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  1. C CONJP3 SOURCE CB215821 16/04/21 21:15:58 8920
  3. & ga)
  4. C************************************************************************
  5. C
  6. C PROJET : CASTEM 2000
  7. C
  8. C NOM : CONJP3
  9. C
  11. C
  12. C LANGAGE : FORTRAN 77 + ESOPE 2000 (avec estensions CISI)
  13. C
  15. C
  16. C************************************************************************
  17. c----------------------------------------------------------------------
  19. c This subroutine provides jacobian jtl at the interface
  20. c next to wall.
  21. c For full descriptions please see file 'conjp2.eso'.
  22. c----------------------------------------------------------------------
  23. c INPUT:
  24. c
  25. c alpha -- parameter of the AUSM+ scheme in the Pressure function;
  26. c ( -3/4 <= alpha <= 3/16 )
  27. c
  28. c beta -- parameter of the AUSM+ scheme in the Mach function;
  29. c ( -1/16 <= beta <= 1/2 )
  30. c
  31. c wvec_l -- vector of the primitive variables (rho,ux,uy,p) at the
  32. c left cell;
  33. c
  34. c wvec_r -- vector of the primitive variables (rho,ux,uy,p) at the
  35. c right cell;
  36. c
  37. c nvect -- normal vector to the interface (2 components in 2D);
  38. c
  39. c tvect -- tangential vector to the interface;
  40. c
  41. c ga -- ratio of the specific heats (assumed constant)
  42. c----------------------------------------------------------------------
  43. c
  44. c OUTPUT:
  45. c
  46. c jl -- jakobian matrix 4 by 4 - derivatives of the numerical
  47. c flux function with respect to the primitive variables
  48. c from the left cell;
  49. c
  50. c jr -- jakobian matrix 4 by 4 - derivatives of the numerical
  51. c flux function with respect to the conservative variables
  52. c from the right cell.
  53. c----------------------------------------------------------------------
  55. real*8 wvec_l(4),wvec_r(4)
  56. real*8 nvect(2),tvect(2)
  57. real*8 jl(4,4),jr(4,4)
  58. real*8 alpha,beta
  59. real*8 ga, gm1
  60. real*8 n_x,n_y
  61. real*8 un_l, un_r
  62. real*8 ml,mr,Mplus,Mmin
  63. real*8 rold_l,uold_l,vold_l,pold_l,eold_l
  64. real*8 rold_r,uold_r,vold_r,pold_r,eold_r
  65. real*8 Pplus,Pmin
  66. real*8 temp_l,temp_r,brac_l,brac_r
  67. real*8 aleft, arigh, am
  68. real*8 damr_l,damr_r,damu_l,damu_r
  69. real*8 damv_l,damv_r,damp_l,damp_r
  70. real*8 dmlr_l,dmlr_r,dmlu_l,dmlu_r
  71. real*8 dmlv_l,dmlv_r,dmlp_l,dmlp_r
  72. real*8 dmrr_l,dmrr_r,dmru_l,dmru_r
  73. real*8 dmrv_l,dmrv_r,dmrp_l,dmrp_r
  74. real*8 dPpr_l,dPpr_r,dPpu_l,dPpu_r
  75. real*8 dPpv_l,dPpv_r,dPpp_l,dPpp_r
  76. real*8 dPmr_l,dPmr_r,dPmu_l,dPmu_r
  77. real*8 dPmv_l,dPmv_r,dPmp_l,dPmp_r
  78. real*8 dpir_l,dpir_r,dpiu_l,dpiu_r
  79. real*8 dpiv_l,dpiv_r,dpip_l,dpip_r
  80. real*8 tcoef,bcoef
  81. integer i
  82. parameter(alpha = 0.1875D0, beta = 0.125D0)
  83. c-----------------------
  84. gm1=ga-1.0d0
  85. c-----------------------
  86. n_x=nvect(1)
  87. n_y=nvect(2)
  88. c----------------------------
  89. c-----------------------
  90. rold_l=wvec_l(1)
