 ; QP22P23 = 'CHANGER' P22P23 'QUAF' ; 'ELIMINATION' QDOM1 (DX '/' 100.) QP22P23 ; QP32P33 = 'CHANGER' P32P33 'QUAF' ; 'ELIMINATION' QDOM1 (DX '/' 100.) QP32P33 ; * QP12P22 = 'CHANGER' P12P22 'QUAF' ; 'ELIMINATION' QDOM1 (DX '/' 100.) QP12P22 ; QP13P23 = 'CHANGER' P13P23 'QUAF' ; 'ELIMINATION' QDOM1 (DX '/' 100.) QP13P23 ; * QP24P34 = 'CHANGER' P24P34 'QUAF' ; 'ELIMINATION' QDOM1 (DX '/' 100.) QP24P34 ; QP23P33 = 'CHANGER' P23P33 'QUAF' ; 'ELIMINATION' QDOM1 (DX '/' 100.) QP23P33 ; QP22P32 = 'CHANGER' P22P32 'QUAF' ; 'ELIMINATION' QDOM1 (DX '/' 100.) QP22P32 ; QP21P31 = 'CHANGER' P21P31 'QUAF' ; 'ELIMINATION' QDOM1 (DX '/' 100.) QP21P31 ; * QP24P23 = 'CHANGER' P24P23 'QUAF' ; 'ELIMINATION' QDOM1 (DX '/' 100.) QP24P23 ; QP34P33 = 'CHANGER' P34P33 'QUAF' ; 'ELIMINATION' QDOM1 (DX '/' 100.) QP34P33 ; * QP21P22 = 'CHANGER' P21P22 'QUAF' ; 'ELIMINATION' QDOM1 (DX '/' 100.) QP21P22 ; QP31P32 = 'CHANGER' P31P32 'QUAF' ; 'ELIMINATION' QDOM1 (DX '/' 100.) QP31P32 ; * * QDOM1 and friends are now QUAF * VOL = 'MESURE' QDOM1 ; * * Mesh dimension for upwinding * HUP on DISCT (otherwise, it does not work) * ********************************************************* *** Dynamic viscosity and thermal diffusivity and the *** *** unitary CHPOINT *** ********************************************************* * * CHMU and CHLAM and CHUN * 'SI' ('EGA' DISCMU 'LINE') ; 'FINS' ; 'SI' ('EGA' DISCMU 'QUAF') ; 'FINS' ; * 'SI' ('EGA' DISCLA 'LINE') ; 'FINS' ; 'SI' ('EGA' DISCLA 'QUAF') ; 'FINS' ; * 'SI' ('EGA' DISCT 'LINE') ; 'FINS' ; 'SI' ('EGA' DISCT 'QUAF') ; 'FINS' ; ************** *** DT ******* ************** * * DT = CFLREF '*' DX '/' (mt '/' rho0) ; * NITER = 'ENTIER' (TFINAL '/' DT) ; NITER = 2 ; DT = TFINAL '/' NITER ; * * ****************************************** *** Fully-implicit (or projection) ? ***** ****************************************** * 'REPETER' BLMET 2 ; 'SI' ('EGA' &BLMET 1) ; LOGFI = VRAI ; 'SINON' ; LOGFI = FAUX ; 'FINSI' ; 'SI' (LOGFI) ; NOMPRE = 'LX' ; NINT = 8 ; 'SINON' ; NOMPRE = 'P' ; NINT = 30 ; 'FINSI' ; *************************************** ********** IC / BC ******************** *************************************** * PTHER = P0 ; * * IC/BC for the dynamic pressure (alaways 'LINE') * * Projection: imposition of PNLIM '+' tau.n on MPLIM (exit) * imposition of \delta PNLIM = 0 on MPLIM (exit) * imposition of the speed on the rest * imposition of \grad \delta PNLIM . n = 0 on MPLIM * * Fully-implicit: the same (except thet there is not \delta PNLIM) * * We impose the pressure and a free boundary condition on a point * belonging to the upper well. MPLIM = QP22P32 'POIN' 'PROC' ((L1 '+' (d1 '/' 2)) (L3 '+' d1)) ; * PNLIM not taken into account in the fully implicit case * * BC/IC for the speed (always on 