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  1. C DSTATN SOURCE BP208322 20/02/06 21:15:33 10512
  2. c
  3. c %---------------------------------------------%
  4. c | Initialize statistic and timing information |
  5. c | for nonsymmetric Arnoldi code. |
  6. c %---------------------------------------------%
  7. c
  8. c\Author
  9. c Danny Sorensen Phuong Vu
  10. c Richard Lehoucq CRPC / Rice University
  11. c Dept. of Computational & Houston, Texas
  12. c Applied Mathematics
  13. c Rice University
  14. c Houston, Texas
  15. c
  16. c\SCCS Information: @(#)
  17. c FILE: statn.F SID: 2.4 DATE OF SID: 4/20/96 RELEASE: 2
  18. c
  19. c BP,2020 : suppression des variables de "timing"
  20. c
  21. subroutine dstatn(nopx,nbx,nrorth,nitref,nrstrt)
  22. c
  23. c %--------------------------------%
  24. c | See stat.doc for documentation |
  25. c %--------------------------------%
  26. c
  27. c %-----------------------%
  28. c | Executable Statements |
  29. c %-----------------------%
  30. c
  31. nopx = 0
  32. nbx = 0
  33. nrorth = 0
  34. nitref = 0
  35. nrstrt = 0
  36. c
  37. c tnaupd = 0.0D+0
  38. c tnaup2 = 0.0D+0
  39. c tnaitr = 0.0D+0
  40. c tneigh = 0.0D+0
  41. c tngets = 0.0D+0
  42. c tnapps = 0.0D+0
  43. c tnconv = 0.0D+0
  44. c titref = 0.0D+0
  45. c tgetv0 = 0.0D+0
  46. c trvec = 0.0D+0
  47. c
  48. c %----------------------------------------------------%
  49. c | User time including reverse communication overhead |
  50. c %----------------------------------------------------%
  51. c
  52. c tmvopx = 0.0D+0
  53. c tmvbx = 0.0D+0
  54. c
  55. c return
  56. c
  57. c %---------------%
  58. c | End of dstatn |
  59. c %---------------%
  60. c
  61. end

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