  91. uold_l=wvec_l(2)
  92. vold_l=wvec_l(3)
  93. pold_l=wvec_l(4)
  94. c-----------------------
  95. rold_r=wvec_r(1)
  96. uold_r=wvec_r(2)
  97. vold_r=wvec_r(3)
  98. pold_r=wvec_r(4)
  99. c-----------------------
  100. eold_l=(uold_l*uold_l+vold_l*vold_l)/2.0d0
  101. eold_l=eold_l+pold_l/(gm1*rold_l)
  102. eold_r=(uold_r*uold_r+vold_r*vold_r)/2.0d0
  103. eold_r=eold_r+pold_r/(gm1*rold_r)
  104. c-------------------------------------------------------------------
  105. c Computation of the speed of sound and its derivatives
  106. c---------------------------------------------------------------------
  107. aleft=SQRT(ga*pold_l/rold_l)
  108. arigh=SQRT(ga*pold_r/rold_r)
  109. am=0.5d0*(aleft+arigh)
  110. c--------------------------------------------------------------------
  111. damr_r=-arigh/(4.0d0*rold_r)
  112. damu_r=0.0d0
  113. damv_r=0.0d0
  114. damp_r=ga/(4.0d0*arigh*rold_r)
  115. c-----------------------
  116. damr_l=-aleft/(4.0d0*rold_l)
  117. damu_l=0.0d0
  118. damv_l=0.0d0
  119. damp_l=ga/(4.0d0*aleft*rold_l)
  120. c----------------------------------------------------------------------
  121. c computing numerical Mach number and its derivatives
  122. c----------------------------------------------------------------------
  123. un_l=uold_l*n_x+vold_l*n_y
  124. un_r=uold_r*n_x+vold_r*n_y
  125. c----------------------------------------
  126. ml=un_l/am
  127. mr=un_r/am
  128. c-------------------------------------
  129. c Mplus and Mmin are calligraphic
  130. c lettes M+ and M- from the paper
  131. c-------------------------------------
  132. if(ABS(ml) .ge. 1.0d0) then
  133. Mplus=(ml+ABS(ml))/2.0d0
  134. else
  135. Mplus=(ml+1.0d0)*(ml+1.0d0)/4.0d0
  136. Mplus=Mplus+beta*(ml*ml-1.0d0)*(ml*ml-1.0d0)
  137. endif
  138. c-----------------
  139. if(ABS(mr) .ge. 1.0d0) then
  140. Mmin=(mr-ABS(mr))/2.0d0
  141. else
  142. Mmin=-(mr-1.0d0)*(mr-1.0d0)/4.0d0
  143. Mmin=Mmin-beta*(mr*mr-1.0d0)*(mr*mr-1.0d0)
  144. endif
  145. c---------------------------------------
  146. c Derivatives of ml and mr with respect
  147. c to both sets of primitive variables:
  148. c left and right
  149. c--------------------------------------
  150. temp_l=-un_l/(am*am)
  151. temp_r=-un_r/(am*am)
  152. c--------
  153. dmlr_l=temp_l*damr_l
  154. dmlr_r=temp_l*damr_r
  155. dmrr_l=temp_r*damr_l
  156. dmrr_r=temp_r*damr_r
  157. c--------
  158. dmlu_l=n_x/am+temp_l*damu_l
  159. dmlu_r=temp_l*damu_r
  160. dmru_l=temp_r*damu_l
  161. dmru_r=n_x/am+temp_r*damu_r
  162. c--------
  163. dmlv_l=n_y/am+temp_l*damv_l
  164. dmlv_r=temp_l*damv_r
  165. dmrv_l=temp_r*damv_l
  166. dmrv_r=n_y/am+temp_r*damv_r
  167. c--------
  168. dmlp_l=temp_l*damp_l
  169. dmlp_r=temp_l*damp_r
  170. dmrp_l=temp_r*damp_l
  171. dmrp_r=temp_r*damp_r
  172. c---------------------------------------------------------------
  173. c Computing the calligraphic P+ and P- with their derivatives
  174. c---------------------------------------------------------------
  175. if(ml .ge. 1.0d0) then
  176. Pplus = 1.0d0
  177. else