'QUAF') * ('CHANGER' 'POI1' (QP21P31 'ET' QP12P13 'ET' QP24P34))) 'COULEUR' 'VERT' ; QZEROV = QZEROV 'ET' P21 'ET' P31 'ET' P24 'ET' P34 'ET' P12 'ET' P13; QZEROX = (QZEROV 'ET' ('CHANGER' 'POI1' QP12P13)) 'COULEUR' 'VERT' ; QZEROY = (QZEROV 'ET' ('CHANGER' 'POI1' QP24P34) 'ET' ('CHANGER' 'POI1' QP21P31)) 'COULEUR' 'VERT' ; * 'SI' GRAPH ; 'TRACER' (QDOM1 'ET' (MPLIM 'COULEUR' ROUG)) 'TITRE' 'Point for PLIM in projection.' ; 'TRACER' (QDOM1 'ET' (QZEROX 'COULEUR' ROUG)) 'TITRE' 'Points in which ux is 0' ; 'TRACER' (QDOM1 'ET' (QZEROY 'COULEUR' ROUG)) 'TITRE' 'Points in which uy is 0' ; 'FINSI' ; * * P12P13 is the cold leg * * JC220346 => removes duplicate nodes before MANU CHPO (& hope it's OK) QZEROX = 'CHANGER' 'POI1' QZEROX ; QZEROY = 'CHANGER' 'POI1' QZEROY ; * * UN1 and UN2 used to correct the BC on the speed during * the internal iterations, as well as UNGEOMC and * UNGEOMH * UNGEOMC = ('COORDONNEE' 1 QP12P13) '-' (L1 '+' (d1 '/' 2.)) ; UNGEOMC = UNGEOMC '/' d1 ; UNGEOMC = UNGEOMC * UNGEOMC ; UNGEOMC = UNGEOMC '-' 0.25 ; UNGEOMC = UNGEOMC '*' -6 ; UN3 = UNGEOMC * uC0 ; * * P24P34 is the hot leg * UNGEOMH = ('COORDONNEE' 2 QP24P34) '-' (L3 '+' (d1 '/' 2.)) ; UNGEOMH = UNGEOMH '/' d1 ; UNGEOMH = UNGEOMH * UNGEOMH ; UNGEOMH = UNGEOMH '-' 0.25 ; UNGEOMH = UNGEOMH '*' 6 ; UN4 = UNGEOMH * uH0 ; * * P21P31 is the outlet * UNGEOMO = ('COORDONNEE' 2 QP21P31) '-' (L3 '+' (d1 '/' 2.)) ; UNGEOMO = UNGEOMO '/' d1 ; UNGEOMO = UNGEOMO * UNGEOMO ; UNGEOMO = UNGEOMO '-' 0.25 ; UNGEOMO = UNGEOMO '*' 6 ; * * UN5 will be updated once the pressure derivative is * known. For the moment UN5 = 0 * UN5 = UNGEOMO '*' 0.0 ; UNLIM = UN1 '+' UN2 '+' UN3 '+' UN4 '+' UN5 ; * DUNLIM = 0.0 '*' UNLIM ; * * BC/IC for the temperature ('QUAF'/'LINE') * 'SI' ('EGA' DISCT 'LINE') ; DOMT = DOM1 ; 'FINS' ; * 'SI' ('EGA' DISCT 'QUAF') ; DOMT = QDOM1 ; 'FINS' ; * * Plot of IC * 'SI' GRAPH ; VECN = 'VECTEUR' 0.5 UN ; 'TRACER' QDOM1 VECN ('CONTOUR' QDOM1) 'TITRE' 'Speed'; 'TRACER' TN DOMT 'TITRE' 'Temperature' ; 'FINSI' ; * ******************************** ***** Constant Matrices ******** ******************************** * (with respect to time) * * Mass matrix for the speed * * (ux,Nv) * (uy,Nv) * MMASV = (MATMAS QDOM1 'UX' 'UX' 'QUAF' 'QUAF') 'ET' (MATMAS QDOM1 'UY' 'UY' 'QUAF' 'QUAF') ; MMASVSDT = MMASV '/' DT ; * * * Mass matrix for the temperature * * (T,Nt) * * MMAST = (MATMAS QDOM1 'T' 'T' DISCT DISCT) ; MMASTSDT = MMAST '/' DT ; * * (\div u, Np) * MDIV = MATDIV QDOM1 NOMPRE 'LINE' 'QUAF' ; * * Matrix for the gravity source term in the speed equation * * (g (rho0/rho '-' 1), Nv) j * * where * rho0 = P0 '/' (R '*' T0) * * (1/rho) = (R '*' TN) '/' PTHER * * N.B. rho0/rho is a CHPOINT with one component ('T'), with the same * discretisation as TN (disct). * * nomp nomd discp discd MSOUGRA = MATMAS QDOM1 'T' 'UY' DISCT 'QUAF' ; * * Matrix for DPTHSDT source term in the temperature equation * * ( (1/(rho cp)) \der{PTHER}{t}, Nt) * where * Nt is the test function for the temperature * * \der{PTHER}{t} ia a FLOTTANT * * (1/(rho cp)) = (R '*' TN) '/' (cp PTHER) * is a CHPOINT with one component ('T'), * with the same discretisation as TN (disct) * MSOUTEM = MATMAS QDOM1 'T' 'T' DISCT DISCT ; * * In the divergence equation, we have * * \div(u) = (-1/(gamma * PTHER)) '*' \der{PTHER}{t} * '+' * ((gamma '-' 1) '/' (gamma '*' PTHER)) \div(lambda \grad(T)) * * Discretisation is perform by the scalar product of the equation with * Np * * Matrix to compute the contribution of \div(lambda \grad(T)) to * the divergence of the speed. * * Surface contributions in QP12P13 (cold inlet), QP24P34 (cold inlet). * At the oulet, we impone natural boundary conditions. Elsewhere, we * have adiabatic surfaces * * * \int_s lambda (grad T) Np \cdot n dS * Here (lambda grad T) is the primal variable * *'DEBPROC' MATFLU ; *'ARGUMENT' _st*'MAILLAGE' ; *'ARGUMENT' discp*'MOT ' ; *'ARGUMENT' nomd*'MOT ' ; *'ARGUMENT' discd*'MOT ' ; *'ARGUMENT' discco*'MOT ' ; *'ARGUMENT' coef*'CHPOINT' ; *'ARGUMENT' discn*'MOT ' ; *'ARGUMENT' nx*'CHPOINT' ; *'ARGUMENT' ny*'CHPOINT' ; * * MSMDCOLD = MATFLU QP12P13 'QUAF' NOMPRE 'LINE' 'LINE' COEFBID 'LINE' NORMX NORMY ; MSMDHOT = MATFLU QP24P34 'QUAF' NOMPRE 'LINE' 'LINE' COEFBID 'LINE' NORMX NORMY ; * * - (\int lambda (grad T) \cdot (grad Np) dV) = * -1. '*' MATLAP * *'DEBPROC' MATLAP ; *'ARGUMENT' _mt*'MAILLAGE' ; *'ARGUMENT' nomt*'MOT ' ; *'ARGUMENT' disct*'MOT ' ; *'ARGUMENT' nomd*'MOT ' ; *'ARGUMENT' discd*'MOT ' ; *'ARGUMENT' discal*'MOT ' ; *'ARGUMENT' alpha*'CHPOINT' ; *'ARGUMENT' discof*'MOT ' ; *'ARGUMENT' coef*'CHPOINT' ; * * MSMDVO = (MATLAP QDOM1 'T' DISCT NOMPRE 'LINE' DISCLA CHLAM 'LINE' COEFBID) '*' -1. ; * * Matrix to compute the contribution of \div(lambda \grad(T)) to * the divergence condition. This matrix has as primal variable both * t ('T') and grad T ('UX', 'UY')! * MSMD = MSMDCOLD 'ET' MSMDHOT 'ET' MSMDVO ; * * Matrix to compute the contribution of * * (-1/(gamma * PTHER)) '*' \der{PTHER}{t} * MSMDIV = MATMAS QDOM1 'SCAL' NOMPRE 'LINE' 'LINE' ; * * Test: DIV U = -u0 * LINJ * 'SI' VRAI ; uinj1 = d1 * (Uc0 '+' Uh0) ; ERRO = (UINJ1 '+' uinj) 'ABS' ; 'SI' (ERRO > 1.0D-10) ; 'ERREUR' 21 ; 'FINSI' ; 'FINS' ; * ************************************************************************* * Temporal loop ********************************************************* ************************************************************************* * TAB1 = 'TABLE' ; TAB1.'TITRE'= TABLE ; TAB1.1='TIRR '; TAB1.2='TIRC '; TAB1.3='REGU '; TITP = 'CHAINE' 'Pressure from BC.' ; * TPS = 0.0 ; * ERRO = 1.0D10 ; ERROT = 1.0D10 ; * TABRESTN = 'TABLE' ; TABRESTN . 'XINIT' = TN ; TABRESUN = 'TABLE' ; 'SI' LOGFI ; TABRESUN . 'XINIT' = UN '+' PN ; 'SINON' ; TABRESUN . 'XINIT' = UN ; TABRESDU = 'TABLE' ; TABRESDU . 'XINIT' = UN '*' 0.0 ; TABRESDP = 'TABLE' ; TABRESDP . 'XINIT' = (PN '*' 0.0) ; 'FINSI' ; * INDITE = 0 ; * UNM = 'COPIER' UN ; TNM = 'COPIER' TN ; * ***************************************** *********** TIME LOOP ******************* ***************************************** * 'REPETER' BL1 NITER ; UNM2 = 'COPIER' UNM ; TNM2 = 'COPIER' TNM ; UNM = 'COPIER' UN ; TNM = 'COPIER' TN ; PTHERM2 = PTHERM ; PTHERM = PTHER ; * **** Time step * TPS = TPS '+' DT ; * **** Pressure and its time variation * PTHER = P0 ; 'SI' (('EGA' &BL1 1) 'OU' LOGBDF1) ; DPTHSDT = (PTHER '-' PTHERM) '/' DT ; 'SINON' ; DPTHSDT = ((3 '*' (PTHER '-' PTHERM)) '-' (PTHERM '-' PTHERM2)) '/' (2. '*' DT) ; 'FINSI' ; * * **** Speeds vary during the time iterations * rhoC = PTHER '/' (R '*' TC) ; rhoH = PTHER '/' (R '*' TH) ; * uC = mC '/' rhoC ; uH = mH '/' rhoH ; * UN3 = UNGEOMC * uc ; UN4 = UNGEOMH * uh ; UNLIM = UN1 '+' UN2 '+' UN3 '+' UN4 ; * *** We have to correct the speed also at the outlet * UN = UN '+' (UNLIM '-' UNLIM1) ; * **** INTERNAL ITERATIONS **************** * 'REPETER' BLINT NINT ; * INDITE = INDITE '+' 1 ; * ************************************************************************ **** Divergence constraint and correction of the speed at the outlet *** ************************************************************************ * * We compute qdiv = (div(u),Npj), Npj being the form function * for the pressure. * * First of all, let us evaluate * * coef (\div (lambda \grad T), Npj) * 'SI' LBOUS ; coef = 0.0 ; 'SINON' ; coef = (gamma '-' 1) '/' (gamma '*' PTHER) ; 'FINSI' ; * * Surface integral contribution * CHPFLU * 'ARGUMENT' _mt*'MAILLAGE' ; * 'ARGUMENT' disct*'MOT ' ; * 'ARGUMENT' T*'CHPOINT' ; * 'ARGUMENT' discd*'MOT ' ; * 'ARGUMENT' discla*'MOT ' ; * 'ARGUMENT' lambda*'CHPOINT' ; * lamgt = CHPFLU QDOM1 DISCT TN 'QUAF' DISCLA CHLAM ; qdiv = MSMD '*' ((coef '*' TN) '+' (coef '*' lamgt)) ; * * Since we are in a open domain, we must know * 1/(gamma P) (dP/dt) * (-1 '*' DPTHSDT '/' (gamma '*' PTHER)) ; qdiv = qdiv '+' (MSMDIV '*' chcoef) ; * * Finally, we correct the speed at the outlet in order to satisfy * \sum divu * cacca = cacca '/' d1 ; * cacca is the increment of average speed which exit from QP12P13 UN5 = UNGEOMO * cacca ; UN = UN '+' UN5 ; UNLIM = UNLIM '+' UN5 ; * * Test: we check whether (MDIV '*' UN) = qdiv * 'SI' (('ABS' cacca) > 1.0D-12) ; VECN = 'VECTEUR' 0.5 UN ; 'TRACER' QDOM1 VECN ('CONTOUR' QDOM1) 'TITRE' 'Speed'; 'ERREUR' 21 ; 'FINSI' ; * * We save the values of PTHER, UN, TN, PN to compute * the convergence error * LOGER = ('EGA' &BLINT 1) 'OU' ('EGA' ((&BLINT '/' NFREQ) '*' NFREQ) &BLINT) ; * 'SI' LOGER ; UNL = 'COPIER' UN ; PNL = 'COPIER' PN ; TNL = 'COPIER' TN ; 'FINSI' ; * * ********************************************************************** *** Tensorial numerical viscosity ************************************ ********************************************************************** * 'SI' LOGUP ; UMOD = (UNTX '*' UNTX) '+' (UNTY '*' UNTY) ; UMOD = UMOD '**' 0.5 ; * We add epsilon to avoid UMOD = 0 UMODEP = UMOD '+' (1.0D-6 '*' u0) ; * * We compute \alpha = \frac{\lambda}{\rho c_p} = * \frac{(\gamma '-' 1) T}{\gamma P} \lambda * * ALPHA = ((gamma '-' 1) '/' (gamma '*' PTHER)) '*' * The reciprocal of Peclet USPE = ALPHA '/' (UMODEP '*' HUP) ; * The reciprocal of Reynolds USRE = Pr '*' USPE ; * GT = -1 '*' (USPE '-' 0.5) ; GT = GT '*' ('MASQUE' GT 'SUPERIEUR' 0.0) ; GT = GT '*' (HUP '/' UMODEP) ; * GV = -1 '*' (USRE '-' 0.5) ; GV = GV '*' ('MASQUE' GV 'SUPERIEUR' 0.0) ; GV = GV '*' (HUP '/' UMODEP) ; * * The tensorial matrix * NUXX = UNTX '*' UNTX ; NUYY = UNTY '*' UNTY ; NUXY = UNTX '*' UNTY ; NUYX = NUXY ; * 'SI' LOGSCAL ; NU1 = (NUXX '+' NUXY) ; NU2 = (NUXX '-' NUXY) ; NU1 = NU1 '+' (NU2 'ABS') ; NU = 0.5 '*' NU1 ; NU1 = (NU '+' NUYX) ; NU2 = (NU '-' NUYX) ; NU1 = NU1 '+' (NU2 'ABS') ; NU = 0.5 '*' NU1 ; NU1 = (NU '+' NUYY) ; NU2 = (NU '-' NUYY) ; NU1 = NU1 '+' (NU2 'ABS') ; NU = 0.5 '*' NU1 ; NUXX = NU ; NUXY = 0 '*' NU ; NUYX = 0 '*' NU ; NUYY = NU ; 'FINSI' ; 'SI' LOGDIA ; NUXY = 0 '*' NUXY ; NUYX = 0 '*' NUYX ; 'FINSI' ; * * Diffusion matrix for the temperature * MLAPTD = MATLAPT QDOM1 'T' DISCT 'T' DISCT 'QUAF' (GT '*' NUXX) (GT '*' NUXY) (GT '*' NUXY) (GT '*' NUYY) 'QUAF' (CHUN '*' BETAUP) ; MLAPVD = (MATLAPT QDOM1 'UX' 'QUAF' 'UX' 'QUAF' 'QUAF' (GV '*' NUXX) (GV '*' NUXY) (GV '*' NUXY) (GV '*' NUYY) 'QUAF' (CHUN '*' BETAUP)) 'ET' (MATLAPT QDOM1 'UY' 'QUAF' 'UY' 'QUAF' 'QUAF' (GV '*' NUXX) (GV '*' NUXY) (GV '*' NUXY) (GV '*' NUYY) 'QUAF' (CHUN '*' BETAUP)) ; 'FINSI' ; * ******************* *** Temperature *** ******************* * * ((u \cdot \grad) T^{n+1}, Nt), LHS * MKONT = MATKT QDOM1 'QUAF' UNTX UNTY 'T' DISCT ; * * (-coef \div (alpha \grad T), Nt), LHS * Contribution of the integral on the volume, LHS * The contribution of the integral of surface have * to be specified (if it is not 0) * * coef = 1 '/' (rho '*' cp) = * = ((gamma '-' 1) '*' TN) '/' (gamma '*' PTHER) * * NB coef = CHPOINT with one component ('SCAL') on DISCT * DISCOF = DISCT ; 'SI' LBOUS ; * * In Boussinesq approx coef = 1 '/' (rho0 '*' cp) * coef = ((gamma '-' 1) '/' (gamma '*' p0)) '*' T0 ; 'SINON' ; COEFL = ((gamma '-' 1) '/' (gamma '*' pther)) '*' 'FINSI' ; MLAPT = (MATLAP QDOM1 'T' DISCT 'T' DISCT DISCLA CHLAM DISCOF COEFL) ; * * Source term * * (coef * Tn,Lt) = coef (Tn,Lt) RHS * * where coef = ((gamma '-' 1) '*' DPTHSDT) '/' (gamma '*' PTHER) * =FLOTTANT * DISCOF = DISCT ; 'SI' LBOUS ; 'SINON' ; COEFL = (((gamma '-' 1) '*' DPTHSDT) '/' (gamma '*' PTHER)) '*' TN ; 'FINSI' ; qtt = MSOUTEM '*' COEFL ; 'SI' (('EGA' &BL1 1) 'OU' LOGBDF1) ; * *** First time iteration: BDF1 * * ((1 '/' dt) T^{n}, Nt), RHS * qtt = qtt '+' (MMASTSDT '*' TNM) ; mtott = mmastsdt 'ET' mkont 'ET' mlapt ; 'SINON' ; qtt = qtt '+' (MMASTSDT '*' ((2 '*' TNM) '-' (0.5 '*' TNM2))) ; mtott = (1.5 '*' mmastsdt) 'ET' mkont 'ET' mlapt ; 'FINSI' ; * * Temperature: LHS, RHS: * 'MESSAGE' ; 'MESSAGE' 'Computation of T' ; 'SI' LOGUP ; mtott = mtott 'ET' mlaptd ; 'FINSI' ; smbt = qtt ; LOGPREC = (&BLINT 'EGA' 1) 'OU' (INDITE 'EGA' 1) 'OU' ('EGA' METINV 'DIRECT') ; 'SI' LOGPREC ; mprect = mtotik ; 'SINON' ; 'SI' (('EGA' ((INDITE '/' NFREQP) '*' NFREQP) INDITE) 'ET' (ERROT > ERROPRE)) ; mprect = mtotik ; 'MESSAGE' 'Computation of preconditioner' ; 'FINSI' ; 'FINSI' ; TN = RESOUP FAUX mtotik mprect smbt (TNLIM) 1.0D-60 NITERT PREC TABRESTN METINV ; * ************* *** Speed *** ************* * * ((1 '/' dt) ux^{n}, Nv), RHS * ((1 '/' dt) uy^{n}, Nv), RHS * 'SI' (('EGA' &BL1 1) 'OU' LOGBDF1) ; * *** First time iteration: BDF1 * qtv = (MMASVSDT '*' UNM) ; mtotv = MMASVSDT ; 'SINON' ; qtv = (MMASVSDT '*' ((2 '*' UNM) '-' (0.5 '*' UNM2))) ; mtotv = 1.5 '*' MMASVSDT ; 'FINSI' ; * * * ((u \cdot \grad) ux^{n+1}, Nv), LHS * ((u \cdot \grad) uy^{n+1}, Nv), LHS * MKONV = (MATKV QDOM1 'QUAF' 'QUAF' UNTX UNTY) ; * * (-coef \div (nu \tau), Nv), LHS * contribution of the integral on the volume, LHS * Contribution of the integral of surface have to be specified * (if it is not 0). * * * coef = 1/rho = (R '/' PTHER) '*' TN * DISCOF = DISCT ; 'SI' LBOUS ; * * coef = RT0/P0 * coef = (R '/' P0) '*' T0 ; 'SINON' ; 'FINSI' ; MLAPV = MATTAU QDOM1 'QUAF' DISCMU DISCOF CHMU COEFL ; * * (coef \dep{p}{x}, Nv), LHS (RHS in projection) * (coef \dep{p}{y}, Nv), LHS (RHS in projection) * contribution of the integral on the volume, RHS * Contribution of the integral of surface have to be specified (if it * is not 0). * * NB coef of gradP and div tau are the same * But gradP is on the RHS, tau in the LHS * MPRE = MATPRE QDOM1 NOMPRE 'LINE' 'QUAF' DISCOF COEFL ; 'SI' ('NON' LOGFI) ; qtv = qtv '+' (MPRE '*' (-1 '*' PN)) ; 'FINSI' ; * * (g ((rho_0 '/' rho) '-' 1) , Nv) j, RHS * 'SI' LBOUS ; * * (g (T/T0 '-' 1) , Nv) j, RHS * CHPO1 = ((TN '/' T0) '-' 1.) '*' g ; 'SINON' ; CHPO1 = ((TN '*' (P0 '/' (T0'*' PTHER))) '-' 1.) '*' g ; 'FINSI' ; qtv = qtv '+' (MSOUGRA '*' CHPO1) ; * * Speed: LHS, RHS * 'SI' LOGFI ; 'MESSAGE' ; 'MESSAGE' 'Computation of U' ; mtotv = mtotv 'ET' MKONV 'ET' MLAPV 'ET' MPRE 'ET' MDIV ; 'SI' LOGUP ; mtotv = mtotv 'ET' mlapvd ; 'FINSI' ; * smbv = qtv '+' qdiv ; * mtotik = 'ET' mtotik mdiv2 ; 'SI' LOGPREC ; mprecufi = mtotik ; 'SINON' ; 'SI' (('EGA' ((INDITE '/' NFREQP) '*' NFREQP) INDITE) 'ET' (ERRO > ERROPRE)) ; mprecufi = mtotik ; 'MESSAGE' 'Computation of preconditioner' ; 'FINSI' ; 'FINSI' ; UNP = RESOUP FAUX mtotik mprecufi smbv UNLIM 1.0D-60 NITERU PREC TABRESUN METINV ; 'SINON' ; UNP = RESOUP FAUX mtotik mprecufi smbv UNLIM 1.0D-16 200 PREC TABRESUN METINV ; 'FINSI' ; 'SINON' ; * **** Speed without divergence constraint * 'MESSAGE' ; 'MESSAGE' 'Computation of Util' ; mtotv = mtotv 'ET' MKONV 'ET' MLAPV ; 'SI' LOGUP ; mtotv = mtotv 'ET' mlapvd ; 'FINSI' ; smbv = qtv ; 'SI' LOGPREC ; mprecut = mtotik ; 'SINON' ; 'SI' (('EGA' ((INDITE '/' NFREQP) '*' NFREQP) INDITE) 'ET' (ERRO > ERROPRE)) ; mprecut = mtotik ; 'MESSAGE' 'Computation of preconditioner' ; 'FINSI' ; 'FINSI' ; UNTIL = RESOUP FAUX mtotik mprecut smbv UNLIM 1.0D-60 NITERUT PREC TABRESUN METINV ; 'SINON' ; UNTIL = RESOUP FAUX mtotik mprecut smbv UNLIM 1.0D-16 'FINSI' ; * **** Dynamic pressure * * First of all, we have to compute the laplacian * of the dynamic pressure increment * * (-coef \div coef1 \grad P, Np), LHS * * coef = -1 * coef1 = 1/rho = (R '/' PTHER) '*' TN * DISCOF = DISCT ; 'SI' LBOUS ; * * coef1 = RT0/P0 * coef1 = (R '/' P0) '*' T0 ; 'SINON' ; 'FINSI' ; MLAPP = (MATLAP QDOM1 NOMPRE 'LINE' NOMPRE 'LINE' DISCOF COEF1 'LINE' COEF) ; 'MESSAGE' ; 'MESSAGE' 'Computation of deltaP' ; qpv = MDIV '*' UNTIL ; qpv = (qpv '-' qdiv) '/' DT ; 'SI' ('NON' (('EGA' &BL1 1) 'OU' LOGBDF1)) ; * ********** BDF2 * qpv = qpv '*' 1.5 ; 'FINSI' ; * 'SI' LOGPREC ; mprecp = mtotik ; 'SINON' ; 'SI' (('EGA' ((INDITE '/' NFREQP) '*' NFREQP) INDITE) 'ET' (ERRO > ERROPRE)) ; mprecp = mtotik ; 'MESSAGE' 'Computation of preconditioner' ; 'FINSI' ; 'FINSI' ; DELTAP = RESOUP FAUX mtotik mprecp qpv PNLIM 1.0D-60 NITERP PREC TABRESDP METINV ; 'SINON' ; DELTAP = RESOUP FAUX mtotik mprecp qpv PNLIM 1.0D-16 200 PREC TABRESDP METINV ; 'FINSI' ; PN = PN '+' DELTAP ; * **** Speed (with divergence constraint) * 'MESSAGE' ; 'MESSAGE' 'Computation of deltaU' ; qtv = MPRE '*' DELTAP ; DELTAU = RESOUP FAUX MMASIK MMASIK qtv DUNLIM 1.0D-16 200 PREC TABRESDU METINV ; UN = UNTIL '-' DELTAU ; 'FINSI' ; * *********************************************** **** Post-treatment and convergence check ***** *********************************************** * 'SI' LOGER ; ERRO = 'MAXIMUM' (UN '-' UNL) 'ABS' ; ERROT = 'MAXIMUM' (TN '-' TNL) 'ABS' ; ERROP = 'MAXIMUM' (PN '-' PNL) 'ABS' ; 'MESSAGE' '***********************************************************' ; 'MESSAGE' ('CHAINE' 'TEMPORAL ITER = ' &BL1 ', TPS = ' TPS ', ERRO = ' ERRO ', INTIT = ' &BLINT) ; 'MESSAGE' '***********************************************************' ; L10 = 'LOG' 10. ; * EVER = 'EVOL' 'MANU' 'it' LIT 'Log(Err)' LER ; L10 = 'LOG' 10. ; LERT = LERT 'ET' LERP = LERP 'ET' 'SI' GRAPH ; TIT = 'CHAINE' 'TPS =' TPS ' , IT = ' &BL1 ' , INTIT = ' &BLINT ; 'SI' (((INDITE '/' (2 '*' NFREQ)) '*' (2 '*' NFREQ)) 'EGA' INDITE) ; 'DESSIN' EVERT 'TITR' ('CHAINE' 'Convergence history (T). ' TIT) 'YBOR' -16. 3 'NCLK' ; * 'DESSIN' EVER 'TITR' 'Convergence history (v)' 'NCLK' ; 'SINON' ; VUN = 'VECTEUR' 0.1 UN ; 'TRACER' TN DOM1 VUN 'TITRE' TIT 'NCLK' ; * EVP = 'EVOL' 'MANU' 'it' LTPS 'Pther' LPMA ; * EVP2 = 'EVOL' 'MANU' 'it' LTPS 'Pther' LPCO ; * 'DESSIN' (EVP 'ET' EVP2) 'TITR' TITP 'LEGE' TAB1 'NCLK' ; 'FINSI' ; 'FINSI' ; 'FINSI' ; 'SI' (ERROT < EPSERR) ; 'QUITTER' BLINT ; 'FINSI' ; * 'FIN' BLINT ; * ***** END OF INTERNAL ITERATIONS * 'FIN' BL1 ; * * ************************************************************************* * End of temporal loop ************************************************** ************************************************************************* * * * 'OUBLIER' RIGIDITE object * 'OUBLIER' MFLU ; 'OUBLIER' MTOTV ; 'OUBLIER' MPRE ; 'OUBLIER' MLAPV ; 'OUBLIER' MKONV ; 'OUBLIER' MTOTT ; 'OUBLIER' MLAPT ; 'OUBLIER' MKONT ; 'OUBLIER' MSMDIV ; 'OUBLIER' MSMD ; 'OUBLIER' MSMD5 ; 'OUBLIER' MSMD4 ; 'OUBLIER' MSMD3 ; 'OUBLIER' MSMD2 ; 'OUBLIER' MSMD1 ; 'OUBLIER' MSOUTEM ; 'OUBLIER' MSOUGRA ; 'OUBLIER' MDIV ; 'OUBLIER' MMASTSDT; 'OUBLIER' MMAST ; 'OUBLIER' MMASVSDT; 'OUBLIER' MMASV ; 'OUBLIER' MLAPTD ; 'OUBLIER' MLAPVD ; * * 'OUBLIER' MATRIK object * 'OUBLIER' MTOTIK ; 'OUBLIER' MMASIK ; 'OUBLIER' MPRECT ; 'OUBLIER' MPRECUT ; 'OUBLIER' MPRECP ; 'OUBLIER' MPRECUFI ; * 'MENAGE' ; * * * 'SI' LBOUS ; * 'OPTION' 'SAUVER' ('CHAINE' REPSAU 'bous' * 'g' ('ENTIER' g) 'Re100' NX '.sauv') ; * 'SINON' ; * 'OPTION' 'SAUVER' ('CHAINE' REPSAU * 'g' ('ENTIER' g) 'Re100' NX '.sauv') ; * 'FINSI' ; * 'SAUVER' ; * * Test on the convergence error * 'SI' LOGFI ; TNFI = 'COPIER' TN ; 'SI' (aa > -5.) ; 'MESSAGE' 'FI: convergerce error inacceptable' ; 'MESSAGE' ('CHAINE' 'erro = ' aa) ; 'ERREUR' 5 ; 'FINSI' ; 'SI' (aa > -5.) ; 'MESSAGE' 'FI: convergerce error inacceptable' ; 'MESSAGE' ('CHAINE' 'erro = ' aa) ; 'ERREUR' 5 ; 'FINSI' ; 'SINON' ; TNPRO = 'COPIER' TN ; 'SI' (aa > -4.) ; 'MESSAGE' 'PROJ: convergerce error inacceptable' ; 'MESSAGE' ('CHAINE' 'erro = ' aa) ; 'ERREUR' 5 ; 'FINSI' ; 'SI' (aa > -4.) ; 'MESSAGE' 'PROJ: convergerce error inacceptable' ; 'MESSAGE' ('CHAINE' 'erro = ' aa) ; 'ERREUR' 5 ; 'FINSI' ; 'FINSI' ; 'FIN' BLMET ; * * Test on the results obatined via the projection and the fully implicit * approach. * 'SI' (ERRO > 1.0D-6) ; 'MESSAGE' 'FI and PROJ give different results!' ; 'MESSAGE' ('CHAINE' 'erro = ' erro) ; 'FINSI' ; 'FIN' ;
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