  178. if((ml .gt. -1.0d0) .and. (ml .lt. 1.0d0)) then
  179. Pplus=(ml+1.0d0)*(ml+1.0d0)*(2.0d0-ml)/4.0d0
  180. Pplus=Pplus+alpha*ml*(ml*ml-1.0d0)*(ml*ml-1.0d0)
  181. else
  182. Pplus = 0.0d0
  183. endif
  184. endif
  185. c---------------------------------------------------------------
  186. if(mr .ge. 1.0d0) then
  187. Pmin = 0.0d0
  188. else
  189. if((mr .gt. -1.0d0) .and. (mr .lt. 1.0d0)) then
  190. Pmin=(mr-1.0d0)*(mr-1.0d0)*(2.0d0+mr)/4.0d0
  191. Pmin=Pmin-alpha*mr*(mr*mr-1.0d0)*(mr*mr-1.0d0)
  192. else
  193. Pmin = 1.0d0
  194. endif
  195. endif
  196. c---------------------------------------------------------------
  197. brac_l=(ml+1.0d0)*(2.0d0-ml)/2.0d0-(ml+1.0d0)*(ml+1.0d0)/4.0d0
  198. brac_l=brac_l+alpha*(ml*ml-1.0d0)*(ml*ml-1.0d0)
  199. brac_l=brac_l+4.0d0*alpha*ml*ml*(ml*ml-1.0d0)
  200. c--------------
  201. brac_r=(mr-1.0d0)*(2.0d0+mr)/2.0d0+(mr-1.0d0)*(mr-1.0d0)/4.0d0
  202. brac_r=brac_r-alpha*(mr*mr-1.0d0)*(mr*mr-1.0d0)
  203. brac_r=brac_r-4.0d0*alpha*mr*mr*(mr*mr-1.0d0)
  204. c---------------------------------------------------------------
  205. if((ml .gt. -1.0d0) .and. (ml .lt. 1.0d0)) then
  206. dPpr_l=brac_l*dmlr_l
  207. dPpr_r=brac_l*dmlr_r
  208. c------------
  209. dPpu_l=brac_l*dmlu_l
  210. dPpu_r=brac_l*dmlu_r
  211. c------------
  212. dPpv_l=brac_l*dmlv_l
  213. dPpv_r=brac_l*dmlv_r
  214. c------------
  215. dPpp_l=brac_l*dmlp_l
  216. dPpp_r=brac_l*dmlp_r
  217. c------------
  218. else
  219. dPpr_l=0.0d0
  220. dPpr_r=0.0d0
  221. c-----------
  222. dPpu_l=0.0d0
  223. dPpu_r=0.0d0
  224. c-----------
  225. dPpv_l=0.0d0
  226. dPpv_r=0.0d0
  227. c-----------
  228. dPpp_l=0.0d0
  229. dPpp_r=0.0d0
  230. c-----------
  231. endif
  232. c---------------------------------------------------------------
  233. if((mr .gt. -1.0d0) .and. (mr .lt. 1.0d0)) then
  234. dPmr_l=brac_r*dmrr_l
  235. dPmr_r=brac_r*dmrr_r
  236. c------------
  237. dPmu_l=brac_r*dmru_l
  238. dPmu_r=brac_r*dmru_r
  239. c------------
  240. dPmv_l=brac_r*dmrv_l
  241. dPmv_r=brac_r*dmrv_r
  242. c------------
  243. dPmp_l=brac_r*dmrp_l
  244. dPmp_r=brac_r*dmrp_r
  245. c------------
  246. else
  247. dPmr_l=0.0d0
  248. dPmr_r=0.0d0
  249. c-----------
  250. dPmu_l=0.0d0
  251. dPmu_r=0.0d0
  252. c-----------
  253. dPmv_l=0.0d0
  254. dPmv_r=0.0d0
  255. c-----------
  256. dPmp_l=0.0d0
  257. dPmp_r=0.0d0
  258. c-----------
  259. endif
  260. c---------------------------------------------------------------------
  261. c computing pmid -- p_{1/2} and its derivatives
  262. c---------------------------------------------------------------------
  263. dpir_l=dPpr_l*pold_l+dPmr_l*pold_r
  264. dpiu_l=dPpu_l*pold_l+dPmu_l*pold_r
  265. dpiv_l=dPpv_l*pold_l+dPmv_l*pold_r
  266. dpip_l=dPpp_l*pold_l+Pplus+dPmp_l*pold_r
  267. c----------------------------
  268. dpir_r=dPpr_r*pold_l+dPmr_r*pold_r
  269. dpiu_r=dPpu_r*pold_l+dPmu_r*pold_r
  270. dpiv_r=dPpv_r*pold_l+dPmv_r*pold_r
  271. dpip_r=dPpp_r*pold_l+Pmin+dPmp_r*pold_r
  272. c---------------------------------------------------------------------
  273. c !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JACOBIAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  274. c---------------------------------------------------------------------
  275. jl(1,1)=0.0D0
  276. jl(1,2)=0.0D0
  277. jl(1,3)=0.0D0
  278. jl(1,4)=0.0D0
  279. c------------------------------------
  280. jr(1,1)=0.0D0
  281. jr(1,2)=0.0D0
  282. jr(1,3)=0.0D0
  283. jr(1,4)=0.0D0
  284. c------------------------------------
  285. ccccc f222222222222 -------------
  286. c------------------------------------
  287. c---------------------------------------------------------
  288. jl(2,1)=n_x*dpir_l
  289. c-------------------
  290. jl(2,2)=n_x*dpiu_l
  291. c-------------------
  292. jl(2,3)=n_x*dpiv_l
  293. c-------------------
  294. jl(2,4)=n_x*dpip_l
  295. c-------------------------------------------------------------
  296. jr(2,1)=n_x*dpir_r
  297. c-------------------
  298. jr(2,2)=n_x*dpiu_r
  299. c-------------------
  300. jr(2,3)=n_x*dpiv_r
  301. c-------------------
  302. jr(2,4)=n_x*dpip_r
  303. c-------------------------------------------------------------
  304. c------------ f33333333333333333333 ---------------------
  305. c-------------------------------------------------------------
  306. jl(3,1)=n_y*dpir_l
  307. c-------------------
  308. jl(3,2)=n_y*dpiu_l
  309. c-------------------
  310. jl(3,3)=n_y*dpiv_l
  311. c-------------------
  312. jl(3,4)=n_y*dpip_l
  313. c-------------------------------------------------------------
  314. jr(3,1)=n_y*dpir_r
  315. c-------------------
  316. jr(3,2)=n_y*dpiu_r
  317. c-------------------
  318. jr(3,3)=n_y*dpiv_r
  319. c-------------------
  320. jr(3,4)=n_y*dpip_r
  321. c-------------------------------------------------------------
  322. c ------ f44444444444444444444444444444 ---------
  323. c-------------------------------------------------------------
  324. jl(4,1)=0.0D0
  325. c---------------------
  326. jl(4,2)=0.0D0
  327. c---------------------
  328. jl(4,3)=0.0D0
  329. c---------------------
  330. jl(4,4)=0.0D0
  331. c----------------------------------------------------------
  332. c----------------------------------------------------------
  333. jr(4,1)=0.0D0
  334. c---------------------
  335. jr(4,2)=0.0D0
  336. c---------------------
  337. jr(4,3)=0.0D0
  338. c---------------------
  339. jr(4,4)=0.0D0
  340. c----------------------------------------------------------
  341. c-----------------------------
  342. tcoef=nvect(1)*tvect(2)+tvect(1)*nvect(2)
  343. bcoef=nvect(1)*tvect(2)-tvect(1)*nvect(2)
  344. c-----------------------------
  345. do 11 i=1,4
  346. jl(i,1)=jl(i,1)+jr(i,1)
  347. jl(i,2)=jl(i,2)+jr(i,2)*(-tcoef/bcoef)+
  348. & jr(i,3)*2.0d0*nvect(1)*tvect(1)/bcoef
  349. jl(i,3)=jl(i,3)+jr(i,2)*(-2.0d0*nvect(2)*tvect(2)/bcoef)+
  350. & jr(i,3)*tcoef/bcoef
  351. jl(i,4)=jl(i,4)+jr(i,4)
  352. 11 continue
  353. c----------------------------------------------------------------------
  354. return
  355. end